This is very important report for all US citizens voting in November for president.

Yeah, you probably made coffee for the general.
No. Actually a shift supervisor for the G3, actual, running the night shift and participating, preparing or delivering the morning brief on 4 way split screen TV on 2 continents and mulitple countries, after receiving and compiling reports throughout the shift. I mostly only saw him for maybe half an hour before the night shift crew came in and then for a half hour or more, in the morning, usually after the brief was done. The Colonel was high speed low drag, had been a plans writer for Schwarzkopf. I learned a lot from him and being in that position of knowing what was going on in multiple theaters of operation, around the world, with two active operations (one NATO and one US). I did drink a lot of coffee, if that counts.
Oh, I did meet or pass the 2 star CG on occasion, but just in passing, though I did commandeer his jeep to get back to frankfort after an operation once. His E6 driver was a helluva guy, delivering my back to the American Embassy, where I BOQ'd.
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No. Actually a shift supervisor for the G3, actual, running the night shift and participating, preparing or delivering the morning brief on 4 way split screen TV on 2 continents and mulitple countries, after receiving and compiling reports throughout the shift. I mostly only saw him for maybe half an hour before the night shift crew came in and then for a half hour or more, in the morning, usually after the brief was done. The Colonel was high speed low drag, had been a plans writer for Schwarzkopf. I learned a lot from him and being in that position of knowing what was going on in multiple theaters of operation, around the world, with two active operations (one NATO and one US). I did drink a lot of coffee, if that counts.
Oh, I did meet or pass the 2 star CG on occasion, but just in passing, though I did commandeer his jeep to get back to frankfort after an operation once. His E6 driver was a helluva guy, delivering my back to the American Embassy, where I BOQ'd.
So, in other words, you made coffee for the staff instead of just the general. Got it.
I bet that was an interesting treaty.
Once the works program of the Afghan national army became unenforceable, useless, and dangerous to those soldiers, the minks were in the chicken house.

What is amazing is the inactive air base was up and running in 60 hours, more than 100 thousand allies were evacuated plus all uniformed personnel as well, with only thirteen dead. Trump's term had four times that many deaths on its hands.
Biden Harris were the ones who decided to surrender shitloads of equipment and supplies to the Talibastards and failed to bring home all of the Americans.

That was the deal that President Trump negotiated, and Sleepy Joe is one who failed to enforce the terms and keep our equipment and people.

What Biden did was to leave unconditionally, basically surrendering to the Islamic State.
Not even remotely true.

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