Is there anybody trump hasn't threatened?

Trump started out small, just threatening to jail Hillary, but soon expanded to Obama, Bill Clinton, and a host of other Democratic politicians. Next came the generals who didn't support him, election workers, his own personally chosen staff members, and even his vice president of four years. Now he has again expanded the list of those he intends to imprison to include lawyers, political operatives, donors, voters that he personally determines to be illegal, and what he calls corrupt election officials. Ostensibly, his claim is that all these enemies are guilty of what he calls unscrupulous behavior. The reality is all these threats are nothing more than his attempt to intimidate those that don't fully support him in his bid for the presidency. If elected, I have no doubt that he will try to carry out all the threats he has made. We can't afford to have someone as petty and vindictive as him as our president.
Exactly. Why aren't we getting these front page headlines today:

Trump threatens to jail election workers if elected

Trump's vow of mass prosecutions of political foes puts spotlight on his authoritarianism

Republicans refuse to condemn Trump threat to imprison public servants

Why is this not getting talked about?

Why is the media pretending this is normal?
How about the shooting at the republican softball game that left Steve Scalise wounded? I guess that wasn't actually a threat--that was the real thing. Now would you like to inform us all of the actual attacks made on any democrat in recent times?
I can list many threats made by democrats directed at Trump. Here ya' go. Deny these.
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And not one Dem defenfed what happened thst day. If you can name one, do it. Meanwhile, Trump & MAGA types like you & his GOP lackeys defend what happened on J6 including cops assualted with bear spray, beat with flagpoles etc.

Take your hypocicy & you know what you can do with it.
Other than Biden saying he would kick trump's ass, none of those came from the party's presidential candidate. Biden could do it too.
Thanks for admitting that YOUR party seems to be the one who not only threatens violence but carries it out. Seems that they threatened LAWFARE and carried that out too. Were there any political prosecutions initiated by Trump? Nope. You should stop projecting.
Exactly. Why aren't we getting these front page headlines today:

Trump threatens to jail election workers if elected

Trump's vow of mass prosecutions of political foes puts spotlight on his authoritarianism

Republicans refuse to condemn Trump threat to imprison public servants

Why is this not getting talked about?

Why is the media pretending this is normal?
Trump is threatening election workers in the hope that they'll quit so his trained monkeys in the GOP can put their own people in & do his dirty work.

Think Trump is bad now? If he wins after what his toadies on SCOTUS did with that immunity ruling all bets are off with that lousy bastard.

Trump will make Orban look like a Boy Scout.
Trump & MAGA types like you & his GOP lackeys defend what happened on J6 including cops assualted with bear spray, beat with flagpoles etc.
Yawn, a mostly peaceful riot--you know like the BLM/Antifa summer of love. The difference is the only fatality on J6 was the summary execution of an unarmed trespasser by Piglosi's capital goosesteppers.
Trump started out small, just threatening to jail Hillary, but soon expanded to Obama, Bill Clinton, and a host of other Democratic politicians. Next came the generals who didn't support him, election workers, his own personally chosen staff members, and even his vice president of four years. Now he has again expanded the list of those he intends to imprison to include lawyers, political operatives, donors, voters that he personally determines to be illegal, and what he calls corrupt election officials. Ostensibly, his claim is that all these enemies are guilty of what he calls unscrupulous behavior. The reality is all these threats are nothing more than his attempt to intimidate those that don't fully support him in his bid for the presidency. If elected, I have no doubt that he will try to carry out all the threats he has made. We can't afford to have someone as petty and vindictive as him as our president.
Me. I have never been threatened by Trump. Been threatened by a bunch of leftist scum.

But never Trump.
Trump has not threatened me either, but if he is elected president I may be in trouble. he used to send me email letters asking for donations. My responses would be insulting.

Trump wants dictatorial powers, and he is trying to get them.
You think he read those email responses?
You think he read those email responses?
LOL, I am still getting donation requests from BIDEN. I just remove all identifying info from the mailing and any other junk mail I can find and package them up in the SASE and send it back to them with MAGA on every page. Spends their campaign cash and it gives me a bit of a chuckle.
Trump started out small, just threatening to jail Hillary, but soon expanded to Obama, Bill Clinton, and a host of other Democratic politicians. Next came the generals who didn't support him, election workers, his own personally chosen staff members, and even his vice president of four years. Now he has again expanded the list of those he intends to imprison to include lawyers, political operatives, donors, voters that he personally determines to be illegal, and what he calls corrupt election officials. Ostensibly, his claim is that all these enemies are guilty of what he calls unscrupulous behavior. The reality is all these threats are nothing more than his attempt to intimidate those that don't fully support him in his bid for the presidency. If elected, I have no doubt that he will try to carry out all the threats he has made. We can't afford to have someone as petty and vindictive as him as our president.
I get that he threatens you, but that's all in your head.
I for one will enjoy the lawfare when it's on the other foot.

Just start with how dead people are donating to dem hopefuls. Following that money should be easy enough.
Trump is unfit to be president – beyond partisan politics, policy positions, and the issues; there is no way to rationalize or justify voting for Trump.

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