1.3 million Americans lose their job in August under Biden.

This is why we seasonally adjust. Employment always goes down in August when teenagers and college students go back to school.
I call total BS on that one.... Hispanics are working the jobs teens used to over the Summer.

LOL.....I saw one of those green College Hunks Hauling Junk over at a house that was being cleaned out (old guy died) so it could be put up for sale.....They should have called it Hispanics Hauling Junk.
I call total BS on that one.... Hispanics are working the jobs teens used to over the Summer.

LOL.....I saw one of those green College Hunks Hauling Junk over at a house that was being cleaned out (old guy died) so it could be put up for sale.....They should have called it Hispanics Hauling Junk.
Do you know anyone in college?
Do you know anyone in college?
LOL....Just kids of my peers, in some cases the kids of their kids.

The only ones I know of that work are the kids/grandkids of guys that are still running a company that deals in the trades.

She's out of college now by a few years but one young woman made money by buying yard sale stuff on Friday and Saturday and selling it at the flea market on Sunday.
Hispanics are working the jobs teens used to over the Summer.
Does the LINK say that?

Or are you just projecting again, as usual?

Every Teen can still get a job over the summer, if they want one.
I have yet to meet a teen, that offers your opinion of...."I just can't find a summer job."

How about you, do you know teens that 'just can't find a job.'?
All new jobs went to non-citizens while over a million Americans lost theirs.

Another example of how Biden/Harris hate America and Americans in favor of illegals.

This just in from Dem leaders..."Who gives a shit."
All new jobs went to non-citizens while over a million Americans lost theirs.

Another example of how Biden/Harris hate America and Americans in favor of illegals.

Lefty's responses:
1. Nothing to see here, move along.
2. No proof illegals are taking Americans' jobs.
3. Things were worse under Trump.

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