As if this isn't enough

I'm reading all of this guy's X posts and he's really, really pro-Russian. Is he one of the American "influencers" who are being paid by Putin and his thugs to underrmine American democracy, or is he just another rabid right wing "useful idiot"?

When your politics and your beliefs align with the those of the man who's publically stated life's goal is the destruction of western democracy, you might want to reconsider who you're listening to.
As you can already see from the few knuckledraggers that have responded OP, it's a cult and they're not moving.

They've chosen to drink the Kool-Aid, they're going to die for their leader. (e.g. the Babbit lemming)

We sensible Americans have to TAKE the power from him.

This will happen come November.

Don't worry.

If you take time and extra work to bold every other word you have too much idle time. No value added. If you somehow figured out a script file….that is marginally less ridiculous.
And keep killing each other. Destroy the neighborhoods as you love to do. Use the inner-city citizens and those with agendas as your brownshirts. Eventually they will be silenced or liquidated when the Progressives take full control. Trump is talking sense and has people from all sides of the political spectrum except the loonies in charge of the Progressive Party and any sell out fraud Republicans.

Another lying promoter of Russian propaganda right here.

More evidence that we are not dealing with mentally balanced, rational people.

None of Trump's followers posting in this forum are mentally balanced, rational people. All of you believe things that never happened based on the word of a convicted felon and conman, who just admitted he's been lying to you for four years.
But now that Trump has a record to run on, and is clearly losing what is left of his mind, this is getting ugly, and it's going to get worse. Where Joe had people who cared about him to gell him "You can't do this any more", and he has both the wisdom and the love of country, to step aside, Trump has no one, and he wouldn't listen to them anyway.
Because he is running to stay out of jail.
If you take time and extra work to bold every other word you have too much idle time. No value added. If you somehow figured out a script file….that is marginally less ridiculous.
Can't help noticing how no trumper has offered any defense for what trump has done or his incomprehensible answer to the child care question.
Project much? :rofl:

Not at all. I'm not living in a fantasy land where the guy who killed over a million people pretending covid wasn't happening, and then crashed the economy failing to deal with it, is the greatest President ever, even as more women are dying from overturning Roe.

Trump said he would run the nation like he did his companies and he has. Debt, failure, fraud and bankruptcy. That's how Trump ran his companies. He stole from his investors, his subtrades, and the municipalities he victimized. Nothing changed. The payoffs just got bigger for Trump.

Trump was in the middle of fraud trial when he was elected President.
Not at all. I'm not living in a fantasy land where the guy who killed over a million people pretending covid wasn't happening, and then crashed the economy failing to deal with it, is the greatest President ever, even as more women are dying from overturning Roe.

Trump said he would run the nation like he did his companies and he has. Debt, failure, fraud and bankruptcy. That's how Trump ran his companies. He stole from his investors, his subtrades, and the municipalities he victimized. Nothing changed. The payoffs just got bigger for Trump.

Trump was in the middle of fraud trial when he was elected President.
Nothing matters to them because they think trump will cut their taxes, get to keep the guns no one is coming for, solve the immigration he blocked a solution for, magically make inflation go away (the Fed has already brought it nearly down to their target), and return the economy to the good one he inherited from Obama before he juiced it with a deficit fueled tax cut for the rich.

All the time forgetting about his lawlessness, constant chaos, and abject stupidity.
More evidence that we are not dealing with mentally balanced, rational people.

Those three families bamboozled everyone for decades.

They exposed themselves.

One side shunned them.

One side accepted them with open arms.

What do rational people do with that information?

Yes, the Russians are right in the room with us right now and participating in this discussion as they have been since 2015.

The question is why are you siding with the people who have a stated their goal is to destroy your country? Why are you backing the candidate they want to see you elected?

You’re welcoming your enemies with open arms and shitting on your friends. Normal people don’t do that.
Sensible Americans are even talking about this - EVER. Normal people don't allow themselves to get worked up over manufactured bullshit like this.

Normal people live their lives and let others live theirs.
Shut it stupid.

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