How Is The Confederate Flag Considered A Hate Symbol?

Wouldn't go anywhere near as far as "saintly"....He was still a Statist.

Though I found him -like Hubert Humphrey and Jimmy Carter- to be misguided, he wasn't malignant.
I read the definitive book about very popular Catholics
like Frank Zappa and Penthouse Publisher Bob Guccione
who was quite catholic { was an altar boy } and
Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
The first Catholic President and 2nd youngest was J.F.K.
Joe " blowhard " Biden is also Catholic.
Not even remotely mentionable as a Catholic.
For all of the people saying that it is truly don't know their history. The Confederate flag represents the civil war which was the war against slavery. It was the beginning of the end of it so how in the world does that make it a hate symbol?

The panic of 1837 devastated our fellow Americans ESPECIALLY in the south. The panic was the seed that germinated into the south eventually seceding from the Union in1860 to form their own country/currency. The slave issue came up later on with the election of pres. Lincoln in1860 which tipped the scale that started the physical confrontation with the bombardment of Fort Sumter in 1861. The south had lost confidence with the D.C. gang during & after the panic of 1837 & was well prepared to exit the 'union' long before bombarding Fort Sumter.

Make sure to read the 2ND PARAGRAPH in the below link;

I do not support slavery of any kind. I view the Stars & Bars as a symbol of representation for individual state rights. If I had a flag pole on my acreage I'd be flying 3 flags from it, the Stars & Stripes for America, the Stars & Bars for individual state rights & our "proposed" state flag for our 'proposed' 51st state named LIBERTY(currently the eastern section Washington state). Yep, I am one of those 'Rebels' that sincerely wants to secede from the Olympia power & control statist left marxinazis. Hopefully with pres. Trump @ the helm & a red dominated upper/lower chambers in Capital Hill we can end up with both the "Greater Idaho" project & our state of sweet LIBERTY, without the freaking bloodshed!
I believe it’s being evaluated and actions may be taken. The rhetoric against the Jews in other threads has been beyond vicious. I don’t even want to repeat what I personally have been called, repeatedly. I’m not sure if that concerns you as much, but I thought I’d mention it.
You've repeatedly affirmed that you're not a Zionist and so you don't deserve the crude names and insults. It does concern me!
Actually scratch that my mistake as it was the flag they used but it was more about the freedom to be their own people than it was about slavery itself.

That is a nice story that racist tell themselves, it was about slavery. Just read the articles of succession by the states, almost all of them will tell you it is about slavery
That is wrong. The south fought for their freedom and lost. That is why the south broke away.
No. It was over new states being admitted to the union being slave states or not.

Did you have a source that says it was for "freedom" and not slavery?

I highly recommend this book. Very well written.


Time for the left to PUSH RACIAL HATRED and Class Warefare like they have been doing FOREVER.

ITs Propoganda and Lies.

Enjoy the a show.


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