How truly dumb is Elizebeth Warren is shown in this interview!

Border wall isnt an immigration reform bill you partisan hack. GOP had a bill during Trump’s term he was about to sign but was strong armed away from it by the right. Then he fucked up the bipartisan one this year. There is no real attempt by the GOP to do anything.

Biden halts border wall building after Trump’s final surge​

Biden on Wednesday ordered a “pause” on all wall construction within a week, one of 17 executive orders issued on his first day in office, including six dealing with immigration.

FACTS from Department of Homeland Security
FY 19: 51,961 vs. FY 20: 2,940
Rio Grand Valley Sector:
In a section of RGV (Zone 1) apprehensions have decreased since the construction of the border wall system. This is a location that has never had any border infrastructure.
CBP has seen 79% decrease in apprehensions in this area (Zone 1) since the completion of border wall system.
CBP has seen a 26% decrease in narcotics seizures since the completion of border wall system in this area.
In another section of RGV, prior to construction of the border wall system it was common to see illegal aliens running across a heavily traveled road, putting themselves and members of the community at risk.
Smugglers are now forced to take their groups further west into areas that are less dense with brush and easier for CBP surveillance cameras to detect illicit activity.

El Paso Sector:
El Paso Sector has experienced a significant reduction in drug and smuggling activities in areas where the new border wall system was built.
Most notably, in Zones 14 and 15 of the Santa Teresa (STN) AOR where apprehensions have decreased by 60% and 81% respectively when comparing the last half of fiscal year FY 20 to the first half of FY 20.
El Paso Station has experienced similar results from the new border wall in Zones 20 – 23, with a reduction in apprehensions of 70% during the same timeframe.
HealthMyths said it's in the bag for Biden.

WHERE did I say the "it's in the bag for Biden"?
Just to clarify... If Trump wins but not by a landslide, Biden will refuse to leave the office physically and
the BIASED MSM will support him as they did in 2020 and with Hillary in 2016 against Trump!
The concern should not be "how stupid is E. Warren?" The concern is that she presumes the electorate is catatonically stupid, and there is little evidence that she is wrong.
The concern should not be "how stupid is E. Warren?" The concern is that she presumes the electorate is catatonically stupid, and there is little evidence that she is wrong.
These pompous politicians do have a very low opinion of voters for sure! Warren proves that.
Sunday ABC news and Martha Raddatz interviewed the erstwhile Indian, Elizabeth Warren, blames the 6.9 million illegals increase from Trump's 2 million on GOP!...,
Martha Radditz:
I know [President Biden] wanted that immigration bill to pass, that bipartisan, but there have been more than 6.9 million apprehensions at the southern border thus far in Biden’s term. There were just over two million in Donald Trump’s entire term. What did the president do wrong?” Raddatz asked.
Elizabeth Warren's response...
No, this isn’t about what the president did wrong. Remember, on the very first day that he was sworn into office, President Biden asked Congress both for the resources and for comprehensive immigration reform. The Republicans blocked it, blocked it, blocked it, blocked it. Until last fall— ” Warren said.

Pocahontas Warren!!! You said..."Remember, on the very first day that he was sworn into office"
Do you think most Americans are stupid? Of course you why else would you say the above WHEN
"Remember, on the very first day that he was sworn into office" Biden also did this!

Biden halts border wall building after Trump’s final surge

Biden on Wednesday ordered a “pause” on all wall construction within a week, one of 17 executive orders issued on his first day in office, including six dealing with immigration.

The order leaves billions of dollars of work unfinished — but still under contract — after Trump worked feverishly last year to build more than 450 miles (720 kilometers), a goal he said he achieved eight days before leaving office.

Yet dummies like Warren and you other idiot supporters of Biden... do you think the rest of Americans can't add 1 +1 equals 2? 1... Biden stops the one truly effective mechanism to reduce illegal crossings and 1...Warren blames the GOP for what? 1+1 equals the total example of how disdainful Democrats think of Americans!
Really Pocahontas... ? GOP is to blame for the additional 5 million illegals under Biden's termination of the wall building!
Come on Americans... simple recognize that Dems like Pocahontas are totally out of touch with reality!

Further illumination of the ignorance of Pocahontas and most Dems including BIDEN!

Martha Radditz:
“Donald Trump didn’t have that either, Senator. He didn’t have that either and there were two million during his entire term,” Raddatz jumped in.
Elizabeth Warren's response...
“Until last fall. The president tries to deal with a problem that is presented to him. He can’t deal with it if Congress and the Republicans continue to block him. And so the president is using the tools available to him, both to create border security, but he doesn’t have the resources because the Republicans are blocking access,” Warren continued claiming he was
"doing what he can with the resources available to him.”

Is this what Biden did with the resources available to him? Encourage illegals to surge to the border?

Biden:"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Elizabeth Warren does think most everyone is stupid. She felt entitled to full minority class treatment and pointed to her 1/1064th Cherokee Heritage. Did she use science to prove it? No…. She pointed to her “Pa-Paw’s” grandmother’s high cheek bones as proof.
Bipartisan legislation scuttled by Trump. Look up how the senate works with a 60 vote majority needed Nostradumbass. I feel sorry for you. You really are dumb.
Nope. Not how it works.

You made the claim, so you show us how a private citizen forced Schumer to stonewall the bill.

Elizabeth Warren does think most everyone is stupid. She felt entitled to full minority class treatment and pointed to her 1/1064th Cherokee Heritage. Did she use science to prove it? No…. She pointed to her “Pa-Paw’s” grandmother’s high cheek bones as proof.
Hmmm... wonder what the part of the Indian tribe my last name is called that I am and is my proof of Indian linage!
Bipartisan legislation scuttled by Trump. Look up how the senate works with a 60 vote majority needed Nostradumbass. I feel sorry for you. You really are dumb.
Have you ever used the internet to search for substantiation of you statement "Bipartisan legislation scuttled by Trump"?

Feb 5, 2024 — At first blush, the bipartisan border deal unveiled in the Senate on Sunday seems like something former President Donald Trump should support.
This was part of the bill...
A new, and long-awaited executive order on immigration unveiled on 4 June will also allow US authorities to swiftly deport migrants who enter the country illegally without processing their asylum requests.
That power will apply when a daily threshold of 2,500 migrant "encounters" is reached.
So it is OK for up to 2,500 illegals can come PER DaY... according to the bill.
WHY are up to 2,500 illegals to enter ILLEGALLY????
Nope. Not how it works.

You made the claim, so you show us how a private citizen forced Schumer to stonewall the bill.

Fuck off. You're being obtuse. I can only assume you have infinite time on your hands to discuss nothing.

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