Debate Now Is it Ethical to put Pineapple on Pizza?

Any kind of fruit on pizza is nasty. What's good on pizza:

  1. corn
  2. kielbasa
  3. squid
  4. salami
  5. octopus
Pizza sauce is made from fruit....

The fact that they're both fruit is actually irrelevant. Pineapple is above all sweet. Sweet surely has its place, and in that place can be quite appealing.

(appealing/fruit - see what I did there, I kill me)

However a tomato sauce/oregano/garlic environment is emphatically NOT that place. It's like I rant at the grocery store when jarred tomato sauces are infested with sugar --- "ever see anyone sit down to a meal of pasta or pizza and say 'please pass the sugar'"? No.

Well there's a reason for that. Culinary ingredients must complement, not conflict. The same reason you don't put spinach and peppers together on that pizza: one will overwhelm the other. Gotta pick one. So either have a pizza, or have something sweet. This is War --- pick a side. :D
I'm gonna try a maple-helicopter pizza.
Tomatoes are fruits that are considered vegetables by nutritionists. Botanically, a fruit is a ripened flower ovary and contains seeds. Tomatoes, plums, zucchinis, and melons are all edible fruits, but things like maple “helicopters” and floating dandelion puffs are fruits too.
The thread title says it all.

Is it Ethical to put Pineapple on Pizza?

And I am not a Sour Killjoy Wokester who has to exclude people from participating in discussions, so have at it.
BTW. thanks for reminding me!!

Order a large Hawaiian Pizza for dinner.

The thread title says it all.

Is it Ethical to put Pineapple on Pizza?

And I am not a Sour Killjoy Wokester who has to exclude people from participating in discussions, so have at it.

Yes, it is.

No, it is not.

So, there.

Well, you are just THERE!:auiqs.jpg:

Oh Yeah?

Well, you are so wrong and I am so right.

Huh, unh, you are wrong, and I am there!

Nope, you are wrong and I am right.

Clearly, you do not grok the situation.

Oh, I grok it just fine. It's you who have over groked it!

One cannot ever Over-Grok. Either is or not is, Grok.
The thread title says it all.

Is it Ethical to put Pineapple on Pizza?

And I am not a Sour Killjoy Wokester who has to exclude people from participating in discussions, so have at it.
BTW. thanks for reminding me!!

Order a large Hawaiian Pizza for dinner.


Ahhhhh. Again, what has been SEEN cannot be UNSEEN!!!!
In all seriousness, I am a pepperoni with extra cheese kind of pizza guy. However, as I get older, and older, my stomach can't handle the spiciness as well. So I will alternate between pepperoni and Hawaiian.

I'm all about the sauce and good dough. If you have that, just some cheese for a topping is poifeck. I put pepperoni on mr. boe's half of the pizza, but keep it plain for mine. It's so good I don't miss the meat.

When I was a kid in Iowa there was a place called Bredoux Pizza. My brother worked there. They did everything from bratwurst pizza, complete with a mustard type sauce and onions. First class girl repellant right there. They also did a taco pizza that was insane. Basically all the taco stuff on pizza.
The thread title says it all.

Is it Ethical to put Pineapple on Pizza?

And I am not a Sour Killjoy Wokester who has to exclude people from participating in discussions, so have at it.
BTW. thanks for reminding me!!

Order a large Hawaiian Pizza for dinner.


Try it with regular bacon. Your doctor will bitch at you, but the flavor is just sinful.
In all seriousness, I am a pepperoni with extra cheese kind of pizza guy. However, as I get older, and older, my stomach can't handle the spiciness as well. So I will alternate between pepperoni and Hawaiian.

I'm all about the sauce and good dough. If you have that, just some cheese for a topping is poifeck. I put pepperoni on mr. boe's half of the pizza, but keep it plain for mine. It's so good I don't miss the meat.

When I was a kid in Iowa there was a place called Bredoux Pizza. My brother worked there. They did everything from bratwurst pizza, complete with a mustard type sauce and onions. First class girl repellant right there. They also did a taco pizza that was insane. Basically all the taco stuff on pizza.

Bleah. Isn't that cultural appropriation?
The thread title says it all.

Is it Ethical to put Pineapple on Pizza?

And I am not a Sour Killjoy Wokester who has to exclude people from participating in discussions, so have at it.

USMB has a LONG history of providing spaces for "interest groups" and smaller discussions. You should KNOW THIS -- but let me refresh your memory....

This is certainly NOT the 1st time that USMB encouraged smaller community discussions.. When I got here in 2009 or so, USMB was offering "Interest Group" forums where someone could START a community based on shared interests or principles. It was hosted thru the "old" s/ware vendor as a feature.. The "Interest Groups" were in a whole different section of USMB and they were "invite only" ENTIRE FORUMS -- not just isolated threads..

