Liberal educators are breaking the law in Oklahoma

“that dozens of superintendents are blowing off a Walters directive announced this past summer that "all Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible, which includes the Ten Commandments, as an instructional support into the curriculum across specified grade levels, e.g., grades 5 through 12.””

What is it about “thou shall not kill” that lib educators do not understand?

What liberals don't understand is how you can claim to be a Christian nation:

  • and refuse asylum to refugees even the Bible says to help one another
  • allow women in crisis to bleed out and die when 80% of them could be saved
  • treat racial minorities as second class citizens
  • vote for a unrepentant liar and criminal like Donald Trump
  • refuse service to "sinners", even though the Bible says "treat others as you would like to be treated"
The Bible also says that: ".. .. ... faith by itself, if it is not accompanies by action, is dead". You can't call yourself a Christian Nation, and then refuse to live by even the most basic of Christian principles.

These people calling themselves Christians seem obsessed with sexual morality as base all of their definitions of who is moral and who is not, based on their sexual behaviour, excluding Donald Trump of course. Only ONE of the 10 Commandments dealt with sexual behaviour.

Radical Christian Nationalists don't want to shun and shame adulterers, which is banned by the 10 Commandments. They're not refusing to bake cakes for people who lie, murder, blaspheme or commit adultery - all of which are the great sins of the 10 Commandments. They're shunning homosexuals who wish to make a lifelong commitment to one another.

And that's why I don't believe they are in any way sincere in refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.
What liberals don't understand is how you can claim to be a Christian nation:

  • and refuse asylum to refugees even the Bible says to help one another
  • allow women in crisis to bleed out and die when 80% of them could be saved
  • treat racial minorities as second class citizens
  • vote for a unrepentant liar and criminal like Donald Trump
  • refuse service to "sinners", even though the Bible says "treat others as you would like to be treated"
The Bible also says that: ".. .. ... faith by itself, if it is not accompanies by action, is dead". You can't call yourself a Christian Nation, and then refuse to live by even the most basic of Christian principles.

These people calling themselves Christians seem obsessed with sexual morality as base all of their definitions of who is moral and who is not, based on their sexual behaviour, excluding Donald Trump of course. Only ONE of the 10 Commandments dealt with sexual behaviour.

Radical Christian Nationalists don't want to shun and shame adulterers, which is banned by the 10 Commandments. They're not refusing to bake cakes for people who lie, murder, blaspheme or commit adultery - all of which are the great sins of the 10 Commandments. They're shunning homosexuals who wish to make a lifelong commitment to one another.

And that's why I don't believe they are in any way sincere in refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.
Oh, YOU’RE the one liberal that should tell society what to accept, as you pick and choose what parts of the commandments to follow? GTFOH…
There is NO place in the bible that tells you who to vote for.
This thought would just distract you from a vote for the person who actually knows the job, And has integrity,

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