Best Economy Ever

I'm not the only one predicting it....because the Government has been doing EVERYTHING possible to induce a recession. It's not like what causes a recession is not known. They have deliberately done things that create a recession

We HAD (past tense) a healthy economy.

Then the pandemic and Government screwed it up. The Government has lied to everyone with economic numbers and indicators.

Now we have to pay the price .

more wishful thinking on your part.

but hey, if you predict one long enough you will eventually be right.

you are like the weatherman that predicts snow for a month straight and when it finally does snow goes 'see, I told you"
more wishful thinking on your part.

but hey, if you predict one long enough you will eventually be right.

you are like the weatherman that predicts snow for a month straight and when it finally does snow goes 'see, I told you"
Not exactly a prediction....

Couple this with the Mortgage Applications numbers.....

And its a disaster of epic proportions.

A historically high number of new homes are up for sale in the US South, thanks largely to Florida and Texas.

There were 293,000 newly built houses still on the market in that part of the country in June, topping the previous high of 291,000 set in August 2006, according to new data released this week.

Supply is tight elsewhere in the US as high borrowing costs discourage sellers from listing their properties and developers race to build more new homes.


So how did this happen in the South, at a time when other regions of the country are struggling to provide enough homes for the people who want them?

It all goes back to the pandemic, when people migrated away from certain pockets of the US. Florida and Texas, in particular, became popular destinations.

Investors and builders followed, ramping up development during a period of mass relocations.

But these states are no longer the draw they once were during the pandemic. That COVID-era migration is waning, even reversing in some metros.

Florida, which had reigned as the most popular move-in state, now ranks third, according to PODS, a moving and storage company. Austin, Texas — a top 20 move-in city during the pandemic — is the No. 5 move-out city this year. South Florida is third.

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