Site very slow today but only when I'm logged in

There's not much I can do, its conceivable that others are experiencing this issue and unwilling to try and post in this feedback forum, so we'd never really know how many are impacted, if people can't access a system they can't report a problem with the system, perhaps someone has done this to me maliciously...
Or worse, his computer's possessed with demons and needs an exorcism.

I know a couple Catholics who who could perform one.

I say that, because a few of us where I’m located right now, were noticing certain anomalies on our l phones.
There's not much I can do, its conceivable that others are experiencing this issue and unwilling to try and post in this feedback forum, so we'd never really know how many are impacted, if people can't access a system they can't report a problem with the system, perhaps someone has done this to me maliciously...
I use Firefox and if logged in a long time it slows down. Logoff for a couple. Bing claimed theirs didn't but it does too.
You running too many socks?
It's very possible you're being monitored from a distance... Meaning that everything you type and send goes somewhere else first... Same thing with stuff that's sent to you. Then it comes to you. I've heard about this before.....
I found this similar report from 8 years ago. In my case though I am unaware of any moderator concerns, no indication of account itself being formally restricted, nothing in my inbox either.

I found this similar report from 8 years ago. In my case though I am unaware of any moderator concerns, no indication of account itself being formally restricted, nothing in my inbox either.

Is your ex-wife one of the moderators?? 😃
I found this similar report from 8 years ago. In my case though I am unaware of any moderator concerns, no indication of account itself being formally restricted, nothing in my inbox either.

Just thought of something, shut off your modem for a couple minutes. Police here advised doing that periodically as someone could hijack your modem. I assume you did a virus scan previously.
Just thought of something, shut off your modem for a couple minutes. Police here advised doing that periodically as someone could hijack your modem. I assume you did a virus scan previously.
Yeah It's a good idea.... It changes up something the access when you shut down for a few minutes and restart the modem.
I found this similar report from 8 years ago. In my case though I am unaware of any moderator concerns, no indication of account itself being formally restricted, nothing in my inbox either.
Might be worth PMing an admin to see if your account had any restrictions put on it. Try AyeCan'tSeeYou
It's very possible you're being monitored from a distance... Meaning that everything you type and send goes somewhere else first... Same thing with stuff that's sent to you. Then it comes to you. I've heard about this before.....
I'm a software designer, the PC is mine, and only I use it. The system is regularly virus scanned too by the built in MS tools for Windows 11.
If you're using a VPN, then switch to a different server. Try several different ones until one works right.

I had the same problem a while back and that was ultimately the solution.

A lot of times the servers are just overloaded or their caches not maintained, depending on the particular VPN.
Might be worth PMing an admin to see if your account had any restrictions put on it. Try AyeCan'tSeeYou
If he has a recovery system on his computer he should recover to a week ago which would eliminate anything that was installed nefariously since then.
I'm a software designer, the PC is mine, and only I use it. The system is regularly virus scanned too by the built in MS tools for Windows 11.
Have you tried doing a system recovery to a week earlier? If anything has been installed nefariously that should clean it out.

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