Kamala’s running mate, Tim Walz, gave thumbs up to Chinese communism as a teacher

Whine about it some more. It'll work next time. No, really, pinkie swear.

In case you don't know (and it appears you don't), Communism is NOT A GOOD THING. The left has been preaching for years that it's great! It only ever failed because the US interfered! And if it failed on its own, it wasn't real Communism! Trust me! When WE'RE in charge, it'll be great!

Only it won't ever be great. It's a failed, murderous ideology that will fail every time because it does not take human nature into account. 120+ million killed in the 20th Century, and morons want to give it another shot?

There are two types of Western Communists:

1. The Troo Beleever, indoctrinated since youth by a combo of Type 1 and Type 2. Hand-waves away the experiences of those who survived Communist regimes. Rarely been out of their home state. Hates capitalism yet has the latest iPhone and an expensive college degree. Dumb as a box of rocks. Thinks they'll be a video game reviewer after the Revolution instead of a 12-hour-a-day, 6-days-a-week laborer in the dimly-lit and dangerous Glorious People's Tractor Factory #12. Much of academia and their students fall into this category. Relatively harmless except they vote, and they always vote stupid.

2. The Realist. Knows that Communism can't work as advertised -- but wants a Revolution so he can control other people. Completely. Like, power-of-life-and-death control. Wants to send the Secret Police after Thoughtcriminals. Wants a dacha outside of town, with a chauffeured car to take him there. Big office and a seat on the Politburo. Absolutely cannot be trusted, even with a Little League bake sale. Many of these are in politics.

Your acknowledgment is neither sought nor required. Don't make the mistake of believing it is.
Your right Communism is not a good thing. SO WHY DO YOU SUPPORT PUTIN???

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