If trump does not win, there will be "civil war."

So Anti-fa and BLM will act like Trump supporters and attack the capitol?
No. That will only be the empty claim is scumbag retards like you.

It is Antifa, by the way. No need to be respectful.
No. That will only be the empty claim is scumbag retards like you.

It is Antifa, by the way. No need to be respectful.

Why would Anti-fa attack the capitol like a Trump supporter? What would be their motivation?
Why would Anti-fa attack the capitol like a Trump supporter? What would be their motivation?
The premise for what ANTIFA might do that was set forth already, stupid.

Try reading.

I do not think we have ever had a presidential candidate, in modern times, whose followers threatened civil war if he does win. Just how anti-democratic that is? Of course, it all started when trump stood behind the podium and declared "massive voter fraud" in 2020. His AG at the time said that was false. His elections integrity coordinator said it was the most secure election in US history, and even the firm he hired to find his "massive voter fraud" could not find any. Why?


larper 1.jpg

Don't worry. Just meal team six drunk on Black Rifle Coffee.


No organization
No leader
No money
No nothing!

Civil war.png

Biden exterminate.jpg
So what? Is there any hope of you making any kind of point? Ever?

So? We know that your ilk are willing and eager to attack the capitol. But we don't know that about Anti-fa.

You'll need more than you pretending to speak for them and BLM on something they've never done to the capitol.

Now if you want to talk to me about how MAGA might attack the capitol, you'd make a far better source
So? We know that your ilk are willing and eager to attack the capitol.

No. I am not the one with any “ilk,” skyturd.

And you (singular or plural) don’t know any such thing.
But we don't know that about Anti-fa.

We know all too well what Antifa is and what it’s all about. (To be distinguished from what their pretext gets morons like you to believe).
You'll need more than you pretending to speak for them and BLM on something they've never done to the capitol.

Nah. I’ll stick with history and their record. You just keep lying. You’re singularly unpersuasive.
Now if you want to talk to me about how MAGA might attack the capitol, you'd make a far better source
Now, if you ever want to give honesty a try, you might prove to be more than just a pathetic cat toy.
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I do not think we have ever had a presidential candidate, in modern times, whose followers threatened civil war if he does win. Just how anti-democratic that is? Of course, it all started when trump stood behind the podium and declared "massive voter fraud" in 2020. His AG at the time said that was false. His elections integrity coordinator said it was the most secure election in US history, and even the firm he hired to find his "massive voter fraud" could not find any. Why?

the only mass violence will be from the Marxist cult of the left if Briben loses ...
Why anyone would go out, or even threaten to go out, to commit insurrection for an unstable fraudster, sexual batterer, felon and scam artist baffles the mind. But, then again, that is why many consider Trumpism a mental disorder and cult.
Drama queen say what?
We know all too well what Antifa is and what it’s all about. (To be distinguished from their pretext gets morons like you to believe).

If we 'know all too well what Antifa is and what it is about'....then why have they never attacked the Capitol. But MAGA has.

How many antifa members were convicted of sedition again?

Round up.
If we 'know all too well what Antifa is and what it is about'....then why have they never attacked the Capitol.

They haven’t yet.
But MAGA has.

No. Some folks supportive of MAGA did. Sort of.

In your failed education, didn’t anybody ever reveal the problem you assholes have with “generalizations?”
How many antifa members were convicted of sedition again?
So far?
Round up.
Looks like you’ve been huffing that brand of weed killer.
They haven’t yet.

So you don't 'know'. You imagine, pretending you can predict the future.

What we know....is that MAGA can and will attack the capitol. That's called history.

Yeah, I'll go with history over your imagination anyday.
So you don't 'know'.

Lol. Youre catching on. For a complete retard like you, that’s a step forward.
You imagine, pretending you can predict the future.

Yes. I was making a mere prediction.

You seem offended by that even though it’s the same thing you do.
What we know....is that MAGA can and will attack the capitol. That's called history.
Wrong. We know a few people supportive of MAGa did so. Sort of. That’s a small piece of history. Unlike what BLM and Antifa have down in much greater volume all over the land. A much larger set of things by which to accurately assess history.

Did you ever figure out why you’re so insipid?
Yeah, I'll go with history over your imagination anyday.
Actually, I’ll go by history you haven’t and you won’t.
Lol. Youre catching on. For a complete retard like you, that’s a step forward.

So you're just making shit up, while ignoring the ACTUAL folks that can and have attacked the capitol.


Well that was easy. History is a far better predictor of the future than your imagination.
So you're just making shit up, while ignoring the ACTUAL folks that can and have attacked the capitol.

No. We just agreed that I was making a prediction, you retard.

Damn, you lose the thread often and easily. Brain damage like yours can’t be cured. Sad.

Make America Great Again. Thanks for repeating it. 👍
Well that was easy.
What was? You keep intoning that phrase but always without any meaning. You really are easy. To expose as a retard that is.
History is a far better predictor of the future than your imagination.
I agree that’s why I say I rely on it. You should.

I do not think we have ever had a presidential candidate, in modern times, whose followers threatened civil war if he does win. Just how anti-democratic that is? Of course, it all started when trump stood behind the podium and declared "massive voter fraud" in 2020. His AG at the time said that was false. His elections integrity coordinator said it was the most secure election in US history, and even the firm he hired to find his "massive voter fraud" could not find any. Why?


BS... there will be no civil war. The people who wrote this article and YOURSELF , are seizing on the ranting of a few upset people and trying to extend that to millions of other people who vote. Give us a F***ing break, this is so weak.

If Trump was to actually win the election, you would see people on the LEFT talking much worse X10. They would be losing their minds. You would see Democrat politicians rallying together to find a way to get rid of this new president. Just like they tried before

If you want to live in reality, know that there are zealots on both sides of this issue. No matter what the outcome is, there will be an unhinged person waiting to act out wether its on the left or the right.

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