Is there anybody trump hasn't threatened?

Nobody executed anyone, and calling the capital police "goose steppers" is so blatantly un-American you should be deported immediately.
Talk about balls. That poster had the audacity to call those police officer's Perlosi's goosesteppers while at the same time the MAGA cult applauds Trump meeting with & praising Victor Orban who turned Hungary into an anti Democracy hellhole & make excuses for Trump's praise of murderous war criminals like Putin.

The craveness & hypocrisy is astounding.
Talk about balls. That poster had the audacity to call those police officer's Perlosi's goosesteppers while at the same time the MAGA cult applauds Trump meeting with & praising Victor Orban who turned Hungary into an anti Democracy hellhole & make excuses for Trump's praise of murderous war criminals like Putin.

The craveness & hypocrisy is astounding.
Orban turned Hungary into a place safe from terrorism and a good place to raise a family.
Thanks for admitting that YOUR party seems to be the one who not only threatens violence but carries it out. Seems that they threatened LAWFARE and carried that out too. Were there any political prosecutions initiated by Trump? Nope. You should stop projecting.
Trump has made loads of accusations claiming illegal activity. None of them met the credibility standard. They were nothing more than a child slinging false accusations. Remember all those cases he tried to bring claiming the election was stolen? All laughed out of court.
Trump has made loads of accusations claiming illegal activity. None of them met the credibility standard. They were nothing more than a child slinging false accusations. Remember all those cases he tried to bring claiming the election was stolen? All laughed out of court.
The Democrats are the party of lawfare and jailing political opponents.
If you support trump, you are fascist. What was the threat?
This guy threatened me
If you support trump, you are fascist.


Idiotic crap like THIS ^^^ is why the left is being sent packing.

That and the 100% inflation in grocery prices.

Leftards are clueless and insane. They've lost their marbles.
Yawn, a mostly peaceful riot--you know like the BLM/Antifa summer of love. The difference is the only fatality on J6 was the summary execution of an unarmed trespasser by Piglosi's capital goosesteppers.
It was a violent domestic terrorist attack by Trump’s fascist brownshirts seeking to harm – and even kill – members of congress to overturn a lawful election and the will of the people.

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