Is there anybody trump hasn't threatened?

It's simple. Americans really despise Trump because he's so vulgar and stupid.
You're really good at smearing people that YOU despise while giving a free pass to your fascists for exactly the same things you claim to despise. That is called HYPOCRISY and you are the queen of the hypocrites on this board.
Trump has made loads of accusations claiming illegal activity. None of them met the credibility standard. They were nothing more than a child slinging false accusations. Remember all those cases he tried to bring claiming the election was stolen? All laughed out of court.
Bbbbbut, bbbut --- LOL, but you call a warning about another fraudulent attempt a threat. If they aren't guilty of fraud, why do you consider it a threat. That's called projection since you and your fascist party are the only ones who have used political persecution during the entirety of the past seven plus years. Try again. Think this time.
It was a violent domestic terrorist attack by Trump’s fascist brownshirts seeking to harm – and even kill – members of congress to overturn a lawful election and the will of the people.
Please link to any J6 crime that Trump has been convicted of. Libel and Slander are crimes and you just violated the law. Hmmm. Hypocrisy at its worst.
Bbbbbut, bbbut --- LOL, but you call a warning about another fraudulent attempt a threat. If they aren't guilty of fraud, why do you consider it a threat. That's called projection since you and your fascist party are the only ones who have used political persecution during the entirety of the past seven plus years. Try again. Think this time.
Trump lied to you again. We don't do persecutions. We do prosecutions.
100% inflation? What kind of drugs are you doing?
Ask anyone, you stupid fucktard.

Don't you ever go grocery shopping?

This is why you fucking leftard assholes are going to get TROUNCED in November.

Because you believe the lying bullshit from this lying administration.
Bbbbbut, bbbut --- LOL, but you call a warning about another fraudulent attempt a threat. If they aren't guilty of fraud, why do you consider it a threat. That's called projection since you and your fascist party are the only ones who have used political persecution during the entirety of the past seven plus years. Try again. Think this time.
Another attempt? Prove the first one and then we can talk.
Another attempt? Prove the first one and then we can talk.
Has nothing to do with your claim of a first one. You were whining about Trump threatening poll workers. He warned that if there was any fraud that it would be dealt with to the full extent of the law. That is a warning, not a threat. Lawlessness should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, don't you agree. Oh yeah, you only believe in political persecution.
Ask anyone, you stupid fucktard.

Don't you ever go grocery shopping?

This is why you fucking leftard assholes are going to get TROUNCED in November.

Because you believe the lying bullshit from this lying administration.
If I asked the crazies you relate to, I'm sure they would say the same as you. Fortunately, reality doesn't agree. Prices are up less than 20% over the last 4 years. Inflation is drastically slowed down after the pandemic. It's now about 2.2%
If I asked the crazies you relate to, I'm sure they would say the same as you. Fortunately, reality doesn't agree. Prices are up less than 20% over the last 4 years. Inflation is drastically slowed down after the pandemic. It's now about 2.2%
Haven't bought eggs in the last couple weeks in WA, have you. $2.85 for 18 a month ago. Over $6 this week at Walmart. That is over a 100% increase in a month. Math isn't something you do well with. Inflation increase 29% in the first two years of this admin. It is down to 3% this month. The 29% didn't magically go away. It is cumulative. BTW, fuel prices in WA are up 50% from 2020. Did you forget about that. Run along commie, globalist, democrat shill. You're a poor excuse for an American.
Haven't bought eggs in the last couple weeks in WA, have you. $2.85 for 18 a month ago. Over $6 this week at Walmart. That is over a 100% increase in a month. Math isn't something you do well with. Inflation increase 29% in the first two years of this admin. It is down to 3% this month. The 29% didn't magically go away. It is cumulative. BTW, fuel prices in WA are up 50% from 2020. Did you forget about that. Run along commie, globalist, democrat shill. You're a poor excuse for an American.
Of course you haven't considered the bird flu epidemic that wiped out millions of chickens and reduced the supply. You might want to consider the greed of the sellers too. The average cost of a dozen grade A eggs was 3.08 in July. Walmart has always raised prices and gouged customers after they put all the smaller mom and pop stores out of business. As far as fuel, we are now producing more oil than has ever been produced. Supply isn't the reason gas costs so much.
Those 62 suits were thrown out of court because the election wasn't stolen. You seem to have a problem understanding that.
Not exactly what happened. The judges obviously just didn't want to get involved. The election was obviously rigged by the FBI the CIA the MSN with some fraud sprinkled in. It was a perfect storm for you guys of cheating
Of course you haven't considered the bird flu epidemic that wiped out millions of chickens and reduced the supply.
Of course you realize that Jay Inslee has backed legislation that chickens be 100% cage free. More democrat stupidity.
You might want to consider the greed of the sellers too.
Farmers can't sit on eggs, there is a short shelf life. The price will temporarily decrease and hurt the farmers and fewer will farm. Then watch what happens. You'll get accustomed to no eggs. Thank your democrat legislators.
Walmart has always raised prices and gouged customers after they put all the smaller mom and pop stores out of business.
Inslee's covid lockdowns did more to decimate mom and pops than anything Walmart ever did.
Supply isn't the reason gas costs so much.
Naw, Bidens war on fossil fuels did. That's OK, you'll live in your westside bubble and blame the other side until they aren't around to blame and then it will be too late.
Not exactly what happened. The judges obviously just didn't want to get involved. The election was obviously rigged by the FBI the CIA the MSN with some fraud sprinkled in. It was a perfect storm for you guys of cheating
Sure, and Elvis was coordinating it all from Bigfoot's back porch.
If I asked the crazies you relate to, I'm sure they would say the same as you. Fortunately, reality doesn't agree. Prices are up less than 20% over the last 4 years. Inflation is drastically slowed down after the pandemic. It's now about 2.2%
HORSESHIT, you dumbass little leftard sheeple.

How does it feel to be a leftard bootlicker?









Is any of this getting through to you, dumbass bootlicking leftard?
Of course you realize that Jay Inslee has backed legislation that chickens be 100% cage free. More democrat stupidity.

Farmers can't sit on eggs, there is a short shelf life. The price will temporarily decrease and hurt the farmers and fewer will farm. Then watch what happens. You'll get accustomed to no eggs. Thank your democrat legislators.

Inslee's covid lockdowns did more to decimate mom and pops than anything Walmart ever did.

Naw, Bidens war on fossil fuels did. That's OK, you'll live in your westside bubble and blame the other side until they aren't around to blame and then it will be too late.
Cage free might have reduced the chickens lost to bird flu.
Producing more oil than ever doesn't sound like much of a war to me.

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