Israeli Torture And Rape

HAMAS supporter don’t care about anything but defending Islam. They would happily forgive 1,000 dead children for the sake of Allah.

So are you saying that the people on your side should stop calling Jews who support Israel “Nazis” and “Himmler”? And lying about Israel committing genocide, as you just did?

Given the eagerness with which "antisemite" and "Jew hater" are directed at individuals, I don't think there's any basis to grumble about generalizations like "Nazis" for those Zionists who support Israel's barbarity.
Given the eagerness with which "antisemite" and "Jew hater" are directed at individuals, I don't think there's any basis to grumble about generalizations like "Nazis" for those Zionists who support Israel's barbarity.
^^^ and another disgusting antidemitic Democrat steps back into the fray.

You have been reported for repeatingly calling me a Nazi, which is a disgusting slur to level against a Jew - and a clear indication of antisemitism.
You are being disingenuous. She was comparing specific acts. She was not declaring a collective ethnic moral superiority.
Then we must simply disagree on how to interpret this sentence then:

There’s no genocide going on, you antisemite. After one year, 99.5% of the GAZANS remain alive, thanks to Israel’s restraint even after a massacre worse than any day of the Holocaust. Speaks to Jews’ superior morality.

The last sentence states clearly that the writer believes (all) Jews have superior morality, and that it means superior to non-Jews. No mention is made of "Hamas" the perverse post even implies that the 40,000+ dead is trifling by stating that 99.5% of the population are not dead.

At what percentage would it become significant? if 75% were still alive, would she boast about that too?

Under no circumstances would I agree that the Israeli Zionism is morally superior to the Hamas Resistance. Each side has and does engage in terrorism, yet the Zionists far exceed Hamas in terms of the numbers of victims and the immorality of their goals.

If a man killed ten people at a party, in some attempt to kill another individual, would we excuse that? would we accept a claim like "well, hold on, 95% of the part goers remain alive, I mean come on man!" and shrug the deaths off? is that really someone's understanding of what a "superior" morality is?

If a man kills all of my family except me, as he tries to eliminate a single target, am I to applaud him and credit that man with "restraint" because I was not also murdered? only in the mind of a racial supremacist can such words be taken seriously.

It is objectively morally superior to protect innocent lives than it is to rape, torture, murder, abduct, starve, execute innocent lives.

I agree, but such a scenario has no place in the current conversation because who is "protecting innocent lives"? Israel is a foreign colonizing power acting as a US proxy, it should not be there, certainly not in the form that it exists currently. The Zionists need to stop implying too, that Hamas is a cause of problems because Hamas is a symptom of the occupation, it represents the collective reaction to almost one hundred years of ethnic cleansing, racial abuse, apartheid and denial of rights to millions of people.
^^^ and another disgusting antidemitic Democrat steps back into the fray.

You have been reported for repeatingly calling me a Nazi, which is a disgusting slur to level against a Jew - and a clear indication of antisemitism.
Very well, let us agree I promise I will not call you a Nazi if you will never again call me an antisemite or call me a Jew hater, can we agree?
Very well, let us agree I promise I will not call you a Nazi if you will never again call me an antisemite or call me a Jew hater, can we agree?
No, because you ARE an antisemite, as evidenced by what you’ve said repeatedly over the last weeks. And I am NOT a Nazi.

So it’s not a fair deal.
The last sentence states clearly that the writer believes (all) Jews have superior morality, and that it means superior to non-Jews.

All men are created equal. Not all cultures are.

If a man kills all of my family except me, as he tries to eliminate a single target, am I to applaud him and credit that man with "restraint"? only in the mind of a racial supremacist can such words be taken seriously.
Is it not preferable to the man who purposefully tries to kill all of your family?

