To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

Keep living in your make up fantasy world. Reality will hit at some point, hopefully not when you die and meet Jesus, when it will be too late

You’re voting for a serial adulterer, sexual predator, con man, and convicted fraud artist and you’re telling others to worry about facing Judgement Day?????

What was that about worrying about the speck in your neighbours eye, while ignoring the plank in your own?
And as always, thanks for the daily reminder of Fat Elvis' 2020 Wisconsin election loss.

You will have a new graph to lie about soon.
Shut your fucking mouth racist LOL
You know...when you accuse someone of telling "lies" it's something that's usually accompanied with an example of the lie you think has been told! Otherwise why bother making the accusation?

For as long as I have been on this forum, all you people have is lie, pass on lies and engage cheap, meaningless conspiracy theories because you refuse accept the truth Cheeto Benito is a Convicted Felon and an Adjudicated Rapist. He fucking lost in 2020. His cognitive/mental acuity is in steep decline. He literally shits in his pants daily. He needs a golf to go 100-Yards and consumes Big Mac like they are going out stye.

Calling what I post "False News" because you do not believe in the truth shows how far deep you gone into Cult of the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Russian Loving Orange Shit Gibbon. You believe lie he tells you and you go back for more.

You have no plan, planning takes thought and the Cult does not allow for thought.
For as long as I have been on this forum, all you people have is lie, pass on lies and engage cheap, meaningless conspiracy theories because you refuse accept the truth Cheeto Benito is a Convicted Felon and an Adjudicated Rapist. He fucking lost in 2020. His cognitive/mental acuity is in steep decline. He literally shits in his pants daily. He needs a golf to go 100-Yards and consumes Big Mac like they are going out stye.

Calling what I post "False News" because you do not believe in the truth shows how far deep you gone into Cult of the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Russian Loving Orange Shit Gibbon. You believe lie he tells you and you go back for more.

You have no plan, planning takes thought and the Cult does not allow for thought.
You expect people to take you seriously and then you accuse them of telling lies in a post where YOU tell multiple lies?

Trump's cognitive/mental acuity is not in steep decline. The difference between Trump and Biden was glaring.
Trump was "convicted" by far left prosecutors, judges and juries...all of which will most likely be overturned on appeal!
Trump did lose in 2020 and the country and the world are the worse for that!
Biden was the one had problems with public flatulence...not Trump!
I'm a golf professional...I watched Trump team up with Bryson Dechambeau in a charity event and was blown away by how good a golfer he is at his age!
Keep living in your make up fantasy world. Reality will hit at some point, hopefully not when you die and meet Jesus, when it will be too late
Although I believe Jesus was a very good man with a beautiful philosophy on how we should be living our lives ; I am not a so-called Christian because they have allowed the old testament hatreds to pollute the philosophy that Jesus was trying to to teach. By Jesus' s own standards , I would hate to be trump or anyone else that professes lies and hatred in him name. Especially those who honestly believe they are Christians.
Although I believe Jesus was a very good man with a beautiful philosophy on how we should be living our lives ; I am not a so-called Christian because they have allowed the old testament hatreds to pollute the philosophy that Jesus was trying to to teach. By Jesus' s own standards , I would hate to be trump or anyone else that professes lies and hatred in him name. Especially those who honestly believe they are Christians.
so you are not a Christian because of how humans act?

Wow... basing your entire philosophy in life on THAT?!

That's terrible. You do realize all humans are sinners and prone to error, right?
so you are not a Christian because of how humans act?

Wow... basing your entire philosophy in life on THAT?!

That's terrible. You do realize all humans are sinners and prone to error, right?
Jesus philosophy was good. Unfortunately so-named Christians didn't follow it.
You expect people to take you seriously and then you accuse them of telling lies in a post where YOU tell multiple lies?

Trump's cognitive/mental acuity is not in steep decline. The difference between Trump and Biden was glaring.
Trump was "convicted" by far left prosecutors, judges and juries...all of which will most likely be overturned on appeal!
Trump did lose in 2020 and the country and the world are the worse for that!
Biden was the one had problems with public flatulence...not Trump!
I'm a golf professional...I watched Trump team up with Bryson Dechambeau in a charity event and was blown away by how good a golfer he is at his age!

If you golf like P01135809, then you lie, cheat and steal just like he does.
man With OUT a plan spews his drivel. He has no plan. Plans require thinking. There is NO thinking MAGA MAGGOT LAND, you believe what you told to believe and spread the lies that the Orange Shit Gibbon vomits out of his mouth.

MWOP, you hero rants about sinking electric boats and sharks. Shit in his pants (literally) everyday of the week. He sucks up to dictators like Kim Jung Un and offers them a ride on AF-1. You were at one time amusing, now you're boring as hell. No original thought process, just regurgitated lies.

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