To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

If you believe trump is the answer to anything good you're the one living in a fantasy world.
dims are so dim. What the hell are you talking about: answer to anything good?

What? You want to fix something that is already good?

geez.. get educated or something
trump defunded the immigration courts which in turn backed up cases twice as long which in turn encouraged more undocumented immigration. They simply built up in throngs at the border waiting him out. That's why there was such a flood of immigrants when Biden took over. Trump solved nothing.
I'll believe things when I hear them from a reliable person or news source
dims are so dim. What the hell are you talking about: answer to anything good?

What? You want to fix something that is already good?

geez.. get educated or something
Trump destroys everything and everyone he touches. America can't afford another of his administrations . He nearly doubled the national debt and most of that spending was before COVID came on the scene. Perhaps he thinks he could declare bankruptcy like he often does. That doesn't work with nations , especially one as powerful as the US . That would destroy US and most likely send the rest of the world into a depression of unheard of deminsions. But of course trump doesn't look at the big picture , just immediate , vain satisfaction. More importantly he doesn't care.

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