Is there anyone who questions whether, to a large degree, the kinds of un-American, anti-democratic....

I don't want it to stop. When he stops, I stop voting for him. I love it.
Absolutely. I recall Mitt Romney stating in his book that Repub senators admitted to him they would not cross Trump for fear of reprisal from Don's mob.

Beyond that, there have been dozens of stories documenting the terrible threats made against people involved in holding him accountable for his crimes. He could have essentially stopped it at any time. HE DIDN'T WANT IT TO STOP.
I do not know if that is/was true. I do know that Republican Senators have crossed their voters. The Senate and the House under Republican has had opportunities over the years to make real changes. When they do, it seems that there is a limit to what will be done. Progs do not work that way. They push until its exhausted or dead in the water. So, Joe lets in 10 million illegals and now with a few months to the election and all of the "I cannot do a damn thing without bipartisan deals", he does something. Joe is guilty of many many crimes. And has gotten away with it due to the Progressive shills.
childish memes is all you got.
There's nothing childish about identifying you, and those like you, as a threat to the republic for appeasing Trump.
I do not know if that is/was true. I do know that Republican Senators have crossed their voters. The Senate and the House under Republican has had opportunities over the years to make real changes. When they do, it seems that there is a limit to what will be done. Progs do not work that way. They push until its exhausted or dead in the water. So, Joe lets in 10 million illegals and now with a few months to the election and all of the "I cannot do a damn thing without bipartisan deals", he does something. Joe is guilty of many many crimes. And has gotten away with it due to the Progressive shills.
You understand you're making a false equivalence between policy decisions and crimes, right?
3 Organizers Of Trump Fake Elex Plot—Including Chesebro—Charged In Wisconsin

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul unveiled charges on Tuesday against three people who helped devise and implement the 2020 fake electors scheme, a complaint first obtained by TPM shows.

Attorney Ken Chesebro, former state judge Jim Troupis, and GOP operative Mike Roman were each charged with one count of entering into a conspiracy to commit forgery.

An attorney for Chesebro declined to comment to TPM. Roman and Troupis did not immediately return requests for comment.

Per a copy of the complaint obtained by TPM, prosecutors cast the three defendants as trying to use the alleged forgery of Wisconsin’s electoral college votes as a means to overthrow the results of the 2020 election. That, the complaint says, was done in concert with senior, unnamed Trump campaign officials.

Prosecutors cited in the complaint text messages and other records that Chesebro provided while cooperating with state prosecutors as part of the case.

There's so much criminal activity surrounding Trump it's difficult to keep track of it all.
Stuff it, no one believes in the NY justice system or anything that comes out of it. The DOJ is corrupted by Democrats as well. Lawfare, on the part of Democrats, is our law today. The Democrat party will die if they don't purge the Marxists out.
threats made against public officials on Trump's behalf would end today if he put out a statement condemning them? Just a simple message on Truth Social asking The Following not to do things like call for the death of the jurors in the election interference case for which he was convicted.

I'm sure he understands he has the power to stop the vast majority of them. But he doesn't. Why?

It is my belief he sees them as a form of adoration for him. And he can never get enough of that. Even if it comes at the expense of this.

'Deluge' of threats against judge and law clerk in Trump’s civil fraud trial are detailed in new court filing

Of course, there is something else going on besides the thrill Don gets from his supporter's abhorrent behavior. It serves a goal of his. To tear down barriers of what is acceptable in civil society. To make threats of violence normalized. To instill in people a sense of anarchy. To create a feeling of instability that can be quelled by a strong leader. A strongman leader. An autocrat who will "do what it takes" to restore the order he caused to be broken down.
The criminal Democrat Party needs to die. It's an outdated party of old folks and freaks.
3 Organizers Of Trump Fake Elex Plot—Including Chesebro—Charged In Wisconsin

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul unveiled charges on Tuesday against three people who helped devise and implement the 2020 fake electors scheme, a complaint first obtained by TPM shows.

Attorney Ken Chesebro, former state judge Jim Troupis, and GOP operative Mike Roman were each charged with one count of entering into a conspiracy to commit forgery.

An attorney for Chesebro declined to comment to TPM. Roman and Troupis did not immediately return requests for comment.

Per a copy of the complaint obtained by TPM, prosecutors cast the three defendants as trying to use the alleged forgery of Wisconsin’s electoral college votes as a means to overthrow the results of the 2020 election. That, the complaint says, was done in concert with senior, unnamed Trump campaign officials.

Prosecutors cited in the complaint text messages and other records that Chesebro provided while cooperating with state prosecutors as part of the case.

There's so much criminal activity surrounding Trump it's difficult to keep track of it all.
It's not a "narrative", it's a fact.
No, it really isn't Stupidus. You assholes threatened SCOTUS Justices, tried doxing Rittenhouse and Chauvin jurors and made death threats and threats of more violence. You're reaping what you sowed.
Would any defender of all things Don like to answer the question of why Trump did not immediately try to end the threats being made against his perceived enemies?

Or perhaps you'd like to give this one a try.

When it became clear Russia was actively involved in trying to get Trump elected why didn't he issue a statement condemning what the Russians were doing?
Now back to Russia Russia Russia. It'd be sad if it weren't so pathetic.
Odd that both Mueller and the GOP Senate Committee found the opposite
Funnier that your claim never happened LUSH. No indictment. No charges. And Mule-er sent to pasture as a failure. NO evidence of anything you claim.
What are the consequences of acting as a Supreme Court justice?
Being impartial and doing your best to maintain the appearance of such.

Or at least it used to be.

Apparently today the consequences include gifts from billionaires as long as you vote the way you're told.

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