This is very important report for all US citizens voting in November for president.

The state department had do not travel warnings about Afghanistan for several years.

You aren't a real Admiral. Civilian Expats are on their own. The US government has no jurisdiction over them overseas. They had 20 months notice to leave.
What about all the Afghan civilians who assisted us and were going to be and have been slaughtered by the Taliban? They couldn't just go to the airport and jump on a flight to the US anytime they wanted.
Benedict Donald withdrew 80% of our troop without the Taliban complying with the Doha Accord. Do you think President Biden should have redeployed them to undo the damage Benedict Donald inflicted on the Afghanis by not enforcing the Doha Accords?
How many US troop s did we lose to Taliban attacks in those last 18 months? Do you know the number? Hint: It looks like a goose egg.
The dufus did that day 2, January 8, 2021. No war here has been reported. The last mass attack on a US Government install, I am aware of, was on January 6, 2021, the attack on the capital, but trump supporters wishing to overthrow the election.

Benedict Donald withdrew 80% of our troop without the Taliban complying with the Doha Accord. Do you think President Biden should have redeployed them to undo the damage Benedict Donald inflicted on the Afghanis by not enforcing the Doha Accords?
You do not want to discuss the right or wrong of this crap. You want me to engage in just politics with a person who probably has no skin in the game or ever did have skin in the game. I am a vet.
You do not want to discuss the right or wrong of this crap. You want me to engage in just politics with a person who probably has no skin in the game or ever did have skin in the game. I am a vet.

Democrats will forever be blaming Trump for their own failures and as of lately, stealing his accomplishments for themselves.

I don't know why he just doesn't say "Screw you folks. You don't deserve what I'm capable of doing for this country", and just go back to being a rich man.
The civilian were told, and should have been leaving. State Department dropped the ball, as they had a home, and after all, the Army was there to protect them. Remember, it was not State Department civilians blown up by the suicide bomber, but troop guarding near the entrance to the airfield, and being overrun by Afghani civillians.
I can think of another fuck up in our history. I will name it. I name it not to change the topic, but to prove we are a nation of citizens who have no fucking idea what it is like for this nation to have excellent plans that work out then and later. When Custer got killed with his troops, he really fucked up a lot. A video came out telling the story of a survivor who gave a very good report on that battle.
We are fed shit by our media. If you like shit, you base your thinking on shit. It is a fact that combat troops which I was one of, yet never having been in combat, but in a high unit with officers from 2nd lt. to full Col., and working for the commander, I was able to simply be present and learn a lot. We had millions of men serve in Germany over the decades we were there. Thank them and our own government for sticking it out.

You do not want to discuss the right or wrong of this crap. You want me to engage in just politics with a person who probably has no skin in the game or ever did have skin in the game. I am a vet.
Why did Benedict Donald withdraw so many troops without the Taliban complying with their conditions of the withdrawal agreement. It's a simple question that no Neo-GOP hack will answer. I bet your very important report never mentions Trumps near unconditional withdrawals does it?
We spent decades arming and training the Afghan people to prepare them for when we left. How many more decades would have you spent? How many more tens of billions do you think it would have taken?
A quick question. The way you think this over has to mean we get the hell out of Japan, South Korea, Germany, other nations in Europe, out of Taiwan and simply snap our fingers and vanish from all other countries because you personally wanted us out of Afghanistan? Got a reply?
Why did Benedict Donald withdraw so many troops without the Taliban complying with their conditions of the withdrawal agreement. It's a simple question that no Neo-GOP hack will answer. I bet your very important report never mentions Trumps near unconditional withdrawals does it?
I want to discuss this with people who do not claim Donald is a traitor.
Why did Benedict Donald withdraw so many troops without the Taliban complying with their conditions of the withdrawal agreement. It's a simple question that no Neo-GOP hack will answer. I bet your very important report never mentions Trumps near unconditional withdrawals does it?
Note 2. I did open the door for you to read the report but left it up to you to actually read it. Trump had left the office door open to Biden who made the decision you want to talk about Trump as were he still the active president.
Look, from 1962 to the end of January 1964, I was in an infantry unit in Germany. I did not want to be there. I served Kennedy and then Johnson in uniform. As the Company Clerk of a HQ & HQ company, where the unit had dozens of officers from 2nd Lt to Col, I was pretty versed in what happened due to an occupation.
I can remind you the war had ended in 1945. I was drafted to go to Germany. Like it or not, I had no choice. I was what amounted to a slave of this country. I followed orders from moments waking till going to sleep.
I understand a lot more today than I did when I departed Germany at age 25.

