How truly dumb is Elizebeth Warren is shown in this interview!

Border wall isnt an immigration reform bill you partisan hack. GOP had a bill during Trump’s term he was about to sign but was strong armed away from it by the right. Then he fucked up the bipartisan one this year. There is no real attempt by the GOP to do anything.
FACTS... not guesses by you!
FACT: "but there have been more than 6.9 million apprehensions at the southern border thus far in Biden’s term. There were just over two million in Donald Trump’s entire term.
What did the president do wrong?
” Raddatz asked.
Under Biden 6.9 million
Under Trump 2.0 million.
HEY Dummy citygator.... Which is a larger number? Right 6.9 million.. is nearly 5 million apprehensions larger than Trump.
How about some more FACTS!
ARGUE with the reality not your made up totally ignorant comments!
Under President Biden’s watch, there have been over 8 million migrant encounters nationwide, 6.7 million of which have been at the Southwest border.
Worse yet, over 1.7 million known gotaways—illegal immigrants who have evaded Border Patrol— are now living in the interior of the United States without documentation and without having undergone any vetting by immigration officials.

That's not going to help Trump. Rememeber, Doc7505, you said it is in the bag for biden. Dont vote. Just stay home. :)
That's not going to help Trump. Remember, Doc7505, you said it is in the bag for biden. Dont vote.
Be warned. The source is the Daily Caller.
Strange... This service rates Daily Caller and RIGHT BIAS

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Why would you vote for it? You said it was in the bag for Biden.
THAT IS A LIE!!!!! I never said "it was in the bag for Biden"! LIAR!
MY point is unless Trump wins by a landslide no questions of the 538 electors or more than
70% there will be problems caused by the Democrats.
Remember what Hillary said:

Hillary Clinton Maintains 2016 Election ‘Was Not On the Level’: ‘We Still Don’t Know What Really Happened’​

. Al Gore
2020 ELECTIONS NOV. 5, 2020

The 2000 Election Never Ended​

zzz. You are the most scatterbrained poster on here. In all our exchanges you never actually debate the point. Just straw man after straw man. Bill was killed by Trump, or at least at least that is what GOP leadership said. Maybe they lied?
Explain how a private citizen forced Schumer to stonewall the bill and not even bring it up for a vote, Moron.:auiqs.jpg:
Anyone who reads the Daily Caller without vetting its material is person you don't trust for info,
Anyone who reads the Daily Caller without vetting it is not a smart person.
Another supporting fact for your comment!
View attachment 966783
I am sick of telling people...

Trump cut Oil while in Government to cause Oil to go from $15 to $122 a barrel..

This was the main reason for inflation. The Global Inflation Bubble was quite heavilly influcence by Trump bad actions...

This was the Trump Inflation...
I am sick of telling people...

Trump cut Oil while in Government to cause Oil to go from $15 to $122 a barrel..

This was the main reason for inflation. The Global Inflation Bubble was quite heavilly influcence by Trump bad actions...

This was the Trump Inflation...
You know Cowboy... you should do just a little internet searches as I have done answering you.
The FACTS support that one dumb ass ignorant comment by Biden has caused prices of some if not all 6,000 products made from oil and this idiot still stands by it!

So explain to me how any logical thinking person would NOT find this statement to be destructive of the oil industry? Before I share, maybe you should consider this from the US Department of energy:
Petrochemicals derived from oil and natural gas make the manufacturing of over 6,000 everyday products and high-tech devices possible. Major petrochemicals—including ethylene, propylene, acetylene, benzene, and toluene, as well as natural gas constituents like methane, propane, and ethane—are the feedstock chemicals for the production of many of the items we use and depend on every day.

So when Biden says the following... NOT only the gas companies but oil product manufacturers have done what they justify because Biden will destroy their businesses... raise their prices. If the President of the USA wants their businesses destroyed, it makes sense to raise the prices while they haven't been put out of business by Biden.
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So it wasn't just GAS prices raised 40% under Biden... but many if not all of the below products prices have gone up! Case in point: ASPHALT...
"Increases tied to changes for liquid asphalt, which is a key component in blacktop, are up more than 60 percent from four years ago (2017). The price has increased from $330 to $530 a liquid ton.
In 2019, total warm-mix asphalt tonnage increased to over 164 million tons, or 38 percent of all asphalt pavement produced in the United States.

Cowboy ....
Under Trump oil production dropped(8%)for just ONE month... COVID!!!
...."After a sharp production drop during the pandemic, U.S. oil production has since grown 30% from its low point in May 2020 and is now roughly what it was before the pandemic."
U.S. crude oil production averaged 11.3 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2020, down 935,000 b/d (8%) from the record annual average high of 12.2 million b/d in 2019.
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