Remember these 3 loveley women destroying a fast food place for more sauce?

The leftists like to go back 100 years in history to try to excuse the abhorrent behavior of these awful “ladies”.

You notice that every time the Jews go into McDonalds and trash the place and assault employees, nobody excuses them because of the Holocaust?

Oh wait….
I said nothing to excuse their disgusting behavior. I only pointed out similar behavior has happened before.
Well you seemed to take exception to calling such behavior brazen.

And I want to be fair here. We should always keep things in context. This WAS a sensational news story , not because three black girls flipped out in a restaurant,
But because of the excessivness of their actions .
Probably being that it was 4 AM and based on how they were dressed they were out drinking and their minds were addled.

But my main concern about these types of happenings is that in days past… the crowd standing around doing nothing would have tried to stop them. Today it’s more accepted as compared to 20 years ago… and we have seen an uptick in this where participants in these things feel somehow justified or deserving.

I see it as a step backwards in society. And as I have already pointed out, this by no means represents the entire black community.. not by a long shot …. It’s just the lack of pushback against it that is disturbing. It needs to come down from the top… but there is only silence
I understand that many things seem a certain way for you, but reality doesn't match your assumptions. No problem. I know you are just another nasty cult member and can't help himself. Obviously, you would have taken it as your duty to escalate things knowing it could have become much worse. That's what selfish hotheads do.
Total savages! :cuckoo:
So what happened to them? Were they arrested, and in jail awaiting trial for their criminal actions?

Until the Democrat-run cities hold people responsible for their uncivilized and destructive behavior, they will just keep doing it. instead, we have liberals condemning the ones who speak out against this reprehensible behavior.
I understand that many things seem a certain way for you, but reality doesn't match your assumptions. No problem. I know you are just another nasty cult member and can't help himself. Obviously, you would have taken it as your duty to escalate things knowing it could have become much worse. That's what selfish hotheads do.
See what I mean? This is just what I was talking about. A non-liberal comments on how there has been a drop in society - this type of thing would never have been seen even 20 years ago - and that a response has to come from the top, and up steps a liberal calling HIM a “selfish hothead”.

I see this pattern all the time. Liberals are so desperate to defend and excuse horrible behavior (when it comes from blacks) that they castigate the person who dares speak up against it. It would be a different story if Jews came in and trashed a store, threatening employees and breaking valuable equipment (as if THAT would happen); then libs would be fast to talk about how awful Jews are.

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