These existed for at least 4 years, maybe 6 before we shut them down.. They were LARGELY "self-moderated" and the s/ware kept track of the invites and no one else could access them.. We shut them DOWN, because we lost tight couple with IT and Admin, and permissions for moderators for closing and deleting unused forums was NOT available without the Admin access that Cereal Killer had. It became a blight..

At the point at which we shut them down, Mod Staff was PUMMELED for doing it.. There was 2 week rebellion and walk - out and a bunch of bad mouthing USMB on the web for doing this. Had about 30 members temporarily or permanently leave. We BANNED a couple that were caught recruiting to "other sites"..,. Full pitchfork and lantern attacks on us...

Coyote got a "USMB medal of freedom" award for helping herd the rebels BACK to home base..

We can't win one way or the other on this.. At the time, I promised these groups a way to continue.. That's what prompted the "Invite Only" concept.. Except, it wasn't as GOOD as the semi-private groups that they had before and has been rarely used...

Then in 2016 for the election, we hosted "private" forums for each of presidential candidates.. To provide a space for members with party allegiances a "sane" place for posting candidate info and policy discussions.. We had to moderate these forums just like the "Invite Only" format.. Anyone dropping in to OPPOSE a candidate in any thread got ONE SHOT to comment, and then was required to LEAVE.. And we DID enforce this, and eventually, it became pretty popular.. Those forums are STILL archived under (IIRC) Elections forum.. And they did NOT affect the outright warring going on in Politics, Current Events or Election forums..

It aint something we just pulled out of an orifice.....

Thank you for sharing, but I remain unconvinced that the "you can look but not speak policy" is beneficial.

It's only beneficial if you choose to use it because you're tired of all the Ground Hog Day partisan baiting and hypocrisy.. Aint gonna get past 4th grade level with the armies of trolls from BOTH sides regurgitating low effort spin, hypocrisy, and deflection...

Don't use it.. Ignore it..
The thread title says it all.

Is it Ethical to put Pineapple on Pizza?

And I am not a Sour Killjoy Wokester who has to exclude people from participating in discussions, so have at it.

It's fine with Canadian bacon but without the bacon just double up on the mushrooms ...

Mon cher lumpikins, I do believe this is one of the extremely few topics upon which we disagree. But I still adore you.

Eh bien ... vive la différence ... le plus doux des coeurs ... :smiliehug:

The thread title says it all.

Is it Ethical to put Pineapple on Pizza?

And I am not a Sour Killjoy Wokester who has to exclude people from participating in discussions, so have at it.

USMB has a LONG history of providing spaces for "interest groups" and smaller discussions. You should KNOW THIS -- but let me refresh your memory....

This is certainly NOT the 1st time that USMB encouraged smaller community discussions.. When I got here in 2009 or so, USMB was offering "Interest Group" forums where someone could START a community based on shared interests or principles. It was hosted thru the "old" s/ware vendor as a feature.. The "Interest Groups" were in a whole different section of USMB and they were "invite only" ENTIRE FORUMS -- not just isolated threads..

These existed for at least 4 years, maybe 6 before we shut them down.. They were LARGELY "self-moderated" and the s/ware kept track of the invites and no one else could access them.. We shut them DOWN, because we lost tight couple with IT and Admin, and permissions for moderators for closing and deleting unused forums was NOT available without the Admin access that Cereal Killer had. It became a blight..

At the point at which we shut them down, Mod Staff was PUMMELED for doing it.. There was 2 week rebellion and walk - out and a bunch of bad mouthing USMB on the web for doing this. Had about 30 members temporarily or permanently leave. We BANNED a couple that were caught recruiting to "other sites"..,. Full pitchfork and lantern attacks on us...

Coyote got a "USMB medal of freedom" award for helping herd the rebels BACK to home base..

We can't win one way or the other on this.. At the time, I promised these groups a way to continue.. That's what prompted the "Invite Only" concept.. Except, it wasn't as GOOD as the semi-private groups that they had before and has been rarely used...

Then in 2016 for the election, we hosted "private" forums for each of presidential candidates.. To provide a space for members with party allegiances a "sane" place for posting candidate info and policy discussions.. We had to moderate these forums just like the "Invite Only" format.. Anyone dropping in to OPPOSE a candidate in any thread got ONE SHOT to comment, and then was required to LEAVE.. And we DID enforce this, and eventually, it became pretty popular.. Those forums are STILL archived under (IIRC) Elections forum.. And they did NOT affect the outright warring going on in Politics, Current Events or Election forums..

