Trump's Policies are Inflationary

You are what your record says you are. Simple as that. Trump;s economy was great, Biden economy sucks.

Trump's economy was just a continuation of Obama's economy. The first three years of Trump's economy lagged the last three years of Obama's economy.

But of course, you don't know this. Because in MAGA, ignorance and stoopidity is a virtue signal.
The single biggest economic issue that people complain about is inflation. And for good reason. Inflation is insidious. That's why the Establishment - you know, the people that most of you hate - worked hard for 40 years to keep inflation under control.

Who's policy proposals are most inflationary? That's easy. Donald Trump. And I don't like Biden's economic policies.

Here is what Donald Trump is proposing as economic policy

  • 10% tariffs on all imported goods, 60% tariffs on all Chinese imports
  • Reducing or eliminating the independence of the Federal Reserve, keeping interest rates low
  • Deporting 15 million people who do all the shitty jobs Americans won't do.

Tariffs - Tariffs are taxes. They are taxes paid by American consumers. They are NOT paid by foreigners. It is the height of economic ignorance to believe otherwise. Trump's tariffs are inflationary as US companies will jack up prices to pay for the taxes.

The Federal Reserve - There is very strong evidence that an independent central bank does a better job at controlling inflation. Countries where the central bank is weak - Argentina, Turkey, Zimbabwe, Venezuela - have very high inflation or even hyperinflation.

Deportation - I get why people don't like illegal immigrants. But many do the jobs that most Americans won't do. They account for 22% of construction workers, 23% of service and hospitality workers, and over 30% of agricultural workers. What do you think is going to happen to home prices and food prices when you eliminate a good chunk of the workers are no longer here? Pro tip: They ain't going down.

I guess the Dems always screeching about raising corporate taxes and taxes on small businesses wont cause inflation then eh commie ?
You Trumptards go read about something called Smoot-Hawley and learn what happens with tarrffs.
No, unlike you, I have an education. I have a degree in economics specializing in trade. I know this shit.

And you?
Then you should know that tariffs are a tool. You use them to change the behavior of others. Can they be inflationary? Of course. But if you look at the way that Trump employed them before it's rather obvious that using tariffs in a temporary manner does not lead to long term inflation.
With all due respect...Jared Bernstein? We're taking his word on what economic policy should be? Come on, can do better...

I remember when you guys at least pretended to understand economics.

  • Tariffs are paid by domestic consumers and not the exporting country, but they have the effect of raising the relative prices of imported products.

It's Econ 101

I used to battle the Left over this shit. Turns out, MAGA is just as stupid.

I remember when conservatives understood economics. Then they went MAGA and were infected by brain worms.

"Whatever my Orange Jesus tells me, I'll believe!"
I actually have a good grasp of the subject but then again I had a great professor back in the day. I got to take an Econ class with Thomas Sowell at Amherst College. I'm usually struck by how many of the liberals here don't even understand basic Economic theory.

Trump's Policies are Inflationary​

How stupid do the media think we are?...
Did we have inflation under Trump?... NO...
You should be ashamed of your TDS self Toro....
I remember when you guys at least pretended to understand economics.

  • Tariffs are paid by domestic consumers and not the exporting country, but they have the effect of raising the relative prices of imported products.
View attachment 967662

It's Econ 101

I used to battle the Left over this shit. Turns out, MAGA is just as stupid.

View attachment 967663
Trump was president for four years and no inflation to speak of.... what's next are you going to try and make us believe the sky is falling?....

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