Is there anyone who questions whether, to a large degree, the kinds of un-American, anti-democratic....

"We've got to stay on the street and we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational," said Waters. "We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business." - Maxine Waters
How quickly they forget.... All through the BLM riots these assholes were solidly siding with arsonists and murderers.
I appreciate the honesty.........yet find it disturbing.
"The Tea Party can go straight to hell, and I intend to help them get there." - Maxine Waters

She defended the 1992 Los Angeles riots as "somewhat understandable"

“If you call it a riot, it sounds like it was just a bunch of crazy people who went out and did bad things for no reason. I maintain it was somewhat understandable, if not acceptable. So I call it a rebellion.”
Stop acting like a child. Look in the mirror.... Look at your own posting history and admit the Democrats own the doxxing, threatening of the promise actions of violence. People are pissed because they know why the prosecution was brought not because of the details of the prosecution. There's no pretense here that some righteous avenging legal system finally caught a criminal. The reality is is that a criminalized system created a false charge for political purposes and that's something that they simply cannot hide.

Berg cannot be reached.

Berg can be mocked, ridiculed and laughed at.

He can't be reached.
I appreciate the honesty.........yet find it disturbing.
No you don't find it disturbing You adhere to the democratic principles that insist on violence and intolerance, that's why you're a Democrat. You find nothing disturbing about political confrontation, burning cities down and attacking physically. The only thing that disturbs you is when somebody disagrees with you.
Would any defender of all things Don like to answer the question of why Trump did not immediately try to end the threats being made against his perceived enemies?

Or perhaps you'd like to give this one a try.

When it became clear Russia was actively involved in trying to get Trump elected why didn't he issue a statement condemning what the Russians were doing?
Maxine Waters was cheering the prospect of another round of Black Lives Matter riots, “peaceful protests,” if the Derek Chauvin trial doesn’t go their way.
Prove it.
Prove it.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) defended Rep. Maxine Waters’ (D-Calif.) call for protesters to “get more confrontational” if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is acquitted in the killing of George Floyd — as Waters ramped up the rhetoric, accusing Republicans of sending “a message to white supremacists.”

You're a fucking liar. You folks always resort to lies when your positions become indefensible.
No I'm not I read all of your posts pertaining to Kyle Rittenhouse at one point you even called for his death outright. So like I said stop pretending that you're anything but what you're accusing everybody else of.
Would any defender of all things Don like to answer the question of why Trump did not immediately try to end the threats being made against his perceived enemies?

Or perhaps you'd like to give this one a try.

When it became clear Russia was actively involved in trying to get Trump elected why didn't he issue a statement condemning what the Russians were doing?

The Russians were helping Clinton -

Unreachable from the real world.
Would any defender of all things Don like to answer the question of why Trump did not immediately try to end the threats being made against his perceived enemies?

Or perhaps you'd like to give this one a try.

When it became clear Russia was actively involved in trying to get Trump elected why didn't he issue a statement condemning what the Russians were doing?
Let me fix this for you.

When it became clear Russia was actively involved in trying to get Hillary Clinton elected why didn't she issue a statement condemning what the Russians were doing?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) defended Rep. Maxine Waters’ (D-Calif.) call for protesters to “get more confrontational” if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is acquitted in the killing of George Floyd — as Waters ramped up the rhetoric, accusing Republicans of sending “a message to white supremacists.”

Thanks for the admission you have no proof.
threats made against public officials on Trump's behalf would end today if he put out a statement condemning them? Just a simple message on Truth Social asking The Following not to do things like call for the death of the jurors in the election interference case for which he was convicted.

I'm sure he understands he has the power to stop the vast majority of them. But he doesn't. Why?

It is my belief he sees them as a form of adoration for him. And he can never get enough of that. Even if it comes at the expense of this.

'Deluge' of threats against judge and law clerk in Trump’s civil fraud trial are detailed in new court filing

Of course, there is something else going on besides the thrill Don gets from his supporter's abhorrent behavior. It serves a goal of his. To tear down barriers of what is acceptable in civil society. To make threats of violence normalized. To instill in people a sense of anarchy. To create a feeling of instability that can be quelled by a strong leader. A strongman leader. An autocrat who will "do what it takes" to restore the order he caused to be broken down.
such statements, at any appropriate time, should be a condition of his probation.

in trump's hands this maga mob IS a deadly weapon.

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