Is there anybody trump hasn't threatened?

Exactly. Why aren't we getting these front page headlines today:

Trump threatens to jail election workers if elected

Trump's vow of mass prosecutions of political foes puts spotlight on his authoritarianism

Republicans refuse to condemn Trump threat to imprison public servants

Why is this not getting talked about?

Why is the media pretending this is normal?
The Mendoza Line was set with the Progressive Socialist Communist Hollywood produced Insurrectionist show. If Republicans really start copying the Progs you will see what I mean. The one-way war on the nation and half the population will take a new turn as all will experience the love Progs have shown us.
With what, pray tell? The fact that if they are found guilty of election fraud that they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law? You consider that a threat? LMAO. Run along junior.
Where have election workers been found guilty of fraud other then in Trump's & your deranged minds?

There are laws on the books & there is absolutely no reason for Trump, a 34 times convicted felon to be threatening election worker's who are just doing their jobs, other then the fact that he's a total craven asshole.
Yawn, a mostly peaceful riot--you know like the BLM/Antifa summer of love. The difference is the only fatality on J6 was the summary execution of an unarmed trespasser by Piglosi's capital goosesteppers.
No one was executed on J6, liar. Only in your MAGA demented craven skull. If she listened to her family instead of that criminal scumbag Trump she'd be alive today.
‘The New Republic's Greg Sargent wrote about this phenomenon which he calls "sane-washing" (coined, I believe, by Parker Molloy.) He speculates that the reason members of the media are unable or unwilling to characterize Trump as being unfit for the job is because they think calling Trump's ignorance and irrationality what it is would require them to make a value judgment that interferes with their self-regard as unbiased, objective observers. If that's the case, they are simply failing to do their jobs. As he writes:

Serial incoherence, lack of basic curiosity, pathological dishonesty, a tendency toward sadistic verbal abuses of many different kinds—all these things can also plainly be evaluated through the prism of whether they might impair someone from performing the job of president effectively. Journalists can say what they know to be true about Trump’s qualities on all these fronts.

They could, but in all these years, Trump has dominated the political culture they never have. I wouldn't hold my breath.’

There’s also the media’s ongoing fear of being accused of being ‘liberal’ – so they ignore Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.
"sane-etizing" is the way I've been describing it.
The Mendoza Line was set with the Progressive Socialist Communist Hollywood produced Insurrectionist show. If Republicans really start copying the Progs you will see what I mean. The one-way war on the nation and half the population will take a new turn as all will experience the love Progs have shown us.
The only Mendoza Line I am aware of is something to do with batting averages.
Yawn, a mostly peaceful riot--you know like the BLM/Antifa summer of love. The difference is the only fatality on J6 was the summary execution of an unarmed trespasser by Piglosi's capital goosesteppers.
Nobody executed anyone, and calling the capital police "goose steppers" is so blatantly un-American you should be deported immediately.
How about the shooting at the republican softball game that left Steve Scalise wounded? I guess that wasn't actually a threat--that was the real thing. Now would you like to inform us all of the actual attacks made on any democrat in recent times?
I can list many threats made by democrats directed at Trump. Here ya' go. Deny these.
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It's simple. Americans really despise Trump because he's so vulgar and stupid.
She jailed Steve Bannon and several other Republicans. She has had ongoing lawfare against President Trump

Trump is a criminal. He even tried extortion on Ukraine when US policy was encouraging Ukraine to clean up their reputation for corruption.
Trump is a criminal. He even tried extortion on Ukraine when US policy was encouraging Ukraine to clean up their reputation for corruption.
Trump wanted to look into Biden's corruption in Ukraine for good reason. Biden was selling out his own country for personal profit. He was using his drug addicted bag Man hunter. Those are the real criminals if you care to look. Nice guilty plea from Hunter to avoid us looking into the criminality of the Biden Harris regime.
I'm don't live in America either, but if I chose to live in America, as an American citizen, how would you deport me? You can't even deport illegals ffs!
I do not believe that person is an American.

This isn't rocket science, kid. How can you nor figure this out on your own?
Trump started out small, just threatening to jail Hillary, but soon expanded to Obama, Bill Clinton, and a host of other Democratic politicians. Next came the generals who didn't support him, election workers, his own personally chosen staff members, and even his vice president of four years. Now he has again expanded the list of those he intends to imprison to include lawyers, political operatives, donors, voters that he personally determines to be illegal, and what he calls corrupt election officials. Ostensibly, his claim is that all these enemies are guilty of what he calls unscrupulous behavior. The reality is all these threats are nothing more than his attempt to intimidate those that don't fully support him in his bid for the presidency. If elected, I have no doubt that he will try to carry out all the threats he has made. We can't afford to have someone as petty and vindictive as him as our president.
Yeah, yeah, we heard all about all those awful, terrible things TRUMP! was going to do in 2016. To date, however,

WWIII hasn't started.
The US economy hasn't crashed.
Sunspots haven't increased in intensity and swallowed the sun.
Dogs and cats still don't get along very often.
People still don't always wear white after Labor Day.

Of course, NOW he's going to do all that.

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