Stop Livinig in the Past Republicans

And the abolitionist movement started in what is now the continental US started in 1688, so what's your point race baiter.

The abolistionist movememt started when the first slave ran away in 1619.
The one living in the past is definitely the demo OP Especially with those curtains :laugh: still thinking it's 1969...
The one living in the past is definitely the demo OP Especially with those curtains :laugh: still thinking it's 1969...
That's a nice try, but did the Revolutionary war make it possible for this to be a nation?
We see another white spelling nazi. I don't need to give your whte ass any names. Slaves running away from plantations is the very deinition of abolition.

So you don't know any ran away before 1688, GOT IT! ROFLMFAO at the ignorant race baiter. BTW, how many different spellings do you have for "white"??????????????

Dude, you will never be convinced. Waste of time answering that. You're in a cult and wont think any different.
I'm not the one in a cullt. The answer to that question is obvious. But you can't answer the question because it destroys your living in the past bs. Because a correct answer would tell us that the past is why we exst as a nation right now. Therefore the white racist tactic of dismissing somebody as living in the past gets silenced. We live in 2024, yet there are people like you who exist with a 1800 mentality.
So you don't know any ran away before 1688, GOT IT! ROFLMFAO at the ignorant race baiter. BTW, how many different spellings do you have for "white"??????????????

Stupid. Nobody is playing your dumb ass game white boy. Bllacks were the original abolitionists in this country. Every slave that ran away represented the effort to abolish slavery. I don''t need to give you names, because it is widely known that slaves ran away.
If I had a dollar for every time I have read or heard a Republican talk about how Democrat started slavery, the KKK was Democratic group, or that Jim Crow was only done by Democrat, I'd be loaning money to Elon Musk. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Slavery had been in this country since at least 1619. Slavery existed for 209 years before the democratic party was founded. White Republicans of the past did no better than Democrats. The Corwin Amendment shows that.

"The Corwin Amendment, also called the “Slavery Amendment,” was a constitutional amendment passed by Congress in 1861 but never ratified by the states that would have banned the federal government from abolishing the institution of slavery in the states where it existed at the time."

The Text of the Corwin Amendment​

The operative section of the Corwin Amendment states:

View attachment 972523
Thomas Corwin R- Ohio

Todays Republican party wants to take us back to Jim Crow. And several idiots here keep talking about blacks voting for Democrats as if we are voting for the Democratc Party of 1860. Yet when we talk about the racism of that time, we are told to stop living in the past. So to every republican here:


Because your party was for reparations, and today your party opposes them. Your party fought against the confederacy, today your party defends the confederacy, talks about seceeding and flies the confederate flag. Today it is the Republican party taking about a civil war. So get the fuck out of the past Republlicans, today your party is the white supreacy party.

I think Kamala the street shitin slave owner has a saying about the past and the future ....:auiqs.jpg:
Stupid. Nobody is playing your dumb ass game white boy. Bllacks were the original abolitionists in this country. Every slave that ran away represented the effort to abolish slavery. I don''t need to give you names, because it is widely known that slaves ran away.

Of course you at least have dates, I mean if it's so fucking widely known and all, RIGHT???????? I'm thinking you've allowed your dumb ass to get backed into a corner you're not smart enough to get out of and you're really getting pissed, ain't ya race baiter??????? LMAO BTW two more words you can't seem to scrape up the intelligence to spell correctly "Bllacks" and "don''t". Too fucking funny.

Of course you at least have dates, I mean if it's so fucking widely known and all, RIGHT???????? I'm thinking you've allowed your dumb ass to get backed into a corner you're not smart enough to get out of and you're really getting pissed, ain't ya race baiter??????? LMAO BTW two more words you can't seem to scrape up the intelligence to spell correctly "Bllacks" and "don''t". Too fucking funny.

No, I don't need to give your ass dates for something everybody knows went on.
No, I don't need to give your ass dates for something everybody knows went on.

You do know that in the debate world, that's called a fallacy, right? Damn you're stupid. Of course everybody knows your dear leader maobama was one on the best gun salesmen there ever was and you're one of best recruiters for white supremacist there ever was, well at least on this board. Still laughing.

You do know that in the debate world, that's called a fallacy, right? Damn you're stupid. Of course everybody knows your dear leader maobama was one on the best gun salesmen there ever was and you're one of best recruiters for white supremacist there ever was, well at least on this board. Still laughing.

What I know is that slaves began running away from the very beginning and nobody has to show you specific dates of escapes to prove it. The fallacy comes from you.
Like I said in the OP, you republicans can stop talking about the denocrartic party being the party of the KKK and Jim Crow if you don't want the past to be talked about. In fact yu can quit talking about the founders, the constitution, the Revoutionary War and all kinds of things. If the past has nothing to do with today, then none of those things do.
There are other parts of the past also if we talk about certain ones. Andrew Jackson is either loathed or loved. He also had a battle from the then Prog media/entertainers/politicians/European power elite with their endless agents like lobbyists on keeping the U.S. Dollar backed by gold and silver or becoming a Fiat Currency.

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