This is the cowboys and Indians narrative again, the goodies vs the baddies fairy tale. Just as other colonizing ideologies have done, the indigenous population are depicted as savages, animals, uncivilized, a threat to the well meaning colonizer who is moral, principled and oh so torn by it all, the well meaning invader who struggles hard to do the right thing.
All men are created equal. Not all cultures are.
You think she was talking about culture?
Is it not preferable to the man who purposefully tries to kill all of your family?
You avoided the question that was in there, here it is again:

If a man kills all of my family except me, as he tries to eliminate a single target, am I to applaud him and credit that man with "restraint"?

Yes or No.
Then we must simply disagree on how to interpret this sentence then:

There’s no genocide going on, you antisemite. After one year, 99.5% of the GAZANS remain alive, thanks to Israel’s restraint even after a massacre worse than any day of the Holocaust. Speaks to Jews’ superior morality.

The last sentence states clearly that the writer believes (all) Jews have superior morality, and that it means superior to non-Jews. No mention is made of "Hamas" the perverse post even implies that the 40,000+ dead is trifling by stating that 99.5% of the population are not dead.

At what percentage would it become significant? if 75% were still alive, would she boast about that too?

Under no circumstances would I agree that the Israeli Zionism is morally superior to the Hamas Resistance. Each side has and does engage in terrorism, yet the Zionists far exceed Hamas in terms of the numbers of victims and the immorality of their goals.

If a man killed ten people at a party, in some attempt to kill another individual, would we excuse that? would we accept a claim like "well, hold on, 95% of the part goers remain alive, I mean come on man!" and shrug the deaths off? is that really someone's understanding of what a "superior" morality is?

If a man kills all of my family except me, as he tries to eliminate a single target, am I to applaud him and credit that man with "restraint" because I was not also murdered? only in the mind of a racial supremacist can such words be taken seriously.

I agree, but such a scenario has no place in the current conversation because who is "protecting innocent lives"? Israel is a foreign colonizing power acting as a US proxy, it should not be there, certainly not in the form that it exists currently. The Zionists need to stop implying too, that Hamas is a cause of problems because Hamas is a symptom of the occupation, it represents the collective reaction to almost one hundred years of ethnic cleansing, racial abuse, apartheid and denial of rights to millions of people.
Let me simplify it for you since your pro-Muslim, anti-Jew bias is confusing you:

I said that Jews are morally superior to HAMAS and the Palestinians who support them. If you think that people who take steps to limit civilian casualties as morally equivalent to savages who intentionally hunt down and to torture to death as many civilians as possible, then you’re nuts.

Have so many Democrats become so antisemitic that they cannot admit that Jews are morally superior to Islamic terrorists?!
No, because you ARE an antisemite, as evidenced by what you’ve said repeatedly over the last weeks. And I am NOT a Nazi.
I see little point in even responding to you any more then, I have no time for silliness like that, I'm here to challenge canards and shed light on lesser know history and facts, you are quite incidental to that goal.
So it’s not a fair deal.
This is the cowboys and Indians narrative again, the goodies vs the baddies fairy tale. Just as other colonizing ideologies have done, the indigenous population are depicted as savages, animals, uncivilized, a threat to the well meaning colonizer who is moral, principled and oh so torn by it all, the well meaning invader who struggles hard to do the right thing.
The Muslims kicked nearly 1 million Jews out of their homes on multiple Arab countries. Why never a mention about THAT!?
This is the cowboys and Indians narrative again, the goodies vs the baddies fairy tale. Just as other colonizing ideologies have done, the indigenous population are depicted as savages, animals, uncivilized, a threat to the well meaning colonizer who is moral, principled and oh so torn by it all, the well meaning invader who struggles hard to do the right thing.
Blah blah blah. You picked your side so save the dramatics.
Blah blah blah. You picked your side so save the dramatics.
You know, just between you and me, I think there’s another reason besides just antisemitism for the libs siding with the HAMAS side. HAMAS and their Palestinian supporters represent a backwards people incapable of much, and the Israelis represent a modern, developed people.

Libs hate that. It’s the same reason they side with illegals over law-abiding citizens, and lowlife thugs over decent people: they hate the people who are better.

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