Paid $2.97 for gas! Where are the gas threads??

When you consider what it has to go through to become gasoline and how important it is, $2.97 a gallon is cheap.

I guess whether it is cheap or not depends on the circumstance of the one paying for it.

Clearly, 2.97 a gallon is more than this person can afford.
NOPE... price gauging is NOT by anyone. It's because idiots like you believe everything that Kama-mama-chameleon says and she for example has NO idea of what the costs of running a business are.
But of course simpletons like you also have no idea and when dummies like Biden "guarantees to rid fossil fuels"... gas prices go up because the gas companies prices go up. FOR EXAMPLE are you aware that Biden raised the royalty price from

Biden increases oil royalty rate and scales back lease sales on federal lands​

The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%. That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.
So not only DID BIDEN raise the costs of producing oil... HE CUT DOWN the opportunities to get more oil from federal lands. AS A RESULT dummy... the prices for drilling on NON-FEDERAL land goes up also!
"Supply and demand" dummy!
Oil and gas production on federal lands and waters currently stands at 2.9 million barrels/day (bpd) of oil and 12.5 billion cubic feet of gas/day.Mar 18, 2021
Nationally, these volumes represent 23.6 percent of daily oil production (national total = 12.2 million bpd in 2019) and 11.2 percent of daily gas production (national total = 111.5 billion cubic feet/day in 2019). Over the past decade, the share of overall U.S. production coming from federal lands and waters has declined.
Gas prices don’t go up because someone said something.

They go up when demand increases and supply doesn’t match that. They go up when supply decreases but demand doesn’t.

We know supply went up dramatically and demand was about what it has always been..

So it can’t be anything but price gouging
Gas prices don’t go up because someone said something.

They go up when demand increases and supply doesn’t match that. They go up when supply decreases but demand doesn’t.

We know supply went up dramatically and demand was about what it has always been..

So it can’t be anything but price gouging
Maybe you don't know what the term "price gouging" means.

Price gouging is a pejorative term used to refer to the practice of increasing the prices of goods, services, or commodities to a level much higher than is considered reasonable or fair by some.
This commonly applies to price increases of basic necessities after natural disasters. Usually, this event occurs after a demand or supply shock. The term can also be used to refer to profits obtained by practices inconsistent with a competitive free market, or to windfall profits.

Now for the FACTS regarding supermarkets.
FACTS:Supermarkets pre-tax profits:2.6%
Now most people like you don't think about the details involved, so here is one:
Question first.. How do the supermarkets get food that they supposedly "price-gouge" you?
Trucking is the most common way to transport food in the United States, comprising about 70% of food and beverage transportation.Aug 1, 2023
In 2016, the U.S. consumed 60.7 billion gallons of diesel fuel, with roughly two-thirds of that demand coming from on-highway vehicles," A gallon of diesel cost $2.51 in 12/2016.
Today diesel U.S. fuel retail prices in 2024 is: Gasoline – $3.31/gallon. Diesel – $3.92/gallon.Feb 19, 2024

In 2022, distillate (or diesel) fuel consumption (excluding biodiesel and renewable diesel) by the U.S. transportation sector was about 376 million gallons per day or times 6 days a week..
376 million time 312 days or 117,312,000,000 gallons per year an increase of 93% used from 2016 to 2023.
Thus an increase in diesel fuel cost to supermarkets and increase of 93% MORE diesel fuel meant that the
trucking industry saw over $388,302,720,000 in 2024 versus in 2016 $152,357,000,000 or over 254%.
So I kind of think supermarkets saw their cost of goods increase as their suppliers saw their costs increase over 254%!

If supply and demand can’t justify and explain increases in price you’re left with price gouging

No matter how wordy you get

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