Remember these 3 loveley women destroying a fast food place for more sauce?

I wish YOU were one of thos eemployees getting bottles thrown at them, simply for showing up to their job and trying to work hard.. serve custumers.
1920 would be the last thing on your mind then PAL.

So you think because, of the history of LYNCHING we should ignore the acceptnce of lawlessness in our public places?? something that has been an increasing trend? Its ok for stores to have to close down, seal off enterences, lock things behind glass, insurance rates to go through the roof, customer service to go down...

and that has been the trend in the last 10 years... and you think it should not be called Brazen? thats too harsh for you isnt it? so if someone was to mention personal responsibility to you.... you would also go back to 1920....

Its about lack of respect between citizens in society, where business and hard work are not respected by SOME... entitlement has taken its place. So nothing should be done about it because..... let me guess.

January 6TH?
All he knows in this world is that if somebody has black skin, he must defend them.
I wish YOU were one of thos eemployees getting bottles thrown at them, simply for showing up to their job and trying to work hard.. serve custumers.
1920 would be the last thing on your mind then PAL.

So you think because, of the history of LYNCHING we should ignore the acceptnce of lawlessness in our public places?? something that has been an increasing trend? Its ok for stores to have to close down, seal off enterences, lock things behind glass, insurance rates to go through the roof, customer service to go down...

and that has been the trend in the last 10 years... and you think it should not be called Brazen? thats too harsh for you isnt it? so if someone was to mention personal responsibility to you.... you would also go back to 1920....

Its about lack of respect between citizens in society, where business and hard work are not respected by SOME... entitlement has taken its place. So nothing should be done about it because..... let me guess.

January 6TH?
Yes, that’s the way they think. When I brought up how Jewish students are being yanked out of dorm rooms, slammed against walls, spit on, not allowed to walk to their classes, etc., etc., a black liberal responded by saying “well, they don’t need the National Guard to walk into class.”

So….in the minds of these liberals, the antisemitism CURRENTLY being foisted on innocent students (to the point where liberal college presidents even refuse to condemn the calls to genocide Jews) is downplayed or shrugged off because 70 years ago blacks had it worse (as far as some schools, that is).
Yes, that’s the way they think. When I brought up how Jewish students are being yanked out of dorm rooms, slammed against walls, spit on, not allowed to walk to their classes, etc., etc., a black liberal responded by saying “well, they don’t need the National Guard to walk into class.”

So….in the minds of these liberals, the antisemitism CURRENTLY being foisted on innocent students (to the point where liberal college presidents even refuse to condemn the calls to genocide Jews) is downplayed or shrugged off because 70 years ago blacks had it worse (as far as some schools, that is).
Jewish students do need the National Guard to walk them to class. They just don't get it.
Yes, that’s the way they think. When I brought up how Jewish students are being yanked out of dorm rooms, slammed against walls, spit on, not allowed to walk to their classes, etc., etc., a black liberal responded by saying “well, they don’t need the National Guard to walk into class.”

So….in the minds of these liberals, the antisemitism CURRENTLY being foisted on innocent students (to the point where liberal college presidents even refuse to condemn the calls to genocide Jews) is downplayed or shrugged off because 70 years ago blacks had it worse (as far as some schools, that is).
Are there ANY leftists in this forum who DONT understand the principle that taking out anger on innocent people is wrong?

They do not understand the liberal notion that people are individuals and that all individuals should be afforded the same consideration. Instead, they follow a very primitive and regressive ideology where all people are assigned to a tribe and are treated according to their tribal identity
Jewish students do need the National Guard to walk them to class. They just don't get it.
Good point. More allowance was made for black students in the early 1960s to protect them from harm than is provided for Jewish students in 2024.

Yet liberals will still cry about racism and give a big shrug (or worse) to antisemitism now approaching pre-Nazi levels.
Are there ANY leftists in this forum that DOESNT understand the principle that taking out anger on innocent people is wrong?

