Israeli Torture And Rape

Um. The attacked happened in Israel to Israelis. Its not like there were UN "special rapporteurs" with clipboards and pencils at the site of a genocidal atrocity. If your standard is not to accept testimony from Israelis, because "Israelis are unreliable", well ...
Israel is refusing to allow a UN forensics team follow up on the allegations. Why raise a claim as a potential war crime when you have no intention of allowing the war crime investigators to investigate the claims? Perhaps all they wanted was for the UN to produce the report so they could leverage it for propaganda value.

The Israelis are liars, obvious conclusion given what I've seen from the regime over the thirty years or more that I've been observing.
A humble request to all:

I know that this is a volatile topic but could we please ease up on the insults.
They do little to persuade and are unnecessary when the facts are on your side.


Israel is refusing to allow a UN forensics team follow up on the allegations. Why raise a claim as a potential war crime when you have no intention of allowing the war crime investigators to investigate the claims? Perhaps all they wanted was for the UN to produce the report so they could leverage it for propaganda value.

The Israelis are liars, obvious conclusion given what I've seen from the regime over the thirty years or more that I've been observing.

You can just feel the desperation as Netanyahu's army of full time genocidal shills as they attempt to obfuscate the most ruthless and barbaric genocide of this century with fake atrocity stories.

Pro Israel MSM, AI and Ziono-Pedia are predictably complicit with Israel's paid, trained and scripted army of Hasbara trolls in trivializing or ignoring the real Zionist genocide, torture, rape and humiliation while fixating on Zionist shock propaganda about "headless babies" and fake rape stories:

"Fact Sheet: Israel’s History of Spreading Disinformation"

"Claims of rape - October 2023"
"Israeli officials circulated claims that Hamas fighters raped women during their attack on October 7, which were widely repeated in the US media and by US politicians, including President Biden during an address on national television. However, on October 10 an Israeli military spokesperson told a journalist from the Forward, Arno Rosenfeld, that Israel “does not yet have any evidence of rape having occurred during Saturday’s attack or its aftermath” and more than a week later Israel has yet to provide any proof. Journalist Rosenfeld also traced how the story spread based largely on claims made by people who didn’t actually say they witnessed the alleged rapes." CONTINUED


The Israeli government has been lying to anyone gullible enough to believe it since its bloody inception.

They lied when they firebombed American targets and blamed the Egyptians in 1954 (1) and they're lying, now, about these fake rapes.



EXCERPT "In 1954, Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Egyptian Muslims as the culprits. The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring.

Some of the spies were from Israel, while others were recruited from the local Jewish population. Israel responded to the scandal with claims in the media that there was no spy ring, that it was all a hoax perpetrated by "anti-Semites".

But as the public trial progressed, it was evident that Israel had indeed been behind the bombing."CONTINUED
A humble request to all:

I know that this is a volatile topic but could we please ease up on the insults.
They do little to persuade and are unnecessary when the facts are on your side.


You mean insults like these?

You can just feel the desperation as Netanyahu's army of full time genocidal shills as they attempt to obfuscate the most ruthless and barbaric genocide of this century with fake atrocity stories.

Pro Israel MSM, AI and Ziono-Pedia are predictably complicit with Israel's paid, trained and scripted army of Hasbara trolls in trivializing or ignoring the real Zionist genocide, torture, rape and humiliation while fixating on Zionist shock propaganda about "headless babies" and fake rape stories:
A humble request to all:

I know that this is a volatile topic but could we please ease up on the insults.
They do little to persuade and are unnecessary when the facts are on your side.

So are you saying that the people on your side should stop calling Jews who support Israel “Nazis” and “Himmler”? And lying about Israel committing genocide, as you just did?
Right, when it’s the word of the devious JOOS! It’s “alleged”. But when it come to the crimes alleged by the terrorist organization HAMAS, it’s gospel.

I just posted proof that the Zionist claims of rape are just as false (1) as your "headless babies" lie.

If you were as bright as you are snarky you would have noticed that about half of my sources have been written by "JOOS"


"An anti Semite used to be someone who hates Jews.

Now, an anti Semite is someone that Jews hate."

By Gilad Atzmon

(1) Post # 365
So are you saying that the people on your side should stop calling Jews who support Israel “Nazis” and “Himmler”? And lying about Israel committing genocide, as you just did?

I have repeatedly posted sources written by Israelis and Jews condemning Netanyahu's genocidal agenda in Gaza.

I have no control over people who are blind to the obvious systematic mass murder in Gaza.

How ironic that you are so vexed at a simple appeal for civility.
Israel is refusing to allow a UN forensics team follow up on the allegations. Why raise a claim as a potential war crime when you have no intention of allowing the war crime investigators to investigate the claims? Perhaps all they wanted was for the UN to produce the report so they could leverage it for propaganda value.

The UN team had access to the forensics facilities and morgues in Israel; the sites of the atrocities; 5000 photographs, over 50 hours of video footage; and interviews with survivors, witnesses, hostages, first responders, and others. This information is adequate to conclude: "Based on the information gathered by the mission team from multiple and independent sources, there are reasonable grounds to believe that conflict-related sexual violence occurred during the 7 October attacks in multiple locations across Gaza periphery, including rape and gang rape, in at least three locations." and: "At the Nova music festival and its surroundings, there are reasonable grounds to believe that multiple incidents of sexual violence took place with victims being subjected to rape and/or gang rape and then killed or killed while being raped."

My understanding, which comes from reading the UN report, is that access to some resources and evidence was restricted due to the nature and scope of the atrocities and due to Jewish religious customs regarding burial and NOT because they were prevented by Israeli authorities.

Further, my understanding of the rape survivors testimony is that those who had come forward were under-going specialized treatment for an overwhelming level of trauma. Again, this is not Israel preventing investigation.
I don't know. Am I part of the "army of genocidal shills"?

That's not my impression but you know better than I .

Do you support what international law, Jews and non Jews around the world regard as a genocide?

My request for civility was an attempt to move away from relying on insults and sticking to facts.

That's not my impression but you know better than I .

Do you support what international law, Jews and non Jews around the world regard as a genocide?

My request for civility was an attempt to move away from relying on insults and sticking to facts.

Oh, I agree that we should limit insults and stick to facts. I just include ALL of the insults, of which, "genocidal shills" is certainly one. I join you in the request for more civility and factual information.

I absolutely support Israel's obligation to protect its citizens in a war of self-defense within the constraints of the laws of armed conflict and international humanitarian law.

There has been no investigation of, and there is no factual evidence for Israel's guilt of the crime of genocide. Any claim of a genocide is reliant on emotions and opinions, and only emotions and opinions. An insult, as it were.
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