NATO is lacking: Ya' think?

Why is it America's to win or lose?

Where the fuck is the rest of the world?
Which country has nearly 1,000 military bases around the world?
You are a sad little man. You claim that the US is the strongest in the world, but as soon as you hear that somewhere the US got its ass kicked, you get outraged - where is the rest of the world?!
Which country has nearly 1,000 military bases around the world?
You are a sad little man. You claim that the US is the strongest in the world, but as soon as you hear that somewhere the US got its ass kicked, you get outraged - where is the rest of the world?!
No... the Americans... any any Allies that feel like joining in the fun... need to carpet-bomb Houthi strongholds & auxiliary bases.

With an air-army of lethal drones to kill-off any Houthi Militia survivors... and Special Ops troops to assassinate their leaders.

A bullet in the back of the head of Houthi leadership would probably work wonders... :cool:
Oh, everyone has a right to express their opinions here in the US, alright, although not in your Mother Russia.

And everyone has a right to call bull$hit on your Russian dictator-inspired Russkie a$$-kissing propaganda here... :fu:
You are one of very few people who can double-down and tripple-down with obsurd convictions within three short sentences.
If you feel totally useless, remember that the US spent 2 trillion dollars, 4 presidents and 20 years to change Taliban to Taliban and you will feel better.
No... the Americans... any any Allies that feel like joining in the fun... need to carpet-bomb Houthi strongholds & auxiliary bases.

With an air-army of lethal drones to kill-off any Houthi Militia survivors... and Special Ops troops to assassinate their leaders.

A bullet in the back of the head of Houthi leadership would probably work wonders... :cool:
Stop watching Hollyood crap like Red Dawn on a loop, how old are you ten?
Why did the U.S. go to war against Iraq at one time?
Well, they said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
Will they now start a war against North Korea?
Nope, they won't.
Why not?
Because North Korea does have them!
Why did the U.S. go to war against Iraq at one time?
Well, they said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
Will they now start a war against North Korea?
Nope, they won't.
Why not?
Because North Korea does have them!

North Korea does not have any oil
If you feel totally useless, remember that the US spent 2 trillion dollars, 4 presidents and 20 years to change Taliban to Taliban and you will feel better.

Yep, and during that same time China was spending money building ports and infrastructure in countries all over the world, including our side of the globe...and then we whine that China is gaining too much influence.... :eusa_wall:
We lost Vietnam because we did not have the stomach to do what it took to win.
You couldn't win that sort of war because the people the US were fighting had a reason to fight, they were not 12000 miles from home they were fighting for their Country and their people, by the time the Americans showed up they had been fighting the French Colonialists for years and the Japanese in between some of those Vietnamese fighters had been in the jungle for decades.

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