When analyzing Afghanistan, I did not see it as a merely go kill Bin Laden kind of mission. I have books by two Generals who waged that war. I studied both closely. I am not talking from news articles. Was it wrong to leave? I hold judgement on that myself. Was it right? Same answer. I lack the entire facts known to the most senior commanders there. I know we had troops killed. Don't we always have troops killed in combat? I did not want to die in combat. So don't look at me to tell you we love combat. I hate it.
Served in Germany also, but not drafted. I have studied and been trained and trained others, up to and including Command General Staff School. The Reason we were told we were going to Afghanistan was to get Bin Laden (a worth goal of limited scope with a definitive conclusion, when accomplished, all other than that, was indeed mission creep. Mission creep is long, and deadly for military and civillians. Mission focus is why Gulf War One was successful, focusing assembled combat power on specific, defined mission with specific defined goal and then leaving when it was achieved. Mission creep beyond state goals is why Afghanistan and 2nd Iraq war were and are failures, very expensive, very deadly to military and civilian.

You cannot sell American Democracy at the barrel of a gun, simply by invading and taking over, anymore than the USSR could sell Communism at the barrel of a gun, simply by invading Afghanistan earlier. Similarly to why they will ultimately fail to export Russian control to Ukraine. Military industrial complexes are slow learners, especially while there is civilian profit to be made supporting war, that those in uniform have no choice but to serve and fight. Most, if not many believed in the mission when it was the original mission, but many more had to stay and fight and survive when possible, even after the mission crept to something else, something not clearly define, without clear goals, or end point, and the military and civilian deaths and destruction, thousands of miles from here, out of sight, in that foreign land continued and it was wrong for the troops involved, yet, there they served, God Bless them. I was several years into retirement when this one started, but I served as a civilian contractor for Department of The Army, on this side of the world, doing logistics and support, so others in uniform could go. I was well aware of those that had served under me years earlier that did not make it back, some that did, permanently change, sometimes catastrophically injured, and those of the units I contracted to support, that also did not make it back, except for a twisted, burn melted weapon, in a vault with a serial number on it. I processed the paperwork, did the interviews and sworn statements from those that survived as I had to account for every weapon in that vault.

I do not know if this reconciles with your privately held opinion or training receives and understood or not. But, it is my opinion.
How many US troop s did we lose to Taliban attacks in those last 18 months? Do you know the number? Hint: It looks like a goose egg.
The Truce between the US, our NATO Allies and the Taliban was reciprocal. ISIS killed hundreds at the airport included the last 13 US casualties. ISIS had operated out of Kabul in 2020. One of the conditional Trump allowed them to disregard was stopping Islamic Terrorist like ISIS from using Afghanistan soil to launch attack Americans. Why did Trump allow them to disregard 6 out of 7 of the negotiated conditions?
A baseless talking point. The general made the decision like they did for all of the final pull out and evacacuation.

Sec. Lloyd Austin: (23:40)
So let me take each in turn. Retaining Bagram would’ve required putting as many as 5,000 US troops in harms way just to operate and defend it. And it would’ve contributed little to the mission that we’ve been assigned and that was to protect and defend the embassy, which was some 30 miles away. That distance from Kabul also rendered Bagram of little value in the evacuation. Staying at Bagram even for counter-terrorism purposes meant staying at war in Afghanistan, something that the president made clear that he would not do.

