Finally the truth comes out: 'Biden Gets More Bad News About the Economy'

Why do those lies keep flying? They are disgusting lies. Trump did not import CV19. Trump took massive action to get us vaccines. And haven't you used those vaccines?
Yes. Trump took "massive action".

He blew it off as a "Democrat hoax." Then he held some superspreader rallies and went golfing, killing Herman Cain in the process.

Then he blew off contact tracing and tracking at the most critical period of a pandemic, allowing Covid to run rampant, unimpeded, and untracked.

“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.” :bang3::bang3::bang3::bang3::bang3:

Then he waved his magic hands in the air and said it would just "go away". On his say-so.

Then he suggested we should inject ourselves with disinfectant and a very bright light.

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"

So...yeah. Thanks to our Fucking Moron at the helm, the greatest and most technologically advanced country in the world suffered the highest losses.

One million dead.

And you want this stupid motherfucker BACK?!! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Economists have predicted 12 of the last three recessions.

But I know you are hoping and praying for America to fail.
Just desperately clinging to any hope for your pants shitting savior Xiden. America is failing under YOUR choice. Your lies won't save you from Trump in November. Your tears will be delicious retard.
You misspelled DEMOCRATS as Trump again.

Trump was the POTUS, he set the tone for the country.

He lied though his teeth about it being gone in a week while his VA was undertaking 6 week construction projects to turn units into Negative Pressure areas just to treat COVID patients.
Just desperately clinging to any hope for your pants shitting savior Xiden. America is failing under YOUR choice. Your lies won't save you from Trump in November. Your tears will be delicious retard.
"Amerca is falling"? Sorry to hear that you're eating out of dumpsters, loser.

Is it as bad as Trump's ass?
Trump was the POTUS, he set the tone for the country.

He lied though his teeth about it being gone in a week while his VA was undertaking 6 week construction projects to turn units into Negative Pressure areas just to treat COVID patients.
You forgot the hospitals Trump rushed to two ports, hospitals he created in NY City and that the truth still is only 1 percent of CV victims died.
Economists have predicted 12 of the last three recessions.

But I know you are hoping and praying for America to fail.

Nope, but if it takes a mild recession to get the mother fucking piece of dog excrement out of the WH, so he cannot continue to flood America with his Cloward-Pivin third-worlders, then I'm all for it!!!!!!!! :clap:
"Amerca is falling"? Sorry to hear that you're eating out of dumpsters, loser.

Is it as bad as Trump's ass?
So you have tried Trumps ass? Don't say no because you bring it up.
So you have tried Trumps ass? Don't say no because you bring it up.
No, but you have. Now go work on removing that imprint of his ass from your face. Now that Trump is a convicted felon, his appeal is shrinking by the minute.

"All glory is fleeting".
For whatever reason, Americans are badly mistaken about the economy. The economy is doing very well.

Sadly, voters vote from their perceptions rather than reality.

This thing about the US being in a recession is just stupid. Downright idiotic. The last recession was on Trump's watch during the pandemic. We are not in a recession.

Our economy came roaring back. We are in far better shape than most of the world.

I think what is warping American's perspective is the new normal of the prices for goods.

If inflation dropped to zero today, prices would not drop. That would be DEflation. And we do NOT want deflation.

You could buy a Coke for a nickel when I was a kid. It's never going to be a nickel again. But what offsets that is my income has risen at a faster rate than the price of a Coke.

That is the case in this situation. Wages have outpaced inflation. So even though you work just as many manhours, or less, to buy a Coke than you did before the pandemic, the higher price has a skewing psychological effect.

Rather than take the trouble to explain this, it is easier to just say, "BECUZ BYDEN!!!"
When asked about their personal financial situation, most Americans report that they're doing pretty well.

Then when asked about how they feel the COUNTRY is doing financially, they say not very well.

That's the crazy phenomena that's going on here.
When asked about their personal financial situation, most Americans report that they're doing pretty well.

Then when asked about how they feel the COUNTRY is doing financially, they say not very well.

That's the crazy phenomena that's going on here.

Yep, you just have to somehow convince the majority of Americans that when they fill up their gas tanks, and their shopping carts, that they have it great!!!!!!

Damnit, you have it good I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:


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