How Is The Confederate Flag Considered A Hate Symbol?

Actually scratch that my mistake as it was the flag they used but it was more about the freedom to be their own people than it was about slavery itself.
Nope, it was about slavery. That's how the rich plantation owners got the poor white sharecroppers to fight for their right to own slaves, when it was obvious the people doing the fighting were too poor to ever afford a slave.

But that's how the rich, convince the poor to be their bidding, by calling it a fight for states rights.
What he said is so stupid and intellectually arrested, on so many levels, that I couldn't bring myself to try and parse it all.
Today's White Liberal is nothing like that of yesterday.
Todays White Liberal has been hijaked into only one
version OR White leftist.
Democrats Daniel Patrick Moynihan was a White Liberal.
He was a good Democrat.May explain why Hillary wasted no time
in snatching up Moynihans seat when he retired.
Hillary quickly found a place in New York to establish as a
residence.That's how a leftist does bidness.By Hook and Crook.
Americans be forewarned.
Nope, it was about slavery. That's how the rich plantation owners got the poor white sharecroppers to fight for their right to own slaves, when it was obvious the people doing the fighting were too poor to ever afford a slave.

But that's how the rich, convince the poor to be their bidding, by calling it a fight for states rights.
We should have treated the CSA as territories, and tebels as Indians. Repopulated the South wirh freed men an immigrants. No Jim Crow. No KKK. NO MAGAs .
Nope, it was about slavery. That's how the rich plantation owners got the poor white sharecroppers to fight for their right to own slaves, when it was obvious the people doing the fighting were too poor to ever afford a slave.

But that's how the rich, convince the poor to be their bidding, by calling it a fight for states rights.
No, it was a symbol of the south wanting freedom from the United States. The Confederate States would also abolish slavery in return for the blacks serving in their military.
We should have treated the CSA as territories, and tebels as Indians. Repopulated the South wirh freed men an immigrants. No Jim Crow. No KKK. NO MAGAs .
We first had to reunite the nation, and giving the former CSA states their autonomy back before they were ready.

The Compromise of 1877

The Compromise of 1877 resolved the disputed 1876 presidential election between Democratic candidate Samuel Tilden and Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes.

Democrats agreed that Rutherford B. Hayes would become president in exchange for the withdrawal of federal troops from the South and the granting of home rule in the South.

President Hayes’ withdrawal of federal troops from Louisiana and South Carolina marked a major turning point in American political history, effectively ending the Reconstruction Era and issuing in the system of Jim Crow.
No, it was a symbol of the south wanting freedom from the United States. The Confederate States would also abolish slavery in return for the blacks serving in their military.
A devils bargin.

Kinda like Putin letting hardened prisoners out of jail, and reducing their sentence if they joined the army.
No, it was a symbol of the south wanting freedom from the United States. The Confederate States would also abolish slavery in return for the blacks serving in their military.
It was the last vestige of British influence as well. If the nation was to be united all British influence had to be eradicated. Manasseh had to increase; Ephraim had to decrease. After the Civil War American began its rise to world power while Britain began its decline.

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