Zone1 God's Ten Commandments Must Be Kept

leave moses alone---he had a rough childhood--
- not any of them have conversed w/ the heavens above what all other beings on planet earth have accomplished ...

the religions of servitude and denial ...


have always been a plague upon humanity, time for their fool hardy ways is over - 91.
In my opinion, if you understand and follow Jesus Christ's two most important teachings - both taken from the Old Testament - then you would by default follow the 10 Commandments.

PART 1:"Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength."

PART 2: "Love Your Neighbor As Yourself"

1. Thou shalt not have any
other gods before God. - PART 1

2. Thou shalt not make yourself
an idol. PART 1

3. Thou shalt not take the
Lord's name in vain. PART 1

4. Remember the
Sabbath Day and keep it Holy. PART 1

5. Honor your Father and Mother. PART 1 and PART 2

6. Thou shalt not murder. PART 1 and PART 2

7. Thou shalt not commit
adultery. PART 2

8. Thou shalt not steal. PART 2

9. Thou shalt not testify or
bear false witness against your neighbor. PART 2

10. Thou shalt not
covet. PART 2.


Most of the commandments are relatively straight forward. That said, the meaning of certain words/phrases has evolved over the years.

We can begin with #2. In the days that they were written, people would make "idols" out of wood - specifically called "Asherah" poles - and other objects such as "The Golden Calf" and so forth. They would worship these objects as if they were "gods" themselves. That's why older translations specify not to make "objects, etc".

Although the worship of "objects" as 'gods' can happen in smaller cults and in the occult - the vast majority of "worshiping objects" among most major religions no longer occurs. What has happened over the course of time is that people begin to "Idolize" - such things as political parties, celebrities, games, philosophies, etc - and form "ideologies" that could be considered "false idols" - these are the "idols" of the modern day world.

#4 "The Sabbath".

In the days that the commandments were written, "The Sabbath" was the one day of the entire week all people were given a "break" from working - including servants, slaves, etc. Over the years, the day of the week has changed, depending on what religious sect you follow. The importance of "honoring the Sabbath" is taking time - whenever possible - to honor God, Creation and one another - to take time to self reflect, spend time with loved ones, etc - that is what the Sabbath has become. Some people are fortunate enough to be able to do that on a specific day of every week. Others, on the other hand, because of work, etc may not be afforded that same luxury - but yet will honor God, Creation, one another, whenever they have a day off - in my humble opinion, that "could" be considered "honoring the Sabbath".

#7 - Adultery - when it was written, men could marry multiple wives, divorce them, marry more wives, etc and not "commit adultery" while if any of the wives the man had divorced would remarry, etc - they would have "committed adultery". So obviously that has also changed over the years. The most modern translation (and it varies depending on religious sect) is if a married couple becomes divorced because a spouse is unfaithful to the other, that could be considered adultery - but it would be on a case per case basis, imo - a lot of things can happen in a marriage nowadays - it's really not that simple anymore. That's the way I understand it but as I said, depending on your belief, that can vary. The gift of repentance and being able to "forgive one another" could also go a long way with this, imo.

One should keep in mind that although the ten commandments are "spiritual" in nature, they were written primarily to govern the Israelites in the ancient physical world. Obviously, the majority of them are simple, straightforward and should be followed to this day. But there are a few (as I mentioned) that have evolved over the years in the physical world world and the majority of them can be summed up "spiritually" by Loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and by loving your neighbor as yourself.
no, the heavens gave warning not to abuse their creation, sabbath and the consequences that would befall the desert dwellers for their horrendous behavior.

- anyone caught penning a hog must be severely lashed 10 times - when jesus was asked his opinion.
Who did they warn? Can you provide "proof" of this warning?

Please provide the ancient text or scroll where it is written that Jesus stated anyone should be "severely lashed"

(These are honest questions - the same questions you ask of others)
such are the cowards as moses the liar claiming heavenly persuasion for their 10 commandments as buttercup than the truth ...

as the true heavenly personification taught by jesus, liberation theology, self determination for a spirit to earn their way to the everlasting than die under false pretenses.
Are you 100% certain that Moses had no contact with a "higher power"? Not in Spirit or Physical?

Be careful of what you answer here.
such are the books of forgeries and fallacies ...

feral are not - desert made swine - sad anything as above would be found in any religious literature ... especially such a grievous claim jesus would be so involved.

- and worse the 750 lb yorkshire bore sold for over $12k that grazed 9 acres never saw a pen ... to christian laments.

I empathize with the proper treatment of all animals - livestock, pets and in nature. All living beings deserve their just treatment and respect.

Although I must confess that if I see a roach, I will likely crush it - They're just too fast to try to capture and release. But other than that (and ants when I was younger) I'll do the best I can to preserve life.

that will all be concluded as the parable stipulates the final judgement is for those who remain ... they or the last to perish will be blessed.

jesus nor anyone can transform evil from one being to another, a hog - it is you who needs to rewrite your book ... to be saved.
In my opinion:

Every soul is judged - some may not realize it while others will - but every soul is judged. And "judgement" isn't what most people think. It's a (nearly) automatic process - "nearly" because some souls may have "advocates" and so forth. Not willing or able to go into more detail but the afterlife and the life to come does not only include "Heaven or Hades". I'll leave it at that.

As far as "evil" being "transformed" into one being or another - no, doesn't work that way.

But I assure you, human hosts (as well as most mammals, many other animals) can, without question, become influenced and subjected to spiritual control.

then you, et al are losers - good luck living in hell.
Last I heard, Hades made some magnificent strides. It's not so bad anymore. Now the pit - that's a different story. ;)

yours is the defiance of what jesus taught, liberation theology, self determination - the 1st century events, the repudiation of judaisms false commandments, hereditary idolatry ...

the above works and faith are all that kept those during the time noah from being drowned.

to sin no more, the triumph over evil is the means for admission to the everlasting as taught by jesus.

The same people you are claiming to have saved "Noah and his descendants" are the same people you are so eager to damn.

Why is that?

Is it because you eventually "gave up" on those same people?

Well....Moses didn't. ;)

And either did Jesus The Christ.

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