Winning the Creation Debate

What is a thought, other than the biochemical activities and bioelectrical potentials in your brain?
It could be the "thought" itself that gives rise to biochemical activities and bioelectrical potentials in your brain.
I think we just happen to have introspective self awareness. We can "think about our thoughts". And we describe them. We can describe the physical experience of having happy ones, sad ones, etc.

That doesn't change what they are.
This has been discussed for almost as long as we've had language, its called in the literature The mind body problem. There are several different views, dualism, materialism and more.

Before you running off your mouth, understand that science cannot help us decide which of these is real, these are philosophical questions not scientific questions.
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What definition?
Of what is physical. Obviously.

My mind can affect the physical, my mind can make my brain produce signals that eventually get propagated to my hand and my coffee moves.
Your "mind" can do no such thing. Only the biochemical reactions and bioelectrical potentials in your brain can do that. So you must come to accept that your mind is nothing more than your physical brain.
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Of what is physical. Obviously.
Where does science show that every observable physical phenomenon always has a physical cause? I know it's a belief, reasonable too, but it is just a belief.
Your "mind" can do no such thing.
How do you know that?
Only the biochemical reactions and bioelectrical chemicals in your brain can do come to accept that your mind is nothing lore than your physical brain.
Like I just told you, this is an open issue in philosophy, called the mind body problem, if you believe this question has been settled then I'd love to see where you read that. Here, here's a round table academic discussion about this, audio and very informative:

The Mind/Body Problem - 45 minutes audio.


Frankly you are showing increasing signs of embracing scientism, that would explain much about the naive assertions you're always making.
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It's a definition. It's a mundane fact in science. You aren't going to cast any rational doubt on it with falsehoods and semantic tricks.
Calling your own claims meaningless is an interesting development.

Anyway, you wrote "Anything that can affect the physical IS, itself physical. Pretty much by definition." so please share the definition that misled you into thinking all physical phenomena have a physical cause, just share this definition that you keep speaking about and that you seem to have misinterpreted.

You can't claim to have some definition from some authoritative source that supports your conjecture and refuse to share said definition, well you can but most scientifically literate people would not be afraid to.
Calling your own claims meaningless is an interesting development.
I didn't do that. You dishonestly substituted a claim I didn't make and that didn't make any sense anyway for what I actually said.

Because that's what you do.

You're just not a very good faith poster, in topics like this where you know very little but are desperate to undermine the facts you know so little about.

You also are steeped in magical thinking. So you are trying to argue a magical, nonphysical soul. Your attempt is transparent and predictable. And your tactics are old and tired.

So get to it, without the bad faith tactics and falsehoods.
I didn't do that. You dishonestly subsistutted a claim I didn't make and that didn't make any sense anyway for what I actually said.

Because that's what you do.

You're just not a very good faith poster, in topics like this where you know very little but are desperate to undermine the facts you know so little about.
Erm did you say there was a definition you used, for "physical" why won't you tell us what it is?

(I know, because it doesn't say what you claimed it says!)
Correct. I don't do the interrogation game. I'm not your assistant.
So unlike a proper scientifically literate person who makes claims about the world, you are content to make claims based on nothing other than your fertile imagination. If you had a definition you'd share it because to not do so makes you look like a pillock as we say in Britain.


Just make your points by yourself.
Yes, looks like I'll have to, you're useless at it.

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