It aint something we just pulled out of an orifice.....

Thank you for sharing, but I remain unconvinced that the "you can look but not speak policy" is beneficial.

It's only beneficial if you choose to use it because you're tired of all the Ground Hog Day partisan baiting and hypocrisy.. Aint gonna get past 4th grade level with the armies of trolls from BOTH sides regurgitating low effort spin, hypocrisy, and deflection...

Don't use it.. Ignore it..

Oh, I already have determined that. And any whinging wokesters who use it to squash debate will just be added to my ignore list as well.
The thread title says it all.

Is it Ethical to put Pineapple on Pizza?

And I am not a Sour Killjoy Wokester who has to exclude people from participating in discussions, so have at it.

It's fine with Canadian bacon but without the bacon just double up on the mushrooms ...

Mon cher lumpikins, I do believe this is one of the extremely few topics upon which we disagree. But I still adore you.

Eh bien ... vive la différence ... le plus doux des coeurs ... :smiliehug:


Mon cheri, tu es le plus magnifique des hommes.
Well, of course:

At his press conference yesterday, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York ordered all restaurants to put pineapple on their pizza if they wish to stay open during Phase 273 of New York's reopening plan.

The mandate adds to previous food orders by the New York state government declaring that "a hot dog is a sandwich" and that "ketchup goes great on steak."

"The science is clear: restaurants must put pineapple on their pizza," Cuomo said. "Putting fruit on pizza is a great idea. The science says so. If you don't like pineapple on your pizza, you are anti-science." Cuomo warned that any restaurants that refuse to put pineapple on their pizza "want grandma to die" and so will be shut down, with their owners being hanged for insubordination.

The thread title says it all.

Is it Ethical to put Pineapple on Pizza?

And I am not a Sour Killjoy Wokester who has to exclude people from participating in discussions, so have at it.

USMB has a LONG history of providing spaces for "interest groups" and smaller discussions. You should KNOW THIS -- but let me refresh your memory....

This is certainly NOT the 1st time that USMB encouraged smaller community discussions.. When I got here in 2009 or so, USMB was offering "Interest Group" forums where someone could START a community based on shared interests or principles. It was hosted thru the "old" s/ware vendor as a feature.. The "Interest Groups" were in a whole different section of USMB and they were "invite only" ENTIRE FORUMS -- not just isolated threads..

These existed for at least 4 years, maybe 6 before we shut them down.. They were LARGELY "self-moderated" and the s/ware kept track of the invites and no one else could access them.. We shut them DOWN, because we lost tight couple with IT and Admin, and permissions for moderators for closing and deleting unused forums was NOT available without the Admin access that Cereal Killer had. It became a blight..

At the point at which we shut them down, Mod Staff was PUMMELED for doing it.. There was 2 week rebellion and walk - out and a bunch of bad mouthing USMB on the web for doing this. Had about 30 members temporarily or permanently leave. We BANNED a couple that were caught recruiting to "other sites"..,. Full pitchfork and lantern attacks on us...

Coyote got a "USMB medal of freedom" award for helping herd the rebels BACK to home base..

We can't win one way or the other on this.. At the time, I promised these groups a way to continue.. That's what prompted the "Invite Only" concept.. Except, it wasn't as GOOD as the semi-private groups that they had before and has been rarely used...

Then in 2016 for the election, we hosted "private" forums for each of presidential candidates.. To provide a space for members with party allegiances a "sane" place for posting candidate info and policy discussions.. We had to moderate these forums just like the "Invite Only" format.. Anyone dropping in to OPPOSE a candidate in any thread got ONE SHOT to comment, and then was required to LEAVE.. And we DID enforce this, and eventually, it became pretty popular.. Those forums are STILL archived under (IIRC) Elections forum.. And they did NOT affect the outright warring going on in Politics, Current Events or Election forums..

It aint something we just pulled out of an orifice.....

Thank you for sharing, but I remain unconvinced that the "you can look but not speak policy" is beneficial.

It's only beneficial if you choose to use it because you're tired of all the Ground Hog Day partisan baiting and hypocrisy.. Aint gonna get past 4th grade level with the armies of trolls from BOTH sides regurgitating low effort spin, hypocrisy, and deflection...

Don't use it.. Ignore it..

Oh, I already have determined that. And any whinging wokesters who use it to squash debate will just be added to my ignore list as well.

oooww.. sounds like a threat.. :rolleyes: Why don't we just ban all the folks who want actual adult debate?
The thread title says it all.

Is it Ethical to put Pineapple on Pizza?

And I am not a Sour Killjoy Wokester who has to exclude people from participating in discussions, so have at it.

No idea.


The thread title says it all.

