What more could a GA shooter Mommy do?

If a 14 year old child isn't a good guy with a gun, who is?

The Second amendment gives all children the right to talk about school shootings!

And fwiw, why shouldn't a 14 year old good guy with a gun be allowed to take his AR-15 to school?

What do the demofks expect? He liked to go hunting with his dad, so take his AR from him for that?
Do you work at being that stupid or does it come naturally?

1. A 14-year-old without a father and no gun training is as dangerous as a Democrat with free speech.
2. The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with talking. Holy fuck.
3. I know hundreds of 14-year-old kids who would do a great job of stopping a bad guy with a gun. My 12-year-old grandson would know precisely what to do.
4. Do we even know if the kid, who exhibited signs of mental illness weeks before and was completely overlooked by the School, had a father living in the home or involved in his life?

After all, the Democrats have worked hard for decades to replace the father in the home with money from Uncle Sam.
My dad gave me an antique bolt action .410 when I was 9, a .22 revolver when I was 12 and a brand new 20 gauge when I was 13. Should he be in prison?
Do you work at being that stupid or does it come naturally?

1. A 14-year-old without a father and no gun training is as dangerous as a Democrat with free speech.
2. The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with talking. Holy fuck.
3. I know hundreds of 14-year-old kids who would do a great job of stopping a bad guy with a gun. My 12-year-old grandson would know precisely what to do.
4. Do we even know if the kid, who exhibited signs of mental illness weeks before and was completely overlooked by the School, had a father living in the home or involved in his life?

After all, the Democrats have worked hard for decades to replace the father in the home with money from Uncle Sam.
a 12 year old boy getting into a gunfight!
Yes it is. The .223 round is a very popular varmint rifle. Used to hunt feral hogs, coyotes, etc. It's too weak to take anything bigger than a hog, so its banned in many states for deer hunting.

So much for it being "massive firepower" huh?
No it ain't.

Do you work at being that stupid or does it come naturally?

1. A 14-year-old without a father and no gun training is as dangerous as a Democrat with free speech.
2. The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with talking. Holy fuck.
3. I know hundreds of 14-year-old kids who would do a great job of stopping a bad guy with a gun. My 12-year-old grandson would know precisely what to do.
4. Do we even know if the kid, who exhibited signs of mental illness weeks before and was completely overlooked by the School, had a father living in the home or involved in his life?

After all, the Democrats have worked hard for decades to replace the father in the home with money from Uncle Sam.
Not only was the father living in the home, but father had sole custody of the son.

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