Public Schools again Find a Way to Mess Kids Up

Do you teach in a prison setting.

Dear Lord.

I have taught for 40 years, and have yet to experience what you experience, and you teach Elementary Music, and you contend that you are all put at real physical risk by violent, out of control students every single day.
Six year old children.
Says any administration that spend tens, and even hundreds of thousands of dollars on standardized test preperation, but doesn't install metal detectors at schools.
Metal detectors don’t work. I have taught in schools where every student had to get scanned like they were at the airport and kids still smuggled in guns and knives and drugs and whatever.
Metal detectors don’t work. I have taught in schools where every student had to get scanned like they were at the airport and kids still smuggled in guns and knives and drugs and whatever.
Here are four examples where they did work:

We'll never know how many lives those metal detectors saved.

Sure, if students (and adults) are not required to pass through them to enter the building, they "don't work."

That's why training and enforcement is needed. But that costs money. Money that could go to yet another canned "intervention" program.

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