Kamala’s running mate, Tim Walz, gave thumbs up to Chinese communism as a teacher

I appreciate your interpretation of Walz's comments. But there are many others who seem to have been left with the impression his comments imply support of China’s system:

As a high school teacher, Walz presented to students favorable picture of communism in China

Walz’s China ties garner attention, provoke GOP criticism
Tim Walz has fawned over Communist China: Doesn't have to be 'adversarial relationship'
Walz Praised Chinese Communism as a System Where 'Everyone Shares'
Walz Praises Communist China in Unearthed Article | Headline USA

So, since Walz is running to be Vice President of the United States, does he not have a duty to explain and clarify to the public why he once made such comments, and if he has changed his previous views, and if he condemns China’s system which the CCP openly and proudly asserts the tenets of “Marxism-Leninism” are “. . . correct and have tremendous vitality”?


In every oppressive country like communist China, socialist Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, etc., where the people are disarmed, they suffer the loss of inalienable rights under an iron fisted government which lives large off the people’s labor. Forewarned is forearmed.

Wow, this sounds like a good thing.

Our biggest problem with China is that our leaders really don't understand Chinese culture or history. It would be nice to see someone who does.
And just not seeing anything horrifying there.

Everyone is taken care of?

My wife is from China. One of the things that horrifies her is when she sees homeless people. This is something you'd never see in China.
Last time china repoeted it’s homeless rate there were nearly 2.6 million people on avg every day.
The Chinese are currently eating our lunch.

While we are only worried about making the rich richer, they've lifted 300 million people into the middle class in the last generation.

Yes and no. It depends on who's making the assessment:

American Enterprise Institute is the right wing assessment.

The Diplomat gives high marks to Biden's approach, and the success he's had in curbing Xi's worst tendencies.

Republicans continue to allow the Chinese to run away with green manufacturing. China now has 40% of the world market for climate change technology, while American Republicans deny the existence of man made climate change.

Big Oil has now convinced Republicans that conversion to green energy is a waste of money and won't help the situation. How do they think Elon Musk got to be the richest man on the planet? By designing and selling clean energy systems.

Why are Americans not wanting in on this???

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