The Hill: Impressive US Economy

Snowflake you're being lied to the numbers you're using is manipulated. Showing Part time jobs as jobs growth is a lie and that is the manipulation.

They are the same numbers used when you all were tell everyone we were in the greatest economy in the history of mankind
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of Americans reporting full-time employment dropped by more than 1.7 million jobs from November 2023 to the end of March 2024, the most recent month for which data is available.

Americans reporting full-time employment

Could this mean successful people are RETIRING.
I'm one of those, and I'm doing JUST FINE. Thank You.
When people retire other people take those jobs. They don’t disappear because people retire.

When you actually did into the job numbers it’s a fairly troubling situation. There’s not an abundance of full time good paying jobs being created.
Trump tell you that, Lerch?
Asshat you should do some research this is a snippet from the link I posted earlier.
The cumulative 20% inflation rate means it now takes, on average, $120 to make a comparable January 2020 purchase. (Mathematically, that means $1.00 is now worth only $0.83 in January 2020's terms.)
Asshat you should do some research this is a snippet from the link I posted earlier.
The cumulative 20% inflation rate means it now takes, on average, $120 to make a comparable January 2020 purchase. (Mathematically, that means $1.00 is now worth only $0.83 in January 2020's terms.)

At least your link was accurate enough to add in Trump's spending during COVID as a good part of the inflation that followed.

It is the first time I have seen one of you all admit that.
That was so 2020 ago. What's biden's excuse?

He, just like Trump, spends too much money.

But by golly, one of them will be sitting in the White House in Jan 2025 doing the same fucking thing again....the very definition of insanity by the American people.
He, just like Trump, spends too much money.

But by golly, one of them will be sitting in the White House in Jan 2025 doing the same fucking thing again....the very definition of insanity by the American people.
Trump had a reason that Congress directed him to do. Biden is not doing that. So what's biden's excuse? Why the lie about inflation? 20%
Trump had a reason that Congress directed him to do.

Trump spent too much money while he had a fully GOP Congress.

Trump wanted to spend more in 2020 than Congress would allow him to do.

But both sides give their side a free pass which is why we are sitting at 34T in debt and climbing fast.

Nobody gives a fuck about the country any longer, just their beloved chosen party.

So what's biden's excuse?

None whatsoever, the same as Trump. But the cultist on both sides will cover for their side till the day they die.

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