US Economy Reaches Superstar Status

If Trump is elected the economy will go to hell in a hand basket.

Like in 2017? DURR

In 2017 Trump was cruising off of Obama’s economy and when Trump’s term was over the economy was hell in a hand basket, which is one reason the nation then threw him out of office.
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Get this. Do you know what isn’t included in the consumer price index (CPI)? Car and home insurance. They are simply not part of the measured basket. The CPI also excludes home prices, replacing them with a proxy called owners’ equivalent rent, which is not a reflection of reality. It also uses a crazy metric to assess health insurance such that an increase can be rendered as a decrease. In addition, the CPI can’t measure added fees and shrinkflation.

The result is that the CPI has become pure fantasy at this point. Anything happening in the housing market, from interest to insurance to prices themselves, is simply not included. Once we do include them, you can generate numbers that are easily in the double digits. Including house prices alone (excluded as of 1983) takes current numbers from 3.5 percent to 6 percent.
Throwing in interest and insurance and more gets us very easily to double digits for fully two years.


This whole picture is worsened by the extremely spooky refusal of official and media culture to report on the realities with any degree of honesty or sophistication.


In other words, we very well could be in the midst of an unreported inflationary depression. Actually, correct that: a global inflationary depression.

Wouldn’t that be something if such a thing were happening right now and it never entered the headlines? That’s what statistical trickery will do.
Sure... all the data is wrong.. Then you have no idea if it is better or worse than the past cuz the past is wrong too. Lets just make it all up then? What a bloviated nonsense respose. If you dont like the numbers, I cant help you. They are what they are no matter how much you pout. Grow up and address reality.
Bidenomics is ruling the world

Bidenvilles poppping up in parking lots across this country proves your point.

I guess. I wouldn’t be all that proud of it though.

Biden’s made a full size Van the new American dream.
In 2017 Trump was cruising off of Obama’s economy and when Trump’s term was over the economy was hell in a hand basket, which is one reason the nation then threw him out of office.
That is 100% what happened. We were all there.
In 2017 Trump was cruising off of Obama’s economy and when Trump’s term was over the economy was hell in a hand basket, which is one reason the nation then threw him out of office.

In 2017 Trump was cruising off of Obama’s economy

Yeah, Obama's weakest recovery in history and +1.8% real GDP growth in 2016 was awesome!

and when Trump’s term was over the economy was hell in a hand basket

Yeah, the China flu was awful!
massively better off than I was 4 years ago.

Our income in 2023 was a tad more than 94k than it was in 2020.

Our housing cost are down.

Our income in 2023 was a tad more than 94k than it was in 2020.

That's awesome! What was your income in 2020?
Biden has been good for the well off.

Are we "well off"?

But either way, it had nothing to do with Biden and everything to do with the work my wife and I have put into improving our lives.

Why do people want to give the POTUS so much power over their lives?
In 2017 Trump was cruising off of Obama’s economy

Yeah, Obama's weakest recovery in history and +1.8% real GDP growth in 2016 was awesome!

and when Trump’s term was over the economy was hell in a hand basket

Yeah, the China flu was awful!
Obama was given the biggest financial disaster since the great depression and ground out a better economy every year. Then Trump brought about an even bigger financial disaster that Biden has built on every year.
Are we "well off"?

But either way, it had nothing to do with Biden and everything to do with the work my wife and I have put into improving our lives.

Why do people want to give the POTUS so much power over their lives?
Little do you know that there is a button in the oval office that the President pushes when your preferred party is in power that brings everything you want and there is a second button that says "F' them all" which the opposing president pushes when he is in there.
Are we "well off"?

But either way, it had nothing to do with Biden and everything to do with the work my wife and I have put into improving our lives.

Why do people want to give the POTUS so much power over their lives?

Your household income in 2023 was over $264k?
Yes, that's well off.
Obama was given the biggest financial disaster since the great depression and ground out a better economy every year. Then Trump brought about an even bigger financial disaster that Biden has built on every year.

Obama was given the biggest financial disaster since the great depression and ground out a better economy every year.

The recession was over by June 2009. What did he do in 5 months to cause that?

Then Trump brought about an even bigger financial disaster

China flu was serious.

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