It was Benedict Donald who withdrew all our leverage in troop strength as well abandoning those five bases in 2020

Austin is a dumb ass and had no clue why Trump wanted to retain Bagram. Even though he's said it multiple times.

"The reason we're keeping Bagram is because of China," the former president said. "It's one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons because billions and billions of dollars to build many years ago and right now it looks to me like China is going to end up owning and operating Bagram. We fled, left the lights on late at night, and we fled. And they did leave all the dogs behind. "

Note 2. I did open the door for you to read the report but left it up to you to actually read it. Trump had left the office door open to Biden who made the decision you want to talk about Trump as were he still the active president.
All of Benedict Donald actions I bring up occurred while he was CiC.

Left the door open? Hahaha, why did he blurt out this little ditty?

I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you.

Your link went to Fox Not News But Lies" site.
Austin is a dumb ass and had no clue why Trump wanted to retain Bagram. Even though he's said it multiple times.

"The reason we're keeping Bagram is because of China," the former president said. "It's one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons because billions and billions of dollars to build many years ago and right now it looks to me like China is going to end up owning and operating Bagram. We fled, left the lights on late at night, and we fled. And they did leave all the dogs behind. "

Typical, when you got nothing, proceed in attack mode.
Served in Germany also, but not drafted. I have studied and been trained and trained others, up to and including Command General Staff School. The Reason we were told we were going to Afghanistan was to get Bin Laden (a worth goal of limited scope with a definitive conclusion, when accomplished, all other than that, was indeed mission creep. Mission creep is long, and deadly for military and civillians. Mission focus is why Gulf War One was successful, focusing assembled combat power on specific, defined mission with specific defined goal and then leaving when it was achieved. Mission creep beyond state goals is why Afghanistan and 2nd Iraq war were and are failures, very expensive, very deadly to military and civilian.

You cannot sell American Democracy at the barrel of a gun, simply by invading and taking over, anymore than the USSR could sell Communism at the barrel of a gun, simply by invading Afghanistan earlier. Similarly to why they will ultimately fail to export Russian control to Ukraine. Military industrial complexes are slow learners, especially while there is civilian profit to be made supporting war, that those in uniform have no choice but to serve and fight. Most, if not many believed in the mission when it was the original mission, but many more had to stay and fight and survive when possible, even after the mission crept to something else, something not clearly define, without clear goals, or end point, and the military and civilian deaths and destruction, thousands of miles from here, out of sight, in that foreign land continued and it was wrong for the troops involved, yet, there they served, God Bless them. I was several years into retirement when this one started, but I served as a civilian contractor for Department of The Army, on this side of the world, doing logistics and support, so others in uniform could go. I was well aware of those that had served under me years earlier that did not make it back, some that did, permanently change, sometimes catastrophically injured, and those of the units I contracted to support, that also did not make it back, except for a twisted, burn melted weapon, in a vault with a serial number on it. I processed the paperwork, did the interviews and sworn statements from those that survived as I had to account for every weapon in that vault.

I do not know if this reconciles with your privately held opinion or training receives and understood or not. But, it is my opinion.
You were there, when I was in the 2nd to 4th grades of elementary school. I served at V Corp G3, working direct for the G3, at Frankfurt and a few other places.

I definitely thank those that served, drafted or not, and thank you specifically for your service in that country and to the United States, that sent you there.
The civilian were told, and should have been leaving. State Department dropped the ball, as they had a home, and after all, the Army was there to protect them. Remember, it was not State Department civilians blown up by the suicide bomber, but troop guarding near the entrance to the airfield, and being overrun by Afghani civillians.
Who blew up our troops? It wasn't the Taliban, was it?

The State Department is run by the same guy who runs the DoD, and that would be Brandon.
You were there, when I was in the 2nd to 4th grades of elementary school. I served at V Corp G3, working direct for the G3, at Frankfurt and a few other places.

I definitely thank those that served, drafted or not, and thank you specifically for your service in that country and to the United States, that sent you there.
Yeah, you probably made coffee for the general.

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