Is it Ethical to put Pineapple on Pizza?

And I am not a Sour Killjoy Wokester who has to exclude people from participating in discussions, so have at it.

USMB has a LONG history of providing spaces for "interest groups" and smaller discussions. You should KNOW THIS -- but let me refresh your memory....

This is certainly NOT the 1st time that USMB encouraged smaller community discussions.. When I got here in 2009 or so, USMB was offering "Interest Group" forums where someone could START a community based on shared interests or principles. It was hosted thru the "old" s/ware vendor as a feature.. The "Interest Groups" were in a whole different section of USMB and they were "invite only" ENTIRE FORUMS -- not just isolated threads..

These existed for at least 4 years, maybe 6 before we shut them down.. They were LARGELY "self-moderated" and the s/ware kept track of the invites and no one else could access them.. We shut them DOWN, because we lost tight couple with IT and Admin, and permissions for moderators for closing and deleting unused forums was NOT available without the Admin access that Cereal Killer had. It became a blight..

At the point at which we shut them down, Mod Staff was PUMMELED for doing it.. There was 2 week rebellion and walk - out and a bunch of bad mouthing USMB on the web for doing this. Had about 30 members temporarily or permanently leave. We BANNED a couple that were caught recruiting to "other sites"..,. Full pitchfork and lantern attacks on us...

Coyote got a "USMB medal of freedom" award for helping herd the rebels BACK to home base..

We can't win one way or the other on this.. At the time, I promised these groups a way to continue.. That's what prompted the "Invite Only" concept.. Except, it wasn't as GOOD as the semi-private groups that they had before and has been rarely used...

Then in 2016 for the election, we hosted "private" forums for each of presidential candidates.. To provide a space for members with party allegiances a "sane" place for posting candidate info and policy discussions.. We had to moderate these forums just like the "Invite Only" format.. Anyone dropping in to OPPOSE a candidate in any thread got ONE SHOT to comment, and then was required to LEAVE.. And we DID enforce this, and eventually, it became pretty popular.. Those forums are STILL archived under (IIRC) Elections forum.. And they did NOT affect the outright warring going on in Politics, Current Events or Election forums..

It aint something we just pulled out of an orifice.....

Thank you for sharing, but I remain unconvinced that the "you can look but not speak policy" is beneficial.

It's only beneficial if you choose to use it because you're tired of all the Ground Hog Day partisan baiting and hypocrisy.. Aint gonna get past 4th grade level with the armies of trolls from BOTH sides regurgitating low effort spin, hypocrisy, and deflection...

Don't use it.. Ignore it..

Oh, I already have determined that. And any whinging wokesters who use it to squash debate will just be added to my ignore list as well.

oooww.. sounds like a threat.. :rolleyes: Why don't we just ban all the folks who want actual adult debate?

B'loney. Putting someone on an ignore list doesn't prevent said person from posting and participating wherever they choose. Likewise, posting doesn't put an obligation on anyone else to read one's posts. Banning is not at all analogous to a member ignoring another. If you can't see the difference, it's hard to trust your judgement when you wield your power here.
I do not care for pineapple on pizza. I know a few people who do. The thing is you can have a pineapple flavored drink to wash your pizza down or maybe a pineapple based dessert. All ending up in the same place but at slightly different times.
Well, of course:

At his press conference yesterday, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York ordered all restaurants to put pineapple on their pizza if they wish to stay open during Phase 273 of New York's reopening plan.

The mandate adds to previous food orders by the New York state government declaring that "a hot dog is a sandwich" and that "ketchup goes great on steak."

"The science is clear: restaurants must put pineapple on their pizza," Cuomo said. "Putting fruit on pizza is a great idea. The science says so. If you don't like pineapple on your pizza, you are anti-science." Cuomo warned that any restaurants that refuse to put pineapple on their pizza "want grandma to die" and so will be shut down, with their owners being hanged for insubordination.

Really? Babylon Bee? It's a bullshit site, kinda like the Onion.
Well, of course:

At his press conference yesterday, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York ordered all restaurants to put pineapple on their pizza if they wish to stay open during Phase 273 of New York's reopening plan.

The mandate adds to previous food orders by the New York state government declaring that "a hot dog is a sandwich" and that "ketchup goes great on steak."

"The science is clear: restaurants must put pineapple on their pizza," Cuomo said. "Putting fruit on pizza is a great idea. The science says so. If you don't like pineapple on your pizza, you are anti-science." Cuomo warned that any restaurants that refuse to put pineapple on their pizza "want grandma to die" and so will be shut down, with their owners being hanged for insubordination.

Really? Babylon Bee? It's a bullshit site, kinda like the Onion.


Humor is so wasted on Some People.

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