Is there anybody trump hasn't threatened?

Trump started out small, just threatening to jail Hillary, but soon expanded to Obama, Bill Clinton, and a host of other Democratic politicians. Next came the generals who didn't support him, election workers, his own personally chosen staff members, and even his vice president of four years. Now he has again expanded the list of those he intends to imprison to include lawyers, political operatives, donors, voters that he personally determines to be illegal, and what he calls corrupt election officials. Ostensibly, his claim is that all these enemies are guilty of what he calls unscrupulous behavior. The reality is all these threats are nothing more than his attempt to intimidate those that don't fully support him in his bid for the presidency. If elected, I have no doubt that he will try to carry out all the threats he has made. We can't afford to have someone as petty and vindictive as him as our president.
Intimidate people? What ever do you mean?

A cemetery worker who was involved in an altercation with two Trump staffers at Arlington National Cemetery this week declined to press charges for fear of “retribution.”

Appeals court upholds Donald Trump’s gag order as he again presses judge to exit hush money case​

Threats, harassment of election workers have risen, poll shows​

Donors. Wow. He's trying to shut down donations to Harris.

Textbook strongman/autocrat behavior. Right there, for all to see.

The world has seen this before. Incredible.

Trump has threatened to try his civilian political enemies by military tribunals. He's incredibly stupid.
Trump threatened me once at an all you can eat Chinese buffet. I simply stepped aside and gave him first crack t it.

Damn, that man sure loves kung pao chicken!
He's unwell, desperate and he has enablers around him.

And he knows his flock is also desperate, for a strongman.

Incredibly dangerous moment.
I invite you to consider just how big a story this would be if a person in the cemetery worker's shoes found Joe Biden's hypothetical thugs so intimidating she declined to press charges?

Arlington Worker in Altercation With Trump Staffers Not Pressing Charges Because She Fears ‘Retaliation’

These are the kinds of stories that do not garner enough attention because of the flood of scandalous behavior constantly swirling around the Orange Menace.
I invite you to consider just how big a story this would be if a person in the cemetery worker's shoes found Joe Biden's hypothetical thugs so intimidating she declined to press charges?

Arlington Worker in Altercation With Trump Staffers Not Pressing Charges Because She Fears ‘Retaliation’

These are the kinds of stories that do not garner enough attention because of the flood of scandalous behavior constantly swirling around the Orange Menace.
A crazy guy attempted assassination. Can you show it was an official party action?
They don't do "proof".

They want to be ruled. All along they've boasted about "strength" and "independence", and what they've really wanted is to be ruled. They have absolutely zero (0) understanding of world history.

Now we know. I have to admit, I didn't see this coming. I overestimated them, terribly.

Yeah, he has. You're just not bright enough to realize it. All those Regulations he's going to roll back - there's goes the air and water.

His dereguation of coal burning plants last time has already costs thousands of low income Americans their lives due to increased air pollution.
And yet somehow Democrats didn't impeach him for thousands of murders.
And this is further proof that Trump is unfit to be president.

Threatening political opponents with meritless, warrantless prosecution is fundamentally fascist, the act of a despot and dictator.
I for one will enjoy the lawfare when it's on the other foot.

Just start with how dead people are donating to dem hopefuls. Following that money should be easy enough.
I don’t think he will. Just like Hillary, that never went anywhere. It’s all political campaign fluff
Political campaign fluff is all there is to him. The terrifying part is they are things he actually wants to do.
Trump started out small, just threatening to jail Hillary, but soon expanded to Obama, Bill Clinton, and a host of other Democratic politicians. Next came the generals who didn't support him, election workers, his own personally chosen staff members, and even his vice president of four years. Now he has again expanded the list of those he intends to imprison to include lawyers, political operatives, donors, voters that he personally determines to be illegal, and what he calls corrupt election officials. Ostensibly, his claim is that all these enemies are guilty of what he calls unscrupulous behavior. The reality is all these threats are nothing more than his attempt to intimidate those that don't fully support him in his bid for the presidency. If elected, I have no doubt that he will try to carry out all the threats he has made. We can't afford to have someone as petty and vindictive as him as our president.
Is there anybody Democrats haven't threatened? Hell, they even toppled their very own president.

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