What more could a GA shooter Mommy do?

Don’t they have a tornado warning or a speaker communication? Red light flashing? Fire alarm.

Scream out, kids run. Do not go near Colt. They had the name! On speakers, Teachers stop him, Take him down. Don’t let him in his backpack. Don't let him leave the room. Better safe than sorry. Football players hold him down! Now! Right now! Had 1/2 hour notice.

For the love of Christ Almighty, do something!!!
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**She (GA mother) called in. They messed it up? Had plenty of warning time (1/2 hour). Uvalda, TX left the door open.

According to reports, Marcee told family members via text messages that she called the high school the morning of the shooting and warned a counselor about an “extreme emergency” involving her 14-year-old son Colt Gray.

The claims are supported by call log data showing a 10-minute phone call from Marcee‘s phone to the school about half an hour before the gunman began firing.
The text message from Marcee reads, “ I was the one that notified the school counselor at the high school.”

“I told them it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [my son] to check on him.”

According to the shooter’s sister, Annie Brown, a counselor told Marcee during the call that her son Colt had been talking about school shootings earlier in the morning.

The report states that school administrators had gone to check on the boy, but due to a mix-up with names, they were unable to locate him and ended up confiscating the wrong student’s bag just minutes before the shooting took place.

Not given an AR 15 to a kid who has already made threats?

Called the police?

Taken the gun away?

Kept the kid home?

Had him committed for a psych eval?

There are a million things she could have done to stop this, starting with setting a better example for her own child.
AND! a counselor told Marcee during the call that her son Colt had been talking about school shootings earlier in the morning.

How much warning do you need? They did nothing.
How commie pinko are you going to be by taking a gun away from a 14 year old patriot good guy with a gun?

At least stick to taking AR's from active shooters first.
Just leave the kids with guns alone if they haven't committed murder on their classmates!

Maybe 14 year olf boys would feel more accepted by the other kids if they displayed their AR's on a rack in their pickup trucks? Rather than making them feel like outcasts for keeping them hidden in a backpack.

That always used to work, before the commies started to take away children's 2A rights!
all youre doing is showing what a moron you and other canadians are,,
Not given an AR 15 to a kid who has already made threats?

Called the police?

Taken the gun away?

Kept the kid home?

Had him committed for a psych eval?

There are a million things she could have done to stop this, starting with setting a better example for her own child.

Nice deflection you Baboon. She called the school yet they did nothing useful. SHUP in my thread you dishonest deep state defending old hack.
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Not given an AR 15 to a kid who has already made threats?

Called the police?

Taken the gun away?

Kept the kid home?

Had him committed for a psych eval?

There are a million things she could have done to stop this, starting with setting a better example for her own child.
All infringements on a kid's 2A rights.

What could a shrink say about a good kid who used his AR for hunting with his dad?
The school identified the wrong kid. They had a mix up in the names.

Colt Gray experienced some pretty horrific bullying. It went.way beyond saying mean things. The other students started pinching him and touching him. No wonder he was driven insane. This is an ideal case for a Burning Bed defense.
Lock. Him. Up. For good.
It’s like these Leftist board maggots don’t even have a minimum grasp on reality? Or the ability to read and apply logic 101? WTH! They are truly lost, stupid and hopeless. Keel DEM all. Countries can’t survive this level of stupid. They must be eliminated.
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Not given an AR 15 to a kid who has already made threats?

Called the police?

Taken the gun away?

Kept the kid home?

Had him committed for a psych eval?

There are a million things she could have done to stop this, starting with setting a better example for her own child.
All she could do was call the police, which she did. Notice she's not being charged with anything.
Its like these Leftist board maggots don’t even have a minimum grasp on reality? Or the abity to read and apply logic? WTH! They are truly lost, stupid and hopeless. Kill DEM all.
I'm thinking about reporting your violent outbursts.
Nice deflection you Baboon. She called the school they did nothing useful. SHUP in my thread you deep state defending dishonest old hack.
Who's defecting? Or maybe you don't understand the term.

And if you can't handle a little criticism this may not be the right place for you, Snowflake.

What did she say to the school?
This shooting has expired. Can we move on to Kentucky's hiway shoot up. I think there were even more dead in that one?
Lying witch. You posted “What could she have done? Taken the gun from her mentally disturbed kid before he wasted 4 people.”
As you desperately try to defend the School. In a half 1/2 hour I can run miles. Uh…therwas time to stop the Tranny.

That’s exactly what you do. RUSH in and jump the SOB 1/2 hour before he acts. You really are in a low class IQ grouping. Just a dirty old cow. Yech!
You can run miles? I'd believe you if you said you could run your mouth! But miles? You gotta prove that!

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