Stop Livinig in the Past Republicans

Pretty much. Here's the problem with the "Free Press". They have looked at Trump as a cash cow. People tune in when he says the crazy fascist, racist shit that he says, and the media is about selling advertising dollars. Trump understands this as well, and is very good at manipulating it.
Biden, on the other hand, is BORING. He's talking about policy and stuff. BOOOORING!!!!

Biden has Zucker, Trump has Musk. So it's a wash.

Um, Trump was in charge of the FBI and DOJ when those 51 FORMER officials expressed their opinion that a laptop that showed up under mysterious circumstances and happened to have the same data the Russians offered to sell Rudy Guiliani the year before MIGHT just be a Russian disinfo program.

Where did Lerner "hound" anyone. She told the Teabaggers that they can't claim their PACs were social welfare agencies. You know, which is actually THE LAW. That was it.
1. We agree that Trump is a cash cow for CNN & MSDNC, their ratings soar whenever there is a Trump trial, or some other Trump news.

2. Biden is no longer boring. Biden is on a month long news cycle with every gaffe and flub amplified. The knives are out to replace him, but he's hanging tough. The democrats now understand Obama's warning "never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up. Bo is a smart man.

3. Point being that billionaires still call the shots via their control of the media and news cycles.
Elections are a battle of billionaires with voters being the pawns.

4. Those 51 National Security experts were no longer in government when Blinken asked them to sign the memo.

5. Lois Lerner broke the law in a partisan manner. An perfect example of the "Deep State"

• Lois Lerner ran IRS division where wrongdoing occurred – Lois Lerner is the former Director of Tax-Exempt Organizations (EO) at the IRS. Lerner also publicly broke the news of the targeting by answering a planted question in an otherwise innocuous tax panel on May 10, 2013, prior to the initial TIGTA report.

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