Biden’s grade on the economy rises to A-

Harris has not been president. So if you want to excuse Trump because of the pandemic, you excuse Biden for what the pandemic caused.
Trump did way more to combat the pandemic than you act like. Examples? Had Pence in charge of problems related to Covid 19. Rushed a fast Vaccine to citizens. Biden had benefit of Trump vaccines and still lost more to the virus than Trump has lost. Biden needs his big boy pants put on to accept responsibility.
Your money is worth less and wages have not kept up with inflation.
Do it vs 2019. Comparing to 2020 is silly in the middle of Covid where wages were not accurate due to unemployment of service workers and prices were affected by the shut down. Versus 2019 your standard of living is normal.
Trump did way more to combat the pandemic than you act like. Examples? Had Pence in charge of problems related to Covid 19. Rushed a fast Vaccine to citizens. Biden had benefit of Trump vaccines and still lost more to the virus than Trump has lost. Biden needs his big boy pants put on to accept responsibility.
Seems like Trump was having like press conferences every day during the pandemic. I've never seen so many press conferences by a president in my life. Could you imagine Harris in a situation like that? OMG it would be a disaster. Donald Trump is like the Energizer Bunny, he was everywhere trying to keep us informed as to what was going on. He definitely did the best he could. The CDC let us down
Do it vs 2019. Comparing to 2020 is silly in the middle of Covid where wages were not accurate due to unemployment of service workers and prices were affected by the shut down. Versus 2019 your standard of living is normal.
A quote from the article.
"When measuring against those specific periods, Biden’s statement is accurate. But when considering his entire presidency, the opposite is true — inflation-adjusted wages have not risen."

If Trump was President the last 3 and 1/2 years we would have done a lot better. "
Uh Yeah they did dumbass! LOLOLOL where were you? Why on Earth are you so stupid?


And your evidence they shut down the economy was that the pandemic ended in 2023.

It's silence! you have nothing to say but post little pictures stupid ass! Proves you have the mental capacity of an idiot hahaha what is your obsession with inbreeding? Are you one? Dumbass!


Drools the idiot who thing Harris and Biden shut down the economy but can't show proof they actually did.


Drools the idiot who thing Harris and Biden shut down the economy but can't show proof they actually did.

Hahaha now you're denying that they shut down the economy. You are absolutely the dumbest poster on this board. Ridiculously STUPID! HAHAHAHAHA
Trump did way more to combat the pandemic than you act like. Examples? Had Pence in charge of problems related to Covid 19. Rushed a fast Vaccine to citizens. Biden had benefit of Trump vaccines and still lost more to the virus than Trump has lost. Biden needs his big boy pants put on to accept responsibility.

The covid death rate...

Trump: 40,339/month
Biden: 17,551/month
Hahaha now you're denying that they shut down the economy. You are absolutely the dumbest poster on this board. Ridiculously STUPID! HAHAHAHAHA View attachment 1008593

Why wouldn't I deny that, inbred? You've shown nothing to prove they did. Repeating your delusions doesn't make them true -- it only reveals how fucked in the head you are. I can live with that.
The covid death rate...

Trump: 40,339/month
Biden: 17,551/month
Trump passed the vaccine on to Biden. There were more deaths under Harris Biden's watch than under Trump's. HarrisBiden was a disaster. Why hasn't Harris Biden held China accountable for This Disaster? They were in a good position to do so. Trump was embroiled with informing us about the virus and developing a vaccine. He had news conferences with the CDC daily. Harris Biden caused more deaths than Trump.

Liar. Here I am, informing you, the pandemic was over by August, 2023...

A rock has more brain cells than you.
Hahaha you are ridiculously stupid. that's what I said ,that the pandemic was ending in 2023 you dumbass. You stuck your foot in your mouth AGAIN! You didn't even know when the pandemic ended or began. What a fool you have turned out to be, does your family know? Hahaha
Trump passed the vaccine on to Biden. There were more deaths under Harris Biden's watch than under Trump's. HarrisBiden was a disaster. Why hasn't Harris Biden held China accountable for This Disaster? They were in a good position to do so. Trump was embroiled with informing us about the virus and developing a vaccine. He had news conferences with the CDC daily. Harris Biden caused more deaths than Trump.

Deal with reality, loser...

Trump: 40,339/month
Biden: 17,551/month
Hahaha you are ridiculously stupid. that's what I said ,that the pandemic was ending in 2023 you dumbass. You stuck your foot in your mouth AGAIN! You didn't even know when the pandemic ended or began. What a fool you have turned out to be, does your family know? HahahaView attachment 1008599

Nope. You don't have a post to me, earlier than this one, saying the pandemic was over in 2023...

Dumbfuck, your article is dated August, 2023. There were no lockdowns at that point and the pandemic was already over.
Sucks to be a loser like you, ChoadBreath.

Nope. You don't have a post to me, earlier than this one, saying the pandemic was over in 2023...

Sucks to be a loser like you, ChoadBreath.

Sucks that you Democrats and TDS sufferers killed more people than MAGA. We even gave you fools a vaccine! God damn you're STUPID!
Sucks that you Democrats and TDS sufferers killed more people than MAGA. We even gave you fools a vaccine! God damn you're STUPID!
Nope. You don't have a post to me, earlier than this one, saying the pandemic was over in 2023...
You didn't even know when the pandemic ended. But yet you were flapping your mouth at me like a fool. You didn't answer if you're family knew you were so stupid or not
Poor, ignorant baby...

Trump: 40,339/month
Biden: 17,551/month
Whining and crying is your mantra along with stupidity. You don't even know when the pandemic ended or began and you don't know that more people died with Biden as president than Trump.
even though Biden had a vaccine. Your ignorance exceeds all boundaries. STUPID

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