To Everybody Calling Trump Mean

I wonder if MWOP was one of dupes who those trading cards that did not exist with money that is not real? Or he one idiots bought into Bannon's "Build The Wall" scam. He seems the type.
man With OUT a plan spews his drivel. He has no plan. Plans require thinking. There is NO thinking MAGA MAGGOT LAND, you believe what you told to believe and spread the lies that the Orange Shit Gibbon vomits out of his mouth.

MWOP, you hero rants about sinking electric boats and sharks. Shit in his pants (literally) everyday of the week. He sucks up to dictators like Kim Jung Un and offers them a ride on AF-1. You were at one time amusing, now you're boring as hell. No original thought process, just regurgitated lies.
What are you going to do when your electric boat sinks dimwit?
This is a LIE

no wonder no one wants to read dim posts. No wonder people are saying Here, Kitty, kitty

There is a #1 BEST SELLING book that came out;

Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever​

"From Rick Wilson—longtime Republican strategist, political commentator, Daily Beast contributor—the #1 New York Times bestseller about the disease that is destroying the conservative movement and burning down the GOP: Trumpism."
If you golf like P01135809, then you lie, cheat and steal just like he does.
Joe Biden pretends to have an 8 handicap. That's laughable. Joe would be doing great if he could hit a ball fifty yards. Do you remember him challenging Trump to a round of golf? My prediction is that Trump would beat Biden by a good forty shots.
man With OUT a plan spews his drivel. He has no plan. Plans require thinking. There is NO thinking MAGA MAGGOT LAND, you believe what you told to believe and spread the lies that the Orange Shit Gibbon vomits out of his mouth.

MWOP, you hero rants about sinking electric boats and sharks. Shit in his pants (literally) everyday of the week. He sucks up to dictators like Kim Jung Un and offers them a ride on AF-1. You were at one time amusing, now you're boring as hell. No original thought process, just regurgitated lies.
All of you on the left refuse to talk about policy...because it's obvious that Trump's worked and Biden/Harris's didn't work.

Instead you try your best to deflect attention from policy to personal attacks.

I'm not playing that game, O311. This isn't about's about what works and what doesn't.
He even manage bankrupt casino's. How can you bankrupt a casino.....I wonder how much money was walked of counting room.
His dad bought a great sum of chips he never cashed in to keep it running but trump still took the money and ran. To his own dad. That's sick !
All of you on the left refuse to talk about policy...because it's obvious that Trump's worked and Biden/Harris's didn't work.

Instead you try your best to deflect attention from policy to personal attacks.

I'm not playing that game, O311. This isn't about's about what works and what doesn't.
You are really screwed up. You got it totally ass backwards. Go figure !
Who do you think will have the better policies to secure the border, Stann?
Absolutely well-thought out plans that reduce immigration court times ( the major reason for undocumented immigration ) and actually address immigration for a change. No effective system has been in place since before the Reagan years. Far too long for a superpower like the US. don't want to talk policy on the border...or inflation...

Who's foreign policy do you think will bring peace to the Middle East?
Biden and Harris 's . Please don't tell me about trump's peace plan which no significant players in the area signed on to. That was a joke
Absolutely well-thought out plans that reduce immigration court times ( the major reason for undocumented immigration ) and actually address immigration for a change. No effective system has been in place since before the Reagan years. Far too long for a superpower like the US.
Wouldn't reducing immigration court times be an incentive for more migrants to come to the US? We can't handle the ones we have now. Why would we want to speed up the process to bring in more?
Biden and Harris 's . Please don't tell me about trump's peace plan which no significant players in the area signed on to. That was a joke
Trump had the Abraham Accords, Stann. Three different peace accords between Arab nations and Israel.
What has Biden/Harris done to promote peace in the Middle East?
Wouldn't reducing immigration court times be an incentive for more migrants to come to the US? We can't handle the ones we have now. Why would we want to speed up the process to bring in more?
Do you believe we have the right to turn them away ? According to the Constitution if they say they are seeking asylum.we cannot turn them away. That's why the immigration courts are the way to go. They can weigh the evidence and accept those documented individuals or send the ones that aren't telling the truth back home. Undocumented people often get lost in the system. This is the best way to deal with it. In times of crisis ( here ) we can declare quotas too. But whatever we do has to be done legally. We are not a fascist state.

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