Asians Now Learn Just How Much Affirmative Action Helped Them

Some elements were worse.

You don't think immigrants were raped? Or beaten or tortured?

The only big difference is that when you were property, you could be sold. Compared to white industrial workers, who were put into debt by company stores and didn't have the option of quitting, either.

If you weren't rich in the 19th century, life kind of sucked no matter what color you were.
You have to be joking. This is why folks like you need to be taught the history of slavery, you don't have a clue. Folks like you think slaves were working a 9-5.
So 3 incidents proves that black folks across America are attacking Asians, unbelievable.

Actually, I could have posted a LOT more if I wanted to. Type in "Asian Woman Attacked", and you will get dozens of videos on YouTube despite their ultra-liberal filters, and nearly all of them will involved black people (usually men) attacking Asian women.

Heck, let's get very specific. "Asian Woman pushed on Subway tracks"

You have to be joking. This is why folks like you need to be taught the history of slavery, you don't have a clue. Folks like you think slaves were working a 9-5.

Of course, they weren't.

Neither were industrial workers. Or coal miners, who often lived short and brutish lives.

The only difference is, white people ain't whining about it, 100 years later.
Less than 2 percent of the blacks in America are Nigerians.

So should I make assumptions about whites based on 2 percent of the white population?

Stop denying the fxct that white supremacy exists, and stop denying that Nigerians are affected by it.
If racism was systemic, it would hold all the blacks back. Why isn't it working on the Nigerians?
My ancestors are from Poland, likely the most overrun country in history. Why aren't I crying for reparations? Because I know that the people who are alive today are not responsible.
Actually, I could have posted a LOT more if I wanted to. Type in "Asian Woman Attacked", and you will get dozens of videos on YouTube despite their ultra-liberal filters, and nearly all of them will involved black people (usually men) attacking Asian women.

Heck, let's get very specific. "Asian Woman pushed on Subway tracks"

Sorry over the history of this country black folks do not have a history of harming Asians. A youtube video of a black person here and there attacking an Asian person doesn't mean black folks across the country are a threat to Asians. These are individual incidents.
Of course, they weren't.

Neither were industrial workers. Or coal miners, who often lived short and brutish lives.

The only difference is, white people ain't whining about it, 100 years later.
Tell me about the Civil Rights Movement that took place for white immigrants from Europe to be mainstream education into America. Show me the Constitutional Amendment it took to make that happen or the Civil Rights Bill or Voting Rights Bill.
Tell me about the Civil Rights Movement that took place for white immigrants from Europe to be mainstream education into America. Show me the Constitutional Amendment it took to make that happen or the Civil Rights Bill or Voting Rights Bill.
We weren't talking about constitutional amendments, we were talking about quality of life.

A house servant in the south had a much better life than an Irish coal miner in the north, and you know it. And, yes, that was with being technically property.
We weren't talking about constitutional amendments, we were talking about quality of life.

A house servant in the south had a much better life than an Irish coal miner in the north, and you know it. And, yes, that was with being technically property.
Dude you are an idiot if you believe that, you need to study slavery and I am not talking about a watered down version either. The atrocities that were done to slaves is unbelievable.
Dude you are an idiot if you believe that, you need to study slavery and I am not talking about a watered down version either. The atrocities that were done to slaves is unbelievable.
So were the attrocities done to industrial workers.

So are the conditions a lot of people live in the third world today.

Get over yourself.
Sorry over the history of this country black folks do not have a history of harming Asians. A youtube video of a black person here and there attacking an Asian person doesn't mean black folks across the country are a threat to Asians. These are individual incidents.

But when an "individual incident" involves people of other ethnicities, it is "systemic." :rolleyes:
Asians left blacks in the dust.
They have shown if you don't kill each other, rob liquor stores, assault people, learn to speak English properly, concentrate on getting a formal education, you too can succeed beyond your wildest dreams in a capitalistic society.

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