Civil Disobedience

He didn't "drop out"; he was forced out. This is factual.

They want to play dirty? Time for us to play dirty. We'll see.
No, what’s factual is that he dropped out

He wanted to run again, but when faced with the fact that his party told him he couldn’t win and they no longer supported him, he reluctantly had no choice but to withdraw from the race

That’s politics 101

Are you little Nell fresh off the farm or something? How do you imagine these things work?
The 14 million "lesser dems" that voted for FJB may beg to differ.

Talk about the hollow ring of your "Mah Democracy" chants.....The elite anointed someone who never won even one POTUS primary vote...Ever.

Indeed.....Demockracy is more like it.
Those 14 million are very happy with Biden's decision and will enthusiastically vote for VP Kamala Harris.
You picked up your ball and went home.

Maybe we do if Harris wins.

Maybe we have days of no spending at all. Crank the economy to a dead stop.

Maybe as I just said we stop giving to any charities except our churches. You want your Socialist Utopia provided by the State? Great, you pay for all of it.

There is SO much to be done. It's how cheaters learn.
Cheaters learn by karma, or don't, but it'll get them anyway. God ingrained that into the workings of the world and it runs like clockwork.
Of course they can. They were released from being pledged for Biden the second he withdrew

This won’t be the first brokered convention, stop being a drama queen
No, they are released, but the party can't just reassign them. That's why Harris was working the phones the moment Quid Pro dropped out. She had to convince them to back her.
They shatter all the norms but damn sure expect us to abide by them.

They COUNT on it.

Maybe we don't anymore, should Harris win. Maybe we just shrug and walk away from a lot of stuff. And let them twist in the wind.

Walk away from your union provide pension and social security. Don't register for medicare. Live off the grid when Kamama wins.
Yeah…. They were released and it appears most of them have pledged for Harris.

What’s your point?
That both you and that other poster are both wrong. You said delegates can be switched. They cannot, they have to be persuaded to back a different candidate, essentially holding another primary without input from the voters. You know, stuff democrats love to do. The other guy tried to claim that Quid Pro was being all noble and selfless and stuff when he wasn't. Right up until the last moment he was vowing to stay in the race. You don't go from "I'm perfectly healthy and capable of being president for another 4 years" to "I'm too sick and feeble to be president for another 4 years" in 24 hours.
That perversion of the law will be paid for as well, shitbird.

What the FUCK was Trump doing with all those classified documents? What was he going to do with them? Why did he lie to the FBI when he said he gave them all back? Don't answer because your answer will be bullshit.

Remember you accused Bill Clinton of selling secrets to China on his way out? Is that what Trump was doing?

We know Trump was showing top secets off to guests at Mara Lago and we know he told an Australian Billionaire our nuclear sub secrets, who then told 50 other people. Now before you answer let me remind you

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

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