As if this isn't enough

I'm reading all of this guy's X posts and he's really, really pro-Russian. Is he one of the American "influencers" who are being paid by Putin and his thugs to underrmine American democracy, or is he just another rabid right wing "useful idiot"?

When your politics and your beliefs align with the those of the man who's publically stated life's goal is the destruction of western democracy, you might want to reconsider who you're listening to.

Still parroting that "Pants on Fire" lie, Polly? The Committee handed all of its evidence over to Jack Smith, and all of it has been given to Trump as part of Discovery.

You want some wine with those crackers, Polly????

The Republican congressman overseeing the investigation into the committee’s work has not said any records were destroyed,

Oh, he has not said. Thanks for the laugh.
Not at all. I'm not living in a fantasy land where the guy who killed over a million people pretending covid wasn't happening, and then crashed the economy failing to deal with it, is the greatest President ever, even as more women are dying from overturning Roe.

Trump said he would run the nation like he did his companies and he has. Debt, failure, fraud and bankruptcy. That's how Trump ran his companies. He stole from his investors, his subtrades, and the municipalities he victimized. Nothing changed. The payoffs just got bigger for Trump.

Trump was in the middle of fraud trial when he was elected President.

At times I want to give you a break. As you claim to very intelligent (albeit retired after a very short lifetime working 30 yr paralegal career in Canada). Your new existence is w/o a car in small town CANADA walking everywhere even in winter.

Then I read the attack on business owners void of any sort of true business knowledge and it is appalling. You live and breathe commee but you have never really been responsible to work in the real world I suppose? you are like Obiden w/o a clue. Business buy and sell other business routinely. Most startups fail.....that can show a bankruptcy if you bought them on risk. To work since the 70s' accumulating $100's of Billions and with buildings worldwide is no easy feat. trust me on that//

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