They do not understand the liberal notion that people are individuals and that all individuals should be afforded the same consideration. Instead, they follow a very primitive and regressive ideology where all people are assigned to a tribe and are treated according to their tribal identity
They also insist that being against Israel (which happens to be the only Jewish majority country) has nothing to do with Jews - and then they attack innocent Jews. If the two are unrelated, why take it out on Jews?

As far as your comment about group membership v individuality, so true. That’s why they will argue that whites are already favored for college admissions due to legacy, so it’s only fair that blacks get favored elsewhere. All they see is color - and can’t comprehend that when an excellent student who is white (or Asian) is rejected in favor of a lower-achieving student who is Black, and strictly due to race, they think it’s fine. They just see Member of B community or Member of W community - not two kids where the better one is rejected.
They also insist that being against Israel (which happens to be the only Jewish majority country) has nothing to do with Jews - and then they attack innocent Jews. If the two are unrelated, why take it out on Jews?

As far as your comment about group membership v individuality, so true. That’s why they will argue that whites are already favored for college admissions due to legacy, so it’s only fair that blacks get favored elsewhere. All they see is color - and can’t comprehend that when an excellent student who is white (or Asian) is rejected in favor of a lower-achieving student who is Black, and strictly due to race, they think it’s fine. They just see Member of B community or Member of W community - not two kids where the better one is rejected.
Your point has merit, but not on this thread.
I wish YOU were one of thos eemployees getting bottles thrown at them, simply for showing up to their job and trying to work hard.. serve custumers.
1920 would be the last thing on your mind then PAL.

So you think because, of the history of LYNCHING we should ignore the acceptnce of lawlessness in our public places?? something that has been an increasing trend? Its ok for stores to have to close down, seal off enterences, lock things behind glass, insurance rates to go through the roof, customer service to go down...

and that has been the trend in the last 10 years... and you think it should not be called Brazen? thats too harsh for you isnt it? so if someone was to mention personal responsibility to you.... you would also go back to 1920....

Its about lack of respect between citizens in society, where business and hard work are not respected by SOME... entitlement has taken its place. So nothing should be done about it because..... let me guess.

January 6TH?
Never said anything to excuse those crazy women. Why do you think I would?
I'm sure it was the first time for most of those that were lynched.
Huh? The point is that the three ghetto hoodlums in the McDonalds were never lynched, nor were their parents, or grandparents. They live in NYC, where blacks have been getting free college (if they qualify based on academics) for at least 80 years, and in integrated schools for at least four generations.

So stop with the excuses for the behavior of those uncivilized beings.
Lynching has absolutely nothing to do with the feral behavior of these women.
The leftists like to go back 100 years in history to try to excuse the abhorrent behavior of these awful “ladies”.

You notice that every time the Jews go into McDonalds and trash the place and assault employees, nobody excuses them because of the Holocaust?

Oh wait….
The leftists like to go back 100 years in history to try to excuse the abhorrent behavior of these awful “ladies”.

You notice that every time the Jews go into McDonalds and trash the place and assault employees, nobody excuses them because of the Holocaust?

Oh wait….
He should supporting you and some of your Jewish friends going to Germany and busting up some coffee shops there.

The problem with these woke leftists is that they do not actually think. All they can do is react to dog whistles
Never said anything to excuse those crazy women. Why do you think I would?

Well you seemed to take exception to calling such behavior brazen.

And I want to be fair here. We should always keep things in context. This WAS a sensational news story , not because three black girls flipped out in a restaurant,
But because of the excessivness of their actions .
Probably being that it was 4 AM and based on how they were dressed they were out drinking and their minds were addled.

But my main concern about these types of happenings is that in days past… the crowd standing around doing nothing would have tried to stop them. Today it’s more accepted as compared to 20 years ago… and we have seen an uptick in this where participants in these things feel somehow justified or deserving.

I see it as a step backwards in society. And as I have already pointed out, this by no means represents the entire black community.. not by a long shot …. It’s just the lack of pushback against it that is disturbing. It needs to come down from the top… but there is only silence

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