Liberal educators are breaking the law in Oklahoma

“that dozens of superintendents are blowing off a Walters directive announced this past summer that "all Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible, which includes the Ten Commandments, as an instructional support into the curriculum across specified grade levels, e.g., grades 5 through 12.””

What is it about “thou shall not kill” that lib educators do not understand?
....and yet Christians in America have been killing folks for centuries.
No it should not.

America is founded and based on Christianity. That's part of what took us from nothing to a world super power in record time.

Christianity is the overall religion of the land. Just like were an English speaking country, were based on capitalism, it's why we have a 2 party system, we have the right to free speech and so on.

Now freedom of religion means people can have their churches and believe what they want and practice their religion in their homes. But what that doesn't mean is every religion must be taught to every person.

To live in America means you need to conform to America's morals, values and standards in a general sense. If you can't conform then you shouldn't be here. To live in America means you're an American and as a American you accept certain laws and customs of America.

If America bows to every person's wishes and tries to please every person then we cease to be everything that makes America America.

America was NOT founded or based on Christianity. Article IV of the Constitution.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

You claim you have to "confirm to America's morals, values and standards" to live in the USA. Can you provide a link to this "requirement" either in the Constitution or in law????

To live in the USA, you have to conform to ALL of the laws, not just "certain ones", but there is absolutely no requirement that you confirm to any "customs" whatsoever. Exactly what "customs" do YOU demand that people accept??

Seems to me you want to use and abuse anyone who isn't white, male, straight, or Republican.
Your Constitution requires that the secular world and the religious world be kept separate. Your nation was founded by Protestants fleeing the religious violence and persecution of the Reformation.

The USA was founded as the Spanish Inquisition was still ongoing. Virtually all of the wars of the last 2000 years in Europe, have some religious component to them. The Catholic Church has been intimately involved with European monarchs and governments since it's founding, and not for the betterment of humanity, but in order to preserve their own wealth and power.

Your Founders did not want religious wars or religious influence on their government. Now you have a large faction of ultra right wing CATHOLICS, which want to take over the US government. They've got the Supreme Court (6 of the nine justices are Catholic), and now they're going for the White House.

Individuals in government still have the same rights as do citizens. You do understand that we start Congress everyday with a prayer?
Your Constitution requires that the secular world and the religious world be kept separate. Your nation was founded by Protestants fleeing the religious violence and persecution of the Reformation.

The USA was founded as the Spanish Inquisition was still ongoing. Virtually all of the wars of the last 2000 years in Europe, have some religious component to them. The Catholic Church has been intimately involved with European monarchs and governments since it's founding, and not for the betterment of humanity, but in order to preserve their own wealth and power.

Your Founders did not want religious wars or religious influence on their government. Now you have a large faction of ultra right wing CATHOLICS, which want to take over the US government. They've got the Supreme Court (6 of the nine justices are Catholic), and now they're going for the White House.
The current President is Catholic and most recent two-time Speaker of the House are Catholic.
He’s a good example of why we should keep the commandments

Even King David suffered from his sins

If you believe that, the best way to prove that is to lead by example and not support those who proudly violate them.

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