Stop Livinig in the Past Republicans

If I had a dollar for every time I have read or heard a Republican talk about how Democrat started slavery, the KKK was Democratic group, or that Jim Crow was only done by Democrat, I'd be loaning money to Elon Musk. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Slavery had been in this country since at least 1619. Slavery existed for 209 years before the democratic party was founded. White Republicans of the past did no better than Democrats. The Corwin Amendment shows that.

"The Corwin Amendment, also called the “Slavery Amendment,” was a constitutional amendment passed by Congress in 1861 but never ratified by the states that would have banned the federal government from abolishing the institution of slavery in the states where it existed at the time."

The Text of the Corwin Amendment​

The operative section of the Corwin Amendment states:

View attachment 972523
Thomas Corwin R- Ohio

Todays Republican party wants to take us back to Jim Crow. And several idiots here keep talking about blacks voting for Democrats as if we are voting for the Democratc Party of 1860. Yet when we talk about the racism of that time, we are told to stop living in the past. So to every republican here:


Because your party was for reparations, and today your party opposes them. Your party fought against the confederacy, today your party defends the confederacy, talks about seceeding and flies the confederate flag. Today it is the Republican party taking about a civil war. So get the fuck out of the past Republlicans, today your party is the white supreacy party.

“You’ll get nothing and like it”

~Judge Smells~
The abolistionist movememt started when the first slave ran away in 1619.
Who were the names who were responsible for slavery and from Europe at that time. No reports from anything including ROOTS. Tell me who the people who became richer and richer were at that time.
Not if you are talking about Democrats and Jim Crow.
"Usually the black racist has been produced by the black racist and their sense of self-pity as a way to excuse their self- inflicted failures. In most cases where you see it, it is the reaction to black failure and if you analyze it closely, it’s really really black incompetence, If we react toblack failure with an honest assessment, to me that's just being honest.
"Usually the black racist has been produced by the black racist and their sense of self-pity as a way to excuse their self- inflicted failures. In most cases where you see it, it is the reaction to black failure and if you analyze it closely, it’s really really black incompetence, If we react toblack failure with an honest assessment, to me that's just being honest.

IM2 epitomizes the pinnacle of this statement. He is the most complete victimhood racist that I have ever seen. It truly is a spectacle to behold.
If I had a dollar for every time I have read or heard a Republican talk about how Democrat started slavery, the KKK was Democratic group, or that Jim Crow was only done by Democrat, I'd be loaning money to Elon Musk. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Slavery had been in this country since at least 1619. Slavery existed for 209 years before the democratic party was founded. White Republicans of the past did no better than Democrats. The Corwin Amendment shows that.

"The Corwin Amendment, also called the “Slavery Amendment,” was a constitutional amendment passed by Congress in 1861 but never ratified by the states that would have banned the federal government from abolishing the institution of slavery in the states where it existed at the time."

The Text of the Corwin Amendment​

The operative section of the Corwin Amendment states:

View attachment 972523
Thomas Corwin R- Ohio

Todays Republican party wants to take us back to Jim Crow. And several idiots here keep talking about blacks voting for Democrats as if we are voting for the Democratc Party of 1860. Yet when we talk about the racism of that time, we are told to stop living in the past. So to every republican here:


Because your party was for reparations, and today your party opposes them. Your party fought against the confederacy, today your party defends the confederacy, talks about seceeding and flies the confederate flag. Today it is the Republican party taking about a civil war. So get the fuck out of the past Republlicans, today your party is the white supreacy party.
IQ2: Stop living in the past.

IQ2: LOOK WHAT ALMOST HAPPENED IN 1861!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
If I had a dollar for every time I have read or heard a Republican talk about how Democrat started slavery, the KKK was Democratic group, or that Jim Crow was only done by Democrat, I'd be loaning money to Elon Musk. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. Slavery had been in this country since at least 1619. Slavery existed for 209 years before the democratic party was founded. White Republicans of the past did no better than Democrats. The Corwin Amendment shows that.

"The Corwin Amendment, also called the “Slavery Amendment,” was a constitutional amendment passed by Congress in 1861 but never ratified by the states that would have banned the federal government from abolishing the institution of slavery in the states where it existed at the time."

The Text of the Corwin Amendment​

The operative section of the Corwin Amendment states:

View attachment 972523
Thomas Corwin R- Ohio

Todays Republican party wants to take us back to Jim Crow. And several idiots here keep talking about blacks voting for Democrats as if we are voting for the Democratc Party of 1860. Yet when we talk about the racism of that time, we are told to stop living in the past. So to every republican here:


Because your party was for reparations, and today your party opposes them. Your party fought against the confederacy, today your party defends the confederacy, talks about seceeding and flies the confederate flag. Today it is the Republican party taking about a civil war. So get the fuck out of the past Republlicans, today your party is the white supreacy party.
The gop was literally created as a party to end slavery

We don’t have to live in the past to recognize your racist party, your leader is a rich white guy that I fought against desegration of schools, worshipped Easrland and gave the eulogy to a Klan leader

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