Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

What is “gun culture”?

Do you think said “culture problem” has been manifested and fostered by DIVERSITY?
The way society handles mental illness. Like trannies, they normalize it. Its like they TRY to confuse the children. Goddamn groomers and pedos democrats.
Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?

Sounds like more desperation from democrats considering Vanace didn't make such comment.
Agreed. Gun culture is out of control.
Guns are more tightly controlled now than they were 50 or 100 years ago. Back then there no school shootings. Fast forward to today, more controls are in place, guns are harder to get and fewer places allow them to be carried and guess what we have? School shootings.

Guns are not the problem, mental health is the problem.
So...he has no solutions...

Any solutions will be locally inspired and funded.

IMHO, there are things that can be done, like metal detectors, body cavity searches and more secure school buildings. But a lot of school districts don't have the will to do it. Nothing any President can do about it.
Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?
Increased security is far different from your headline

We can do more to protect children
Mental illness used to be addressed .. yet now it's broadly accepted and embraced -- especially in the LGBT alphabet group.
No one is embracing people with homicidal tendencies.

But we are giving them easy access to high powered rifles and high capacity magazines.
What our society is doing isnt normal by any stretch of the word.
Yeah, having hundreds of millions of guns floating around, people carrying full time, walking up and down the streets with AR-15s, and as a result, assuming everyone around you presents an imminent lethal threat and you should shoot first.

Yeah, our obsession with guns is not normal.
Keep putting more pressure on the parents.

If your teenage child has access to your guns, and he shoots up the school with them, then the parents are legally responsible for the consequences.

This dad purchased the gun for his 14-year-old after being visited by the FBI regarding his son’s online threats of violence. The dad is in big trouble.
Keep putting more pressure on the parents.

If your teenage child has access to your guns, and he shoots up the school with them, then the parents are legally responsible for the consequences.

This dad purchased the gun for his 14-year-old after being visited by the FBI regarding his son’s online threats of violence. The dad is in big trouble.
Responsibility is a serious issue. Good post.
Yeah, having hundreds of millions of guns floating around, people carrying full time, walking up and down the streets with AR-15s, and as a result, assuming everyone around you presents an imminent lethal threat and you should shoot first.

Yeah, our obsession with guns is not normal.
Yet, most of our gun deaths are done with illegal guns and people turning them on themselves.
Most guns dont get used for murder.
Its the PEOPLE. Thats the issue. But its more difficult to fix than just being a lazy intellectual lightweight and just want to restrict people. While 99% of them are completely law abiding.
What else are you gonna do? Turn schools into prison systems?
Illegalize mental illness? Aint no limp wristed laws gonna stop this shit. We have a culture problem.
There are some ways to stop them. Closed campuses, and unknown armed teachers in every school.

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