Zone1 God's Ten Commandments Must Be Kept

You don't seem to get it.

The specific reason that God condemned the flesh of swine as vile and loathsome and forbidden to eat is because they do not RUMINATE which has direct human implications about people who "just believe", have blind faith, and swallow any irrational garbage without RUMINATING, thinking.

The subject of Kosher law was never about food, what goes into your mouth (and out of your ass). Its about beliefs, teaching, ideologies, etc, what goes into your mind and out of your mouth.

This is what defiles and contaminates a persons (mind). What you eat you flush down the toilet.

Think of the literal interpretation and application of the law as the lesser light that rules the night and the deeper implications of the same laws that actually reflects a profound understanding and knowledge of the human mind worthy of a benevolent God is the greater light that rules the day.

For as long as there are people on earth the law will remain relevant, in effect and in full force, and everyone who sets that instruction aside and eats the flesh of swine that do not ruminate will die the death, a curse, go insane, and will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate.

The verifiable proof of this truth is obliviously provided by "just believers" every single day.
so basically you have a problem with anyone who "Believes" God, so why should anyone believe you?
so basically you have a problem with anyone who "Believes" God,
No, I have a problem with lazy.

I have a problem with anyone who doesn't take the monumental intellectual effort required to put on their pants and apply that to learning the deeper meaning of the words and subjects of the Law which is the same exact way that Jesus taught was the only way to understand the hidden subjects and comply with the Law that fulfills the promise of eternal life here and now on earth.

Now, on earth, while still living. Not when you die after living like a schnook for your entire life.

Professing to believe that the concern of God, who is Spirit, for human beings, is to regulate diet fashion and the sexual preferences of consenting adults is in itself profane and an affront to God, not to mention the exact same perverse way to follow the Law that Jesus lived and died opposing

Am I telling you something that you didn't already know?

so why should anyone believe you?
Why wouldn't any intelligent person see and accept the deeper implications of the exact same Law that actually reflects wisdom worthy of a benevolent God and dedicated and loving Father?

If you take the Law literally the image and likeness of God becomes that of a cruel and capricious petty tyrant with the carnal concerns of a perverse and demented creepy and lecherous old man.

I don't care if anyone believes me. If they can't perceive and accept the obvious once it's been revealed to them and by choosing lies over revealed truth they will make evil a deliberate choice.

With no excuses.

Its harvest time. Not everything growing in the field will make it into the barn. Thems